Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Government s Military Interventions Toward Native Peoples...
The primary memory of United States’ westward expansion in the 19th century is one of triumph because it doubled the nation’s territory and increased trade. However, the Old West during the 19th century was characterized by America’s brutal obsession with expansion and the concept of American exceptionalism. In Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, Judge Holden celebrates the human nature of violence and its necessity to find order in chaos. Blinded by the greed for control, he refuses to acknowledge the norms of civilized behavior. Similarly, under the principles of the Manifest Destiny, the U.S. government’s military interventions toward Native peoples overlooked violence. These parallels reflect the exceptionalist idea that one is inherently more virtuous and entitled to higher purposes. Historians and primary accounts confirm the parallelism that McCarthy draws between violence and American history. Therefore, preconceived notions about the positive aspec ts of American expansionism are overturned by the significance of its underlying violence. Attempts to justify westward expansion with Manifest Destiny advocated the pursuit of historical erasure. The American westward movement rooted from the brutality of American exceptionalism and destructive manipulation of history. A New York Daily Times article in 1851 romanticized Manifest Destiny as a â€Å"national progress†where the nation â€Å"thirsts for freedom in the furthest ends of the earth†(â€Å"Annexation in the Pacific†). TheShow MoreRelatedEssay on Oil Industry and Nigerian Development4319 Words  | 18 Pagessafe assumption should be that Nigeria is among the leaders in development as a whole, or at least be progressing toward that. The oil industry has, however, interfered somewhat in the development of alternative industries. 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