Friday, August 16, 2019
Childcare: Child Development
Unit 1 – Understanding and promoting children and young people’s development Learners Declaration: I certify that the work submitted in this assignment is my own. Student Number.. eb1257620 Full Name †¦Mrs Debbie England Address†¦.. 1,Woodlands Residential Park Quakers Yard, Treharris CF46 5AR L/601/1693 Unit 1 NCFE LEVEL 3 EARLY LEARNING AND CHILDCARE Debbie England EB1257620 Q1a, Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years? 1a.All areas of development are important as each other, but children do not always develop at the same rate, but as soon as your bundle of joy is born they are their own little person. Areas of development from birth – 19 are : PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT including movement skills gross motor skills, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, from 0-6 months a child will turn head towards sounds and movement ,try to put everything in mouth, hold and reach out for things and reach to hold th eir feet whilst on back and when they are being fed they watch you and smile at a familiar face. Accompanying material: Explain the Reasons Why Children and Young People’s Development May Not Follow the Expected PatternBy the age of one a child has the ability to sit alone unaided. They are also getting inquisitive by looking for things that have been hidden, behind you or in your hand. Children also want to be picked up, so they lift arms up, they also want to stand up so they pull or push against adults or furniture, and not all children can crawl by this time but they might get around by shuffling on bottom or rolling around. Children also know their name by now and turn towards you when they are called, they like to play by passing objects from hand to hand and examine them by poking or prodding.By the age of two, a child has many talents, such as walking with or without toys, bending to pick up things from floor. Children have started to do a lot more with their hands such as Waving, pointing to what they want, building towers out of bricks, banging objects together and also feed themselves. And the ability to say no by shaking their head. You will also start to notice that they have a preference to which hand they want to use.By three years of age children are able to kick or throw a ball, kneel down to play with things and can build larger towers. Children also like water, so playing pouring with different shaped things is enjoyable for them . Between the ages of three and seven, children are more adept, they have mastered climbing stairs and gained more confidence to climb, walk on tiptoes and jump , also gained control of eating with cutlery which in turn should help with holding a crayon or pencil to draw.Throwing and kicking a ball with aim, using safety scissors and copying shapes and letters. As children get closer to seven they are climbing, jumping catching, skipping and riding a bicycle and are able to write. Between seven and twelve years of age children are experiencing the art of taking part in team games such as football, athleti cs etc. From twelve onwards we reach puberty. Not all girls and boys reach puberty at the same time, some are slower than others.Puberty can cause a lot of upset and anguish. For boys, at this age,, start getting taller, muscles start to grow, along with facial hair, their voice may break, they may experience acne due to oilier skin and it does not get any better because some boys experience slow pubertal growth so they feel different from the rest of their friends and causes upset and worry, so as a parent you need to be there to reassure them that their rate of development is not related to the final physical potential.For girls,, by the age of thirteen periods would have started, their breasts have developed and their bodies are fuller and rounder and by 15 it is likely that she has grown to her full height, some girls develop as early as eight, but some do not show changes until late teens. Sometimes it is hard for teenagers, they become totally preoccupied with their developmen t. They feel awkward and sometimes feel embarrassed. SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: includes forming relationships , learning social skills, self reliance, making decisions, caring for others and developing self-confidence and dealing with emotions. -3months, children of this age concentrate on an adults face when being fed and smiles, they respond to adults especially mothers face and voice and also very dependant on adults for comfort and reassurance when cuddled. Six -nine months children show affection to people they are used to ,but shy with strangers, they also like to play games like peek-a-boo. One to two years, children like to please people and like to be centre stage and perform, play along with other children, they can be cooperating but then can be istracted by unwanted behaviour and may become distressed if separated from a known adult, so they may need use a comfort object, e. g toy or blanket. Between two and three, a child will develop sense of own identity and s tart to be independent, act impulsively ,prone to bursts of emotional tantrums and demanding things, wanting things NOW, and craving attention. Three to four years, at this stage children become more caring to others, they like to share and they become more cooperative and want to help with everything. They also become more independent and more secure in unfamiliar places.Four to seven years, This age group need structure and routine to feel safe, when behaviour is bad they need limits to be set , they enjoy helping others. Often make friends but need a hand in resolving situations. They will learn a lot about the world and how it works , about people and relationships and develop understanding of rules. Seven to twelve years of age, Children start to form special relationships at about eight, they usually like to mix with children of same sex, because they become aware of own gender, they become less reliant on adults for support unless they need an adult to help sort out an argume nt.They enjoy being in groups of their own age but are strongly influenced by peers and want to fit into their rules. Children can be either arrogant, bossy or shy but they do develop an understanding that certain behaviour is not acceptable and why. Teenagers, teenagers become self-conscious as they notice changes to their body, they need reassurance more than anything else. Their body is going through emotional turmoil , they are tossed back and for between childish needs and adult desires, they are also being prepared for independence from their parents and closer to friends and relationships.Teenagers also get embarrassed and feel awkward and worry about making mistakes. INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT. Between 0 and three years of age, realise others are separate from themselves, they imitate and try different ways of behaving in play and they become more confident but still need reassurance. Three to four year olds are able to sort objects by size, shape , colour and type, e. g anima ls . They can also understand two or three things to do at once e. g ` fetch that beaker of water, give it to your brother and take empty beaker back to kitchen. Five to seven year olds .At this age children begin to understand differences can exist side by side, and about sameness and difference in various aspects of life and are able to see that the same amount of porridge can look different in another container. Seven to twelve year olds, are able to do things for themselves, read, and take interest in certain things. Twelve to sixteen, At this age, children turn to their friends, they are less concerned about adult approval, they want to follow their peers, dress the same, have the same games, behave the same way even wear the same clothes.LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. Between 0 and three months , babies start to make happy sounds, they watch peoples faces and try to copy, and enjoys music and other sounds. Babbling sounds begin between six and twelve months, they will laugh or chuckle and feel pleasure by making squealing noises, they turn their head towards sounds. At one children start to put words together and understand key words. By two they start to understand the art of speech and start to copy and by two they can use thirty to one hundred and fifty words.Between two and three, children are able to put words into a sentence, they can join in with songs or nursery rhymes, scribble on paper and by the time they are three can be using several hundred words and like all children they start to ask what? , when? And why? Three to four year olds start to use pitch and tone, their vocabulary can be up to fifteen hundred words by now and including past tense, also their scribble becomes more controlled. Four to five year olds can steadily copy shapes and some letters, recognise their own name and words that are used regularly.They are also more able to use language to communicate ideas and grammar is more accurate. By using picture books children are able to follow , understand and enjoy the story. Questions that they ask becomes more complex. Five to seven years of age are fluent and able to make up stories, they handle books well, recognise more and more letters linking them to sounds and understand that text carries meaning. Seven to twelve years of age usually need help with spelling, adults introducing new words will help their vocabulary.Children can also read out loud and know the different tense and grammar and speak fluently explaining complicated happenings. Twelve to sixteen year olds can be quite irritating by using sarcasm and trying to be witty, but they are just testing their new sophisticated mental abilities. Their logical thinking is maturing and may enjoy a debate, it helps to practise verbal skills. Q1b, Explain how theorie s of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice? 1B.Theories related to child development, such as social and emotional skills can be divided into three schools of thou ght. 1. Biological – Genetic make up 2, L earning – Result of contact with others 3. Psychoanalytic – Combination of both biological and learning Each of the above has many theories supporting them. PIAGET.Jean piaget was a psychologist and philosopher and spent his professional life listening and watching children, his research found that children don’t think like adults and he suspected tha behind illogical statements were thought processes that had their own kind of order and logic. His background of biology and philosophy influenced his theories and research of child development. Piagets theory is based on the idea that children develop cognitive structures( mental maps ) for understanding and responding and their cognitive structure increase as they get older.He identified development stages. 1. Sensorimotor 2. Pre-operational 3. Concrete operations and 4. Formal operations. BRUNER Jerome Bruner is one of the best known psychologists and developed t he theory of cognitive growth, he looked at environmental and experimental factors that affect intellectual growth . He believed that children need to move more freely and be involved in their own learning, his ideas were based on catergorisation and believed that adults could support their children in their learning experiences.Bruner had a profound effect on education, his work is still influential to scientific studies today. He indicated four key themes in the process of education (1960). 1. Readiness for learning 2. Motives for learning 3. Intuitive and analytical thinking 4. The role of structure in learning. VYGOTSKY. Says that a child is brought up by culture which has two contributions to a child`s intellectual development 1st their knowledge , 2nd what to think.Cognitive development – children learn by problem solving. Language is a learning process and interacting contribute to a childs development. HOWARD GARDNER, stated that there at least seven intelligences whi ch link our individuality they are. 1. Verbal – linguistic 2. Musical. 3. Logical. 4. Spatial 5.Bodily kinaesthetic 6. Interpersonal. 7. Intrapersonal. MONTESSORI. Dr Maria Montessori, a scientist had a unique opportunity to study the thinking and learning skills in children and developed specific learning apparatus to help and including children who learn differently. She stated that the secret of good teaching is to regard the childs intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sewn to grow under the heat of flaming imagination.Her theories and ways of educating children are used today e. g using music, language, hands on educational materials, games and muscle movements etc. Current child development theories, are that the first three years of life are critical to laying down the foundations for future learning. Babies need to be sung to, cuddled, touched, talk to and kept warm. There are three styles of learning Visual, Kinaesthetic and Auditory. In the early ye ars of life most children experience rapid and physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth.There are systems in place to intervene and identify signals that may cause future concerns. Practitioners work with parents and primary carers to listen to views so as to build on children`s experiences, knowledge and understanding and provide opportunities to develop in all areas. Q1c, Explain how to monitor children and young people`s development using different methods? 1C. To monitor a child`s development starts with, 1. Observation 2. Assessment 3. Planning 4. Implementation and 5. Evaluation.Observation, – observing children is an important role for a childcare practitioner to practise it is essential that they are able to assess progress and plan for the childs future. Observation can help identify any issues with the child, identify strengths and weaknessess, monitor development and how to respond in situations, and to add any improvement where needed, also share with p arents, collegues and specialists. By conducting observations you can learn more about a child, some characteristics on display maybe: 1.Skills and accomplishment 2. Personality and temperament 3. Interests and preferences 4. Level of cognitive and social development 5. Strategies for creating desired effects. Always obtain permission before using observation.Different methods are; Time sampling – at pre-planned times . Event sampling – Behaviour forms of Structured – create a particular activity. Naturalistic – usual routines Participative – be engaged in activity together Longitudinal – detailed observations Target child – use in groups to find out if they are getting worthwhile experiences.The skills are to be able to obtain information about the child Look – Know what you are looking for Listen – Take notice how conversations are with others Record – make accurate notes.Think – consider what you se e and what assessment would you make . Assessment,- is the process of analysing and reviewing what you currently know about the childs development. When you assess, you are making a judgement or decision on the childs progress. To make a valid assessment you must collect all relevant information needed, this should include the childs development, learning, health, behaviour, academic progress and the need for special services.Once information has been collected any assessment should be carried out by a childcare worker and based on Thorough knowledge of child development , Parents observations of their childs development and other practitioners observations who has worked with the child and analysis of observations of milestones and expectations. The results of the assessment can then be used for planning the individual care. Planning,- For the next steps in a childs development should be done on the information you obtained from the assessment.Any concerns should be discussed with the parents and collegues to identify any intervention that maybe required. Planned activities are experiences and opportunities that are thought about and planned in advance. Unplanned activities are some of the most important and effective learning opportunity arise spontaneously. In these instances you have to make the most of the opportunities. All childcare settings have a curriculum, even if they don’t use that word to describe the activities they provide for children. Child-centred planning is important because it focuses on the needs of the child.Allows children to take lead in learning based on own interests and helps to practice and develop old and new skills. Enables parents and staff to take time out to think and be in agreement what development needs individual children want. Plans are always based on the knowledge of the stage of development reached by the child concerned. Appropriate goals are set for the next stage of the childs development. Implementation, â €“ A long term developing plan should be put in place to lay out aims for learning over a year.It should represent the purpose behind the childcare worker`s practice and contain brief summary of what they want children to achieve. Short term plans are put in place to help practitioners plan activities weekly , it helps children to have a choice, either to have or try a new experience or activity that will encourage them in developing, and the plan should be adaptable for children at different stages of learning. When writing a short term plan it should outline; something to progress the developmental and learning needs of all children.Something of interest and supply enjoyment for all children. All the areas of learning in the early years foundation stage are covered. Do not discriminate against any child. And that setting has or can access the required resources. By creating a plan a childcare worker will be able to organise the environment List equipment and materials needed Identify the activities they want children to participate in.Set out their own participation in activities and set timing ( when and how long ) When creating an individual plan both child and parents can be involved, a child can contribrute can say what they like and what they don’t, and parents can contribute by given information about their childrens interests, experiences and activities at home .When creating plan the careworker must include the seven stages, which are : Assessing current stage in learning and development. Identify needs for further learning and development. Setting clear targets for achievement. Identify strategies for achievement. Intergrating plan into other plans of the setting. Implementing plan. Review plan.Individual plans should include ; Childs name Key workers name Date of plan Aims of plan Targets Strategies to help child achieve targets Date of next review Date and comments when aims and targets are reached. Evaluation – All plans n eed evaluating, reviewing or even re-planning. Everyone involved with the children play a part and staff should get together regularly to discuss plan in question and if anything needs re-thinking. 1. Do plans enable everyone working in setting to know what they are doing and how to do it? 2. Are plans enabling setting to be effective in progressing the childrens achievement in learning and development. If planning is not enabling one or both of these things to happen, it will have to use evidence collected to decide on appropriate changes to its plans , format or content.An important part of the evaluation plan is to inform parents how things are and for parents to explain their findings . Feedback creates good practice. Q1d,Explain the reasons why children and young people`s development may not follow the expected patterns? 1d,Children do not develop at the same rate as each other. Many children have growth spurts followed by a lull, their development may also not progress evenly across all areas. All children are individuals. Girls and boys going through puberty experience different things. Girls – If going through puberty early, her social development may not be keeping up with her physical growth, some girls can look grown up but still a child underneath. yet some girls are reaching full physical maturity and some are only beginning. Boys – some boys move into mid- puberty while others worry about their development. Their emotional state is constantly all over the place, their bodies are experiencing drastic changes which can cause emotional turmoil, all teenagers going through this could potentially cause disruption to development pattern. Some factors that can influence younger childrens development pattern are: Environmental and economic which consist of poor housing, lack of play facilities, low income families, lack of resourses and frequent changes in environment.Social – poor parenting, difficult family circumstances, few oppor tunities for one-to-one and few good role models. Emotional – conflict with family or peer group, family break up, moving house, death of a pet or family member, changes of childminder or a new arrival of a baby brother or sister. Medical – Long stays in hospital, illness of family member, ADHD, disability or frequent illnessess. Or in General – personality, immaturity, poor speech, temperament or becoming more independent. Most children experience rapid physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth, but for some children have major issues, and it is important to put systems in place where we can help children.Practitioners should work closely with parents and carers to listen to their views and to build on previous experiences, knowledge, understanding and skills and to provide opportunities to develop. Monitoring children is essential, when a child show signs of slow development, it is necessary to present different opportunities to use alternative appro aches to learning. Ongoing difficulties may indicate that they need extra help and support above what is normally offered. Early education settings are perfect for observing any changes in children`s development pattern because everything is recorded. Sometimes concerns are not noticed fully until later when a child is in formal education.Settings will determine what issues there are and able to set up programmes of support which the child may benefit from . Practitioners need to assess and assist the child in developing further in any area of their development. Disability can disrupt the development pattern also. A disabled child who cannot think or react or talk for themselves have to be assessed for specific needs and if they don`t get what they need interfere with their development pattern. Help childrens developing pattern by giving them what they need, that is by : Providing space, equipment, materials and activities for physical development .Giving praise, guidance , support, listening , supervision, provide opportunities to share in decisions and to take responsibility, be warm and affectionate and attentive and let them express themselves, for social and emotional development. And for intellectuall development, talk to them play I spy and dressing up , look and touch things, provide art and craft activities and include them in things like question and answers and laying the table etc. Language development includes asking questions, talking, discussing books, objects and ask them about themselves. Without these things the development wont follow the expected pattern. Q1e, Explain how disability may affect development?The early support programme is for families who have a disabled child under five, it is there to support families who leave hospital with a child with medical and physical needs and significant factors that could affect development. Long stays in hospital and long illnessess can also affect development. So can the lack of facilities. Carer s should obtain as much background information as possible to help to understand what the child needs. Disability may affect development if you do not provide the environments and resourses that they need, these include; Brightly coloured and textured toys . Toy`s and equipment with lights and moving parts. Large play and safety equipment. Painting with bright colours. Large print books and large print letters on computer keyboards. Mirrors and magnifying glasses and sensory activities. , for visual impairment.The other considerations are: Have good lighting. Encourage orderly movement around the school. Supervision in activities such as P. E , cooking and craft. Children with hearing impairment should be provided with : Music, movement, drama and dance activities. Craft and art. Story tapes and headphones. Reading, one to one stories and specialist computer programmes. Other considerations are: Look at the child when talking to them. Speak clearly and repeat yourself if they hav e not heard. Use visual aids, avoid distractions and use body language.Children with behavioural difficulties should be provide with: Quiet story times. One to one individual attention. Toys and activities that promote concentration. Large outdoor play area with lots of equipment. Sand and water for relaxing and dough for releasing aggression. Other considerations are: Give rewards. Minimise distractions. Make eye to eye contact. Speak clearly and give direct instructions. Avoid clutter. And distract children with an alternative activity ot toy. Ativities such as : Construction toys. Jigsaws. Sand and water play. Songs and rhymes. Music and instuments.Specialist computer programmes. Reading and looking at books. Painting will help with self-expression for children with autism, other considerations are: Be patient. Have a structured daily routine, children with autism cannot adjust to changes easily. Do not expect to keep eye contact but try to encourage it. Keep verbal instruction s brief. And provide activities for children to play individually. Children with physical disabilities, should be provided with: Stories. Role play. Sand, water, painting and dough all stimulate physical motor skills.Floor toys such as, cars, farm and large construction toys. Table-top activities such as crayons and paper. Painting. Sensory activities. And interactive play encourages other children to accept differences in other children. Other considerations are: Consider classroom layout. Install ramps, lifs and special toilets. Ensure chairs, tables and equipment are at a suitable height. And specialist equipment may be purchased such as special bicycles, scissors and triangle shaped pencils. Children with dyslexia should be given any activity or toy that does not need to use memory or organisation skills.Children with dysphasia should avoid music or movement activities. They may have low levels of concentration and may have difficulty doing jigsaws, sorting games and holding a pencil. Without all these things a disabled childs developed may be affected. Q1f,Explain how different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the expected pattern? Early intervention is important because some children experience problems in the developmental process, and it is also important that there are systems in place to intervene and identify signals that may cause concern. Graduated response.Monitoring of a child`s progress is essential, if a child shows signs of slow development it may be necessary to present different opportunities or use different methods to learning, and or the child needs more support above what is normally available for children of same age. Early education settings are perfect to observe patterns of development, the settings determine what the issues are and set up programmes of support from which the child benefit. The early support programme – was developed by car ers practitioners and parents and it is used for families with disabled children and gives families and people working with children support, guidance and resourses . It promotes multi-agency working and the consistency of approach to the care and well-being of the child .Common assessment framework – is a key part of the governments aim of delivering frontline services that are focused on and around the needs of children and young people. It helps to identify needs and promotes coordinated service provision. Children with additional needs often require support from more than one agency or more than one local authority and they pull together the information they gather to identify aspects of the childs learning and development. Observation, – observing children is important for a childcare practitioner to practise because it is an essential element of being able to assess a childs development. It can be used to strengthen virtually every aspect of an early childhood pr ogramme.Methods of observation are: Time sampling Event sampling Participative observation Longitudinal â€Å" Taget child â€Å" Naturalistic â€Å" Structured â€Å" In order to make the most of any observation the observer should record what they have witnessed, and every child should have their own file, and only be used in ways to maintain confidentiality. Observation is how you find out the specific needs of individual children and you can then plan the next steps in the childs development and learning. Assessment – is the process of analysing and reviewing what you know about the childs current level of development and learning.When you assess you are judging what the next step will be for the child to improve. There are two types of assessing, formative and summative. Profiling – is a system of recording a childs personal achievements in all areas of development. There are now computer systems available that record childrens profiles and analyse many more options. After making observations and assessments you must use the results to identify learning priorities and plan relevant and motivating learning experiences for each child. Any concerns about a childs progress should always be discussed with parents and colleagues to identify wheather intervention may be required.Planning includes : Planned activities Unplanned activities Child-centred planning Long term development plan Short term development plan Individual development plan Whaever the plan is, they all need evaluating, reviewing and maybe re-planning. The childcare setting should monitor the progress of each childs learning and development, it is important because it will enable the childcare worker to establish how far the child has moved the settings long term objectives for the child. Whether the learning and development of the child is moving towards achievement . Whether the settings planning and implementation of the EYFS is being effective in progressing the chil drens development.Apart from all of the above we have to provide the right environment so children can learn and develop , children thrive best in an environment that supports their active and learning development. Debbie England EB1257620 R/601/1694 Q2a, Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development? Observing a child at work or play will help you assess and provide evidence of the range of the childs work, progress and attainment over time. It will also enable you to find out about the specific care and learning needs of each child and subsequently plan the next steps in the childs development and learning.To make an assessment you should gather together all relevant information about the child. This information should contain observations over a period of time. Development Learning Health Behaviour Academic progress and need for special services Any assessment carried out should be based on: Thorough knowledge of child development. Parents obse rvations of their childs development during the time.Observations of other practitioners who have worked with the child. Analysis of observations of the child against milestones and approximate expectations. The result of the assessment can be used to develop or amend plans for a childs individual care, learning and development and gude any curriculum decisions. This may include any of the following actions: Plan for the childs next steps for learning in an individual learning plan. Set goals for individual children that are realistic and within their capabilities. Provide appropriate play activities to stimulate the next stage of development.Set realistic expectations for the childs behaviour. Identify any developmental delay and, in conjunction with the parents, consider the need to seek help from specialists. Provide individual help in a specific aspect of development where it has been observed as necessary. Suggest introducing a behaviour modification programme. Leave the curren t plans for a child unchanged because the setting is satisfied with the childs progress or development. The assessment should always be discussed with the parents and that the parents share the same views about their childs stage of development. Q2b. Explain the selection of the assessment methods used to assess children?Formative assessment – is based on observations, which inform or guide everyday planning. When performing a formative assessment you need to ask yourself. What do your observations and any other evidence of learning you have collected tell you about the childs learning and development? ( examples of art work, information from parents or a photo you took. ) What was new- was there something yoy had not observed before? When you do this regularly, you will gain evidence of the childs progress over time and you will gain insights into his/her learning, development and their future needs.It is important that a childs parents are included in the assessment proces s, so they can share their views and observations about the childs development and being involved in planning what opportunities and experiences should be offered to the child. Assessments might be required in different formats :eg Filling in a checklist Answering a series of questions or writing a free and unstructured description. You must know what format you are to record achievements, difficulties, behaviour, physical performance and comment on whether the child has reached the agreed targets. And make sure theres confidentiality. Summative assessment – Is a summary of all formative assessments carried out over a long period of time.The EYPS profile is the summative assessment completed by practitioners, it summarises childrens progress towards the early learning goals. Within the final term of the EYPS providers must provide the parent of each child with:- A copy of EYPS profile if requested by parent. A written summary reporting childs progress against the early learni ng goals and the assessment scales. Details of the arrangements under which the EYFS profile and its results may be discussed with the parent. Planning for the next step in a childs development should be done on the information you have collected from your own observations , assessments and information from parents.Debbie England EB1257620 L/600/8782 Q3aExplain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent? Learners use all their sense to receive information. One or more styles is normally dominant. This dominant style defines the way a person learns new information. The learner may prefer one style of learning for one task, and a combination for another task. Carers should present information using all three styles of learning, it allows a learner to be presented with the other two methods as well, they all help children learn faster by reinforcing the material.Auditory learners often talk to themselves, they also move their lips and read aloud, th ey may have difficulties with reading and writing tasks. Many people assume reading is a visual action, although we see words, most of us process information by hearing ourselves say the words. Auditory learners fall into two categories. 1. The less understood auditory learners need to hear their own voice to process the information, they are those who need to talk it out. In a class setting when the instructor is not asking questions, auditory-verbal processors tend to mutter to themselves. 2. Some auditory learners prefer to listen both to themselves and others. Listeners are more likely to do well in school.Visual learners – linguistic and spacial, Visual learners prefer to see what they are learning, pictures and images help them understand ideas and information better than explanations, they may create a mental picture of what is being described. They may watch a speaker talk as well as listen. Visual – linguistic learners like to learn through reading and writin g tasks, they remember what has been written down. They also like to write down directions and pay better attention to lecturers if they watch them. Learners who are visual-spatial have difficulty with written language but do better with charts, videos, demonstrations and other visual materials. Kinaesthetic or tactile learners do best when touching or moving. Tactile learners want to touch.Kinaesthetic learners want to sense the position and movement of what they are working on. Even if they don`t get much from discussions or written materials , they may catch up by working through scenarios. Most classrooms don`t offer enough opportunities to move or touch. Sometimes we can sense the way they process information by what they say. A visual learner may say â€Å"I see your point†An auditory learner may say â€Å"I hear what your saying†. A kinaesthetic learner may say â€Å" I feel we are moving in the right direction†. All areaof development are important and all impact on one another.Physical development includes all movement skills and can be supported by providing Space Materials Equipment and Activity Social development include learning social skills, emotions, caring for others, self reliance, decision making, developing self confidence and forming relationships and can be supported by providing Praise Guidance Giving children chance to spend time with others Activities Encouragement Opportunities Listen to children Supervision Emotional development can be supported by Being warm and affectionate Opportunities to express how they feel Making them feel safe , secure and valued Giving them time and attention Intellectual development includes attention span Reasoning Developing memory Logic thinking and questioning Understanding information and can be supported by providing Games like I spy Getting children to help you Asking and answering questions Activities Playing make-believe Looking at plants, animals etc Talk about what they have seen Look at computers with them.Language development includes understanding and aquiring language, vocabulary and body language and can be supported by Asking questions Discussions about books, pictures etc Ask children to give information about themselves Ask children to recall something from the past. By using all these learning and developing methods , which work interdependently, help the child learn by experience, contact with others and environment.Adults who support this learning and developing process play a crucial part in ensuring that children gain maximum benefits. Children learn by doing, imagining what they have been doing and then turning what they know into symbols such as speech, drawing and writing. Q3b. Describe the documented outcomes for children that form part of the relevant early years framework? Documented outcomes should consist of a short discription of how the child demonstrates the three characteristics of effective learning. Playing an d exploring Active learning Creating and thinking critically.These discriptions must reflect on going observations of the child within formative assessment processes and should take account of all relevant records held by the setting and include information from the child, their parents and other relevant adults. Playing and exploring – engagement . Finding out and exploring is concerned with the childs open-ended hands-on experiences which result from innate curiosity and provide raw sensory material from which the child builds concepts, tests ideas and finds out. Using what they know in their play describes how children use to play to bring together their current understandings, combining, refining and exploring their ideas in imaginative ways. Representing experiences through imaginative play supports the development of narrative thought, the ability to see from other perspectives and symbolic thinking.Being willing to have a go refers to the child finding an interest, in itiating activities, seeking challenge, having a `can do ` orientation, being willing to take a risk in new experiences, and developing the view of failures as opportinities to learn. Active learning – motivation Being involved and concentrating describes the intensity of attention that arises from children concentrating on following a line of interest in their activities. Keeping on trying refers to the importance of persistence even in the face of challenge or difficulties an element of purposeful control which supports resilience. Enjoying achieving what they set out to do refers to the reward of meeting one`s own goals,building on the intristic motivation which supports long-term success, rather than relying on the approval of others.Creating and thinking critically – thinking Having their own ideas covers the critical area of creativity – generating new ideas and approaches in all areas of endeavour. Being inventive allows children to find new problems as they seek challenge, and to explore ways of solving these. Using what they already know to learn new things refers to the way in which children develop and link concepts, find meaning in sequence, cause and effect and in the intentions of others through both narrative and scientific modes of thought. Choosing ways to do things and finding ways involves approaching goal-directed activity in organised ways making choices and decisions about how to approach tasks, planning and monitoring what to do and being able to change strategies. The following etails listed below are the ares of learning of the early years foundation stage 1. Listening and attention 2. Understanding 3. Speaking 4. Moving and handling 5. Health and self-care 6. Self-confidence and self awareness 7.Managing feelings and behaviour 8. Making relationships 9. Reading 10. Writing 11. Numbers 12. Shape,space and measures 13. People and communities 14. The world 15.Technology 16. Exploring and using media and mate rials 17. Being imaginative. During final year of the early years framework practitioners must undertake ongoing (formative) assessment to support each childs learning and development. There is no requirement that this is recorded in any specific manner or at specified points in time, practitioners should be mindful of their professional responsibilities for the learning and development of every child in their care and plan the provision needed to enable children to take the next steps in their learning .In the final term of the EYFS practitioners must make a judgement for each child using information from all sources to make a judgement for each ELG. Practitioners must make a judgement for each ELG as to whether the childs learning and development is best described by:- The description of the level of development expected at the end of EYFS (expected) Not yet at the level of development expected bt the end of the EYFS(emerging) and Beyond the level of development expected by the end of the EYFS (exceeding). Q3c. Explain how the documented outcomes are assessed and recorded? PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR ASSIGNMENT ONTO THE VLC IN THE UNIT 1 SUBMISSION AREA Learning OutcomesAssignment question 1 L/601/1693 1-3 a. Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years. b. Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice. c. Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods. d. Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected patterns. e. Explain how disability may affect development. f. Explain how different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the expected pattern. 2 R/601/1694 1-2 a.Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. b. Explain the selection of the assessment metho ds used to assess children. 3 L/600/8782 1,3,5 a. Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent. b. Describe the documented outcomes for children that form part of the relevant early years framework. c. Explain how the documented outcomes are assessed and recorded. d. Explain how practitioners promote children’s learning within the relevant early years framework. e. Explain the importance of engaging with a child to support sustained shared thinking. f. Reflect on own practice in supporting learning and development of children in their early years.
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