Saturday, August 31, 2019
A Health and Fitness Company Essay
You are a top executive in your corporation. After careful consideration, you were selected to work on a project to use MIS to change the way business is run. In a group of 5, you will be responsible for researching the practices in your industry, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the industry, and make an innovative plan to use MIS to improve on current practices. Finally, you will be required to submit a typed report and deliver an oral presentation to the board of directors following these guidelines: Your report MUST include the following side headings: 1. History and Background (provide detailed information about the industry, past and present business model/practices, the industry’s strengths and weaknesses) 2. Target Customer (identify the target customer in terms of age, gender, income, location, needs†¦etc. Have your customers’ needs changed over the years? Are all their needs fulfilled? Is there a gap between customers’ needs and market offerings?) 3. Competition (who is your competition? What are your plans to ensure that you are steps ahead of your competition and how will you respond to changes in the competitive environment?) 4. Survey and Results (you are required to design a survey to help you with your project. Be sure to include a copy of your survey questions, sample size, summary of results, and recommendations) 5. Proposed Use of MIS (explain how MIS will benefit your industry/corporation. Provide details of the benefits and challenges of using MIS in your industry/corporation) 6. Implications (what are the implications of the suggested use of MIS on the industry?) 7. Financial Benefits (what are the costs and financial benefits of using your proposed plan? Explain the impact on revenue, fixed costs, variable costs, initial investment, training, implementation, customer acquisition, customer retention, and customer satisfaction) 8. The Future (what changes do you foresee in the future of your industry/corporation? How will you respond to changes in technology, processes, competitive environment, customers’ taste/needs, economic environment†¦etc.?) The purpose of your research is to a) provide you with an opportunity to learn more about a specific industry and the current processes used b) Identify opportunities to use MIS to change how business is run and improve on current business practices. All group members must participate in the preparation of the written report and delivery of the oral presentation. Do not read directly from your report (you may use index cards to remind yourself of important points), face the audience when presenting. Allow time for questions from the audience and be prepared to answer them. Audience members must be prepared to ask questions also. Your report must be TYPED, double-spaced, use Times New Roman size 12 font for body of report. Include a cover page (with all group members’ names, title (Industry/corporation), date, presented to: Prof. Eshra) and a correctly formatted references page (APA) for all sources used (minimum of 5 different sources). Prepare a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides to use when presenting your report. Before your due date, you are required to submit a printed copy as well as an electronic copy of: 1. Your report (10 pages minimum excluding cover page/table of contents/references) April 6, 2013 2. PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides)-Submit on the day you present Be as creative as you can to capture the attention of your audience (use of multimedia, original digital pictures, short videos is encouraged).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Walmart Case Study
Chapter 1& 2 Module 1 Wal-Mart Case Study Shannan Haynes St Gregory’s University Give a short account of the history of the company, and trace the evolution of its strategy. Try to determine whether the strategies evolution of your company is the product of intended strategies, emergent strategies, or some combination of the two. The Wal-Mart story began in 1962 when Sam Walton opened the first discount store in Rogers, AR. In 1970 Wal-Mart experienced significant growth and made huge advancements In1970 Wal-Mart opened its first distribution center and the Wal-Mart Home Office in Bentonville, AR. By 1970 Wal-Mart employed 1,500 associates and had 38 stores with sales of $44. 2 million. In 1970 Wal-Mart also began selling shares over the counter as a publicly-held company. In 1971 Wal-Mart’s stock had is first 100 percent split. At that time Wal-Mart had stores operating in five states. By 1975 Wal-Mart employed more than 7,500 associates and had 125 stores. By 1977 Wal-Mart was operating in 10 states and opened Wal-Mart Pharmacy. Their growth continued into 1980, when Wal-Mart stock split 100 percent for the fourth time. That year Wal-Mart opened the largest distribution center in Palestine Texas. In the late 1990’s, Wal-Mart became the largest private employer in the world. They employed 1,140,000 employees. In 2000 Wal-Mart appointed H. Lee Scott as its CEO. That year Fortune magazine ranked the company fifth in its â€Å"global Most Admired All-Stars†list and named Wal-Mart the third most admired company in America. Wal-Mart made a commitment to bring environmental sustainability into its business in 2005. They opened a store in McKinney, Texas that saved energy and conserved natural resources, and reduced pollution. They were also active in conserving critical wildlife habitats. By 2005 Wal-Mart employed more than 1. 6 million employees and had more than 6200 stores. By 2006, the number of employees grew to more than 176 million and 6779 locations. In February 2007 Wal-Mart helped launch Better Health Care Together, Later that year, Wal-Mart expanded its successful 4 dollar generic program. By 2007 Wal-Mart had save their customers more than $396 million on prescription drug costs. On February 1, 2007, Mike Duke took over as CEO. (Pereira, 2002) Sam Walton built Wal-Mart on Respect for the Individual, Service to the Customer, and he always strived for Excellence. He respected his employees and was committed to his customers. With commitment to his customers came low prices. Wal-Mart strategy is an intended strategy. It is clear and direct. It was put into place in the 1960's by Sam Walton, and refined over the decades. The company is proud of its strategy and even incorporates it within its moniker â€Å"Always Low prices, Always. †(Pereira, 2002) Identify the mission and major goals of the company. Saving people money was Sam Walton’s goal when he opened his first store 40 years ago. Wal-Mart still has the same goal today. Wal-Mart has expanded their savings to energy, prescription drugs and has partnered with suppliers and stakeholders to create a competitive advantage. Wal-Mart mission is to do well as a business but to also do good. (Walmart, 2009) Do a preliminary analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company and the opportunities and threats that it faces in its environment. On the basis of this analysis, identify the strategies that you think the company should pursue. Wal-Mart is the number one retailer in the United States. Wal-Mart has a reputation for low prices, convenience and a large selection of products. Wal-Mart has invested into technology and an international logistics system. Wal-Mart is global but has a presence in relatively few countries. Wal-Mart has invested in human resources and retention of their staff but still have extensive labor relation problems. Wal-Mart has been cited by labor groups for wage issues, shift scheduling, and workplace abuses. Wal-Mart has been accused by community groups of destroying the local retail environment in the downtowns of small towns. (Marketing Teacher , 2000) Wal-Mart still has many opportunities to merge, or form alliances with other global retailers. Wal-Mart can do more to call attention to its good deeds to help with their image issues. Wal-Mart can continue to expand its supercenters into large cities. (Avila, 2009) Who is the CEO of the company? Evaluate the CEO’s leadership capabilities. On February 1, 2007, Mike Duke took over as CEO of Wal-Mart. On June 5, 2009, Mike Duke announced that Wal-Mart was up 6 percent to $3. 35 per share and that 7. 3 billion dollars were returned to shareholders. He also said that sales surpassed 400 billion for the first time. Wal-Mart has strong balance sheets and access to capital markets. Mike Duke has enhanced training and development of Wal-Mart’s global workforce. He has also reiterated Wal-Mart’s commitment to low prices. Based on profits and the commitments he has outlined, I would say that Mike Duke leadership capabilities as CEO are very promising. (Walmart, 2009)+ Apply the five forces model to the industry in which your company is based. What does this model tell you about the nature of competition in the industry? Potential Competitors: Medium pressure Grocers could potentially enter into the retail side. Entry barriers are relatively high, as Wal-Mart has an outstanding distribution systems, locations, brand name, and financial capital to fend off competitors. Wal -mart often has an absolute cost advantage over other competitors. Rivalry Among Established Companies: Medium Pressure Currently, there are three main incumbent companies that exist in the same market as Wal-Mart: Sears, K Mart, and Target. Target is the strongest of the three in relation to retail. Target has experienced tremendous growth in their domestic markets and has defined their niche quit effectively. Sears and K-Mart seem to be drifting and have not challenged Wal-Mart in sometime. Mature industry life cycle. The Bargaining Power of Buyers: Low pressure The individual buyer has little to no pressure on Wal-Mart. Consumer advocate groups have complained about Wal-Mart’s pricing techniques. Consumer could shop at a competitor who offers comparable products at comparable prices, but the convenience is lost. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Low to Medium pressure Since Wal-Mart holds so much of the market share, they offer a lot of business to manufacturers and wholesalers. This gives Wal-Mart a lot of ower because by Wal-Mart threatening to switch to a different supplier would create a scare tactic to the suppliers. Wal-Mart could vertically integrate. Wal-Mart does deal with some large suppliers like Proctor & Gamble, Coca-Cola who have more bargaining power than small suppliers. Threat of substitutes-Low pressure The market is crowded but Wal-Mart has the lowest costs, prices , profits, and market share Wal-Mart is able to negotiate for pricing. This analysis tells me that Wal-Mart does not have to worry about threat to new entrants because it has the capacity to produce more in order to lower the cost. There are high barriers of entry for companies trying to come into the retail industry because of the resources that Wal-Mart has. Are any changes taking place in the macro environment that might have an impact, positive or negative, on the industry in which your company is based? If so, what are these changes, and how might they affect the industry? Wal-Mart has received some bad press in the past and is making great commitments to helping the health and well-being of our nation. In 2005 Wal-Mart made a commitment to become more environmentally friendly. Wall-mart adopted an approach they call â€Å"Sustainability 360†. This approach looks for ways to reduce their environmental impact. In 2008, they announced a new set of clearly defined environmentally and socially responsible practices into their supply chain, â€Å"where goods are made in a way that protects our planet. †(Walmart, 2009) The economy has affected many companies recently however Wal-Mart's overall sales aren't rising dramatically, but they are raising, even as the economy grinds to a halt. (Gross, 2008) I believe Wal-Mart’s macro enviroment is affecting them both positvely and negatively. Identify any strategic groups that might exist in the industry. How does the intensity of competition differ across these strategic groups? Walmart’s closest competitors are those in its strategic group. Included in this group are Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, and Fred Meyer. Wal-Mart is looking to grow. Their latest initiative, â€Å"Project Impact,†aims to make stores easier and quicker to navigate, improve customer service, and to move in on competitors' territory as much as possible. Project Impact calls for remodeling about 70% of Wal-Mart’s in the next five years, and improving sales in major competitors' fields, such as toys and crafts. Wal-Mart has more staying power and is able to dominate its competitors. Target is Wal-Mart’s closet competitor. Target is positioned well and has some staying power but Kmart was forced into bankruptcy. The implication of this on Wal-Mart’s competitors is bigger, more pleasant Wal-Marts. (Avila, 2009) How dynamic is the industry in which your company is based? Is there any evidence that innovation is reshaping competition or has done so in the recent past? The retail industry is dynamic with the previous innovation being department stores, mail order retailing and chain variety stores. However, shopping has changed. Big-box stores like Wal-Mart was influential in the evolution of retail trade, providing – among other innovative features – a one-stop convenience with low prices that many consumers seem to appreciate. (Emerald, 2006) In what stage of its life cycle is the industry in which your company is based? What are the implications of this for the intensity of competition both now and in the future? The Supercenter’s and Big Box stores are in their growth lifecycle. Led by Wal-Mart, the industry has displayed exceptional growth over the last 10 to 15 years, mostly at the expense of other retailers. What makes this unique is that the discount department store industry was perceived as being at maturity. There are signs that the industry is approaching saturation level. However, the industry is expected to do well through the recession. (Emerald, 2006) Is your company based in an industry that is becoming more global? If so, what are the implications of this changed for competitive intensity? Yes, the retail industry has become more global. Wal-Mart's international operations currently comprise 2,980 stores in 14 countries outside the United States. According to Wal-Mart's 2006 Annual Report, the International division accounted for about 20. 1% of sales. [ Wal-Mart has inventory management system that no other company is apt to come even close to competing with. This enables it to vary its inventory from store to store and across cultures Wal-Mart has gone global with its buying strategy, and it now puts Chinese suppliers in competition with suppliers from Mexico, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, as well as the United States. Globalization has changed everything by making technology and methods of production mobile, and by lowering business coordination costs. The big box discount retailers have changed the nature of global competition. (Palley, 2008) Analyze the impact of national context as it pertains to the industry in which your company is based. Does national context help or hinder your company in achieving a competitive advantage in the global marketplace? Wal-Mart has a strong economic affect in any area of the world. Wal-Mart has built an empire on a low-cost model but at the same time, Wal-Mart has faced criticism for labor practices and indirect burdens on our social and welfare programs. Some of the business practices of Wal-Mart like the employees’ wage-benefits package, and the underemployment of women and minorities are the subject of ongoing debate at the national level. Wal-Mart continues to work on its image and faces the same criticism globally as they do nationally. The reputation that Wal-Mart has here in the U. S. may hinder international expansion, but will not stop it. (USA Today, 2009) References Avila, J. D. (2009). How Wal-Mart Will Save Wal-Mart. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from B-Net Today: http://www. bnet. com/2403-13241_23-158179. html Emerald. (2006). Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Globalization's winners and losers: Lessons : http://www. emeraldinsight. com/Insight/viewContentItem. do? contentType=Article&hdAction=lnkhtml&contentId=1563323 Gross, D. ( 2008, Febuary 26). Slate. Retrieved from The Wal-Mart Puzzle: http://www. slate. com/id/2185221/ Marketing Teacher . (2000). Retrieved April 15, 2010, from SWOT Analysis Wal-Mart: http://marketingteacher. com/SWOT/walmart_swot. htm Palley, T. (2008). Manufacturing meets Wal-Mart: The Economics of Global Out-sourcing. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Economics for Democratic and Open Societies: http://www. homaspalley. com/? p=19 Pereira, M. (2002, April ). Mike Pereira – Written Works and Opinions . Retrieved April 15, 2010, from A Case Study on Wal-Mart Stores Inc. : http://www. mike-pereira. com/subpage/docs/walmartcs. htm#ii2 USA Today. (2009). Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Wal-mart Watch: www. usatoday. com/money/†¦ /2003-11-10-walmart_x. htm Walmart. (2009). Retrieve d April 15, 15, from Our Mission: Saving people money so they can live better. : http://walmartstores. com/sites/sustainabilityreport/2009/ec_overview. html
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Notion of Kairos While we in the present day are content with using the word â€Å"time†, the Early Greeks made the distinction between two very different notions of this concept. The first one, Chronos, refers to a linear and quantifiable time, whereas the second, Kairos, denotes the idea of â€Å"the right time†to take an action, or to give a speech on a particular topic for example. Comparing Kairos and Chronos raises the question of the role of Kairos in human agency. In many cases, the moment of the action appears to be more important than the action itself.In fact, Kairos is an opportunity for men to have agency in a world usually dictated by fate. In this way, Kairos restores freedom to human lives that would otherwise be predetermined. Finally, it is interesting to notice that there does not exist a modern English translation for Kairos, which seems to suggest that it is a concept that does not have a place in modern society and thus in our modern understan ding of time. Chronos and Kairos oppose each other in many ways.. Whereas Chronos refers to sequential time, measurable and regular, Kairos denotes qualitative time, or a favorable moment.Moreover, unlike Chronos, Kairos is unpredictable and can only be ‘revealed’ thanks to the correct interpretation of external signs, hence the impression that it is situated outside of Chronos. The â€Å"opportune moments†Kairos provides are neither measurable nor predictable, and cannot be located on a clock or on any similar device. Thus, to a certain extent, Kairos seems to be a â€Å"timeless†time. The Hippocratic Corpus, a group of texts said to be written by Hippocrates, exemplifies the importance of Kairos to the ancient Greeks in everyday life.The author writes that the success of the medicine a doctor administers to a patient depends greatly on the time or moment that the medicine is given. While the success of the remedy used is also dependent on different cha racteristics of the patient’s body, it is the moment that the remedy is used that is the most important. Indeed, Kairos cannot be placed in a larger temporal framework because it does not relate to the notions of past and future. For this reason, Kairos can only exist in the present. This is why a physician does not try to redict how a disease will evolve, but instead attempts to predict in which Kairos, or â€Å"critical phase†he is in at the moment of his medical examination. For example, in the case of â€Å"an overpowering heaviness of the head†, â€Å"water, or at most [†¦] a pale-yellow wine†should be administered. While this quote may seem to describe the way doctors apply medicine today, it is in fact a description of a very different system. Rather than seeking a connection between the symptom and the medicine, ancient doctors felt there was a connection between the symptom and the moment of Kairos it exists in.Different symptoms indicated different moments of Kairos which then dictated how the patient ought to be treated. Furthermore, these moments of interpretation are deeply anchored in the present, as it is the only â€Å"time†(as opposed to past and future) in which action can be taken. This is to say that Kairos is the moment in which a man can escape his fate, which otherwise rules his life. Fate is always associated with Chronos time, which can be predicted and unavoidably evolves from past to future according to a predetermined development.In contrast, Kairos time allows for spontaneous action based on temporal opportunities. Since in Chronos time, the present is already determined by the past, there is never a true moment of freedom. Sophocles’ play Oedipus at Colonus presents an illustration of this predestination: â€Å"Thy tale of cruel suffering For which no cure was found, The fate that held thee bound. †Here the Chorus addresses Oedipus, clearly expressing the idea that his life , just as that of anybody else, is constrained by fate, which he cannot escape.Chronos is the father of all the Olympian Gods, represented as a wise old man, and known as â€Å"Father Time. †In contrast to this image of Chronos, Kairos is represented dancing, holding the scales of fate in his left hand; with his right hand, he is tipping the scale in one direction or the other. This clearly shows his ability to liberate moments from fate and his detachment from Chronos. Because of this, the moment of the action is often emphasized more than the action itself.This is evident in the Hippocratic Medical Corpus: â€Å"This is the time for administrating gruel that must be most carefully observed†– â€Å"Consider this time of great importance in all diseases†From this quote, it is clear that the most important factor in the administration of medicine is not the disease the patient has, but the moment the remedy will be given. This moment must occur at the r ight time, during the right phase of the illness, in order for the remedy to be successful. The same can be said about Pindar’s Pythian 4, an ode to the victor of the Pythian games.In Pythian 4, Pindar spends more time describing the process that led the heroes to go on an expedition in search for the golden fleece at the moment they did than he does describing their exploits, which are only summarized. This example is particularly interesting in that through those feats, Jason, the hero of the myth, and his companions will achieve kleos, and will thus transcend Chronos time. However, it is the fact that the expedition left at the right moment that seems important to Pindar, or at least more important than the exploits.In an example such as this one, Kairos does seem to be treated as the agent of the action, or at any rate, as responsible for its success. This gives Kairos an extremely important role, in rehabilitating man’s freedom. Indeed, without the existence of Ka iros, human beings would be trapped in their fate without any power over their destiny. Kairos is an opportunity and a â€Å"critical moment†, but it is also the â€Å"due measure†that allow humans to influence on the course of their own existences. However, Kairos only allows men to take action; it does not take action for them.This is evident in the medical corpus: â€Å"[Physicians] generally make the change from fasting to gruel exactly at those times at which often it is profitable to exchange gruel for what is virtually fasting. †One can imagine that relying on such a method could have led to serious mistakes. The nature of Kairos is such that these mistake could easily have disastrous consequences, for which the physician, and not Kairos, would be responsible. Indeed, Kairos alone is not sufficient for a patient to heal, or for an action to be carried out with success.In order for an action to succeed the individual must act in the right moment but must also act correctly. In the medical corpus example, giving gruel could probably have been beneficial, but was not because it was given to the patient at the wrong phase of time. This also is why the medical corpus says medications listed can only be efficient in â€Å"the proper time of their use†. In this way, Kairos is a necessary condition, but is in no way sufficient on its own. The positive outcome of an action therefore does not only depend on Kairos, but on the correct interpretation of Kairos.Thus, a good physician is not one who knows all the different names of every disease, a good physician is one who above all else can read a patient’s body in order to recognize the phase of time the disease is in, and thus determine what should be done. This is why, according to a passage of the Hippocratic Corpus, every physician should learn â€Å"the changes of the seasons and the risings and settings of the phenomena†in order to â€Å"learn the times beforehan d†, which will allow him to â€Å"succeed best in securing health, and will achieve the greatest triumphs in the practice of his art†Our modern concept of time leaves no place for Kairos. The word cannot be translated into modern English, and even the concept requires a fair amount of explanation, since it falls so outside of the realm of our understanding of both time and fate. The closest word to Kairos in the English language would most likely be the word, â€Å"opportunity†While â€Å"opportunity†conveys the way moments in Kairos function with humans agency, it does not fully convey the temporal dimension of Kairos. In modern day society, opportunities are not necessarily always dependent on small windows of time and are often not spontaneous.In this sense, it appears that we can only talk of an opportunity, but not of the moment in which that opportunity takes place. This is to say that the same way Kairos seems detached from Chronos, our opportunit y is detached from time altogether. However, even today, moments of Kairos, though not intentionally, are often taken into consideration when a decision is being made about an action. For example, politicians often â€Å"read the signs†of the political environment or social atmosphere before making a speech on a particular topic.Similarly, humans use Kairos in everyday interactions as we constantly anticipate each other’s responses based on the moments we think each other are experiencing. Though Kairos seems unfamiliar and strange in modern society, it is not a concept we are altogether unfamiliar with. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Hippocratic Corpus, Regimen in Acute Diseases p. 79 [ 2 ]. Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus [ 3 ]. Hippocratic Corpus, Regimen in Acute Diseases p. 79 [ 4 ]. Hippocratic Diseases, Regimen at Acute diseases p. 97 [ 5 ]. Hippocratic Corpus, Regime n In Acute Diseases p. 119
Curriculum and program review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Curriculum and program review - Essay Example Having in mind the general goals and objectives in the Associate Degree Nursing program at North Central State College, on completion of this program, the graduate (RN) should have developed skills needed to be able to assist individual participation in health promotion, maintenance and restoration throughout the lifespan. As a provider and manager of care and member of the discipline of nursing, a RN should be able to demonstrate critical thinking. Furthermore, a RN should integrate the knowledge acquired in the nursing process to meet the needs of individuals and of groups that have similar health problems in a variety of settings. Maybe the most important goals include the RNs being able to safely perform technical procedures using judgment based on the previously acquired knowledge of biopsychosocial principles. Moreover, since establishing therapeutic relationships with clients and families is an integral part of nursing care, this is also an important objective of this program. However, besides the relationships with clients, being a member of the health care team, a RN should also obtain cooperative relationships with co-workers and assume responsibility for their own progress and learning that is ongoing in this profession. Finally, a RN should incorporate knowledge of ethical and legal responsibilities and be aware of individual limitations in nursing practice. Goals and objectives of the Associate Degree Nursing Program are more or less the same in other colleges besides the North Central State College. However, there are some additional ones that are relevant and will be enlisted further in the text. â€Å"Upon completion of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, the graduate, recognizing humans as unique individuals of worth, will be able to in a â€Å"caring†manner: implement individualized nursing care according to the client’s cultural background; apply basic knowledge of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; apply basic knowledge of Erikson’s Stage of Growth and Development; utilize principles of nutrition in health and disease; utilize principles of pharmacology, understand rationale, and administer medications safely; utilize teaching principles to provide education to client, community and family; recognize and comprehend all information regarding clients is confidential and students are held accountable for knowing Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.†(Southeastern Illinois College) Furthermore, in Chaffey College, besides being able to nourish the client’s physical health, a nurse’s goal should also be to â€Å"Utilize the nursing process to provide care for the client and his family that recognizes threats to normal physiological, psychological, developmental, spiritual and sociocultural needs.†(Chaffey College) However, â€Å"To provide an environment that promotes tolerance for diverse cultures, beliefs and opinions†(Nursing St udent Handbook, 2010, p. 4) is a goal that hasn’t been listed in neither of these colleges, except the Goodwin College. Equality of all races when it comes to providing help related to health should be an imperative. Every client should receive equal amount of attention and have the right to be treated with care and respect. According to the Behrend College, â€Å"The associate degree in Nursing is a concentrated two-year program†¦ and after earning an associate degree students are eligible to take the national examination for licensure (NCLEX) as registered nurses.â€
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Set Up a New Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Set Up a New Business - Essay Example The products – Pepsi-Cola Gold and Pepsi-Cola Green Pepsi-Cola Gold and Pepsi-Cola Green come with a rich past, having gone through a century of successful marketing. Pepsi has a long rich past, originating from the last 100 years of success. Caleb Bradham’s analysis provides a definite concept about the sophistication within the market. He developed a strong franchise and also aided better business attributes. With an all time slogan, â€Å"Drink Pepsi Coal†, he has moved through generations, and the new product provides a mild combination of tasty Pepsi flavours, enriched by western lemon brandss. The gains of Pepsi-Cola Gold and Pepsi-Cola Greenare attributed to the empirical framework that defines and create substantial formulation of the ideal criterion to manage an orderly launching process. Firstly, the relevance of the launching implications state that the usefulness of the model is ideally fundamental to the overall strategy and this overruns Market eval uation for Pepsi is an important phenomenum needed to accomplish positive business feedbacks. The real marketing strategies for this product are hugely dependent on the existing market forces. Ideally, the trends equally explore the usefulness of the momentum generated by the launching method. ... ivered value approach creates a competitive advantage and Braithwaite and MacKay, (1991) explains that market timings are fundamentally vital for better product launches. The target market in this case being London, offers established identities and the marketing mix roles offer techniques including suggested activities within and outside London. Equally, the prescriptions aiding the market fronts are expansive and to undertake the critical plans, prescriptions for Pepsi-Cola Gold and Pepsi-Cola Green will involve forecast financial outcomes. The new brands establish greater positioning and particularly on the basis of dependent marketing variables. Service provision defines the London market for Pepsi-Cola Gold and Pepsi-Cola Green as a continuous process which offers substantial customer management concepts. These are ideally explained by the relative operational standards which are comprehensively vital for appropriate product launches. The process range involves implementing the specific marketing processes ranging from selling, pricing and product distribution. Equally, the attainment of the formal distribution mechanisms will also involve the larger market inclusions. In the views of Gray et al, (2005), the business development structures are aided by established market formations. The distinctiveness of the London market is widely explored by the emerging business platforms. The strategy is hugely dependent on a focused penetration level. The research indication for Pepsi-Cola Gold and Pepsi-Cola Green creates coexistence between the specific business models and the defined product factors in the target london market. The Pepsi-Cola strategy applies new market variables. Equally, market pioneering component is specifically aligned from a relatively innovative
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
MOZAMBIQUE CHILD ABUSE AND TRAFFICKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
MOZAMBIQUE CHILD ABUSE AND TRAFFICKING - Essay Example Most of the vulnerable groups such as women and children are rarely acknowledged and suffer rejection in most cases. For instance, the existing legal and political institutions do not favor women empowerment leading to enhanced oppression. Children have been denied their civil liberties and fundamental human rights. School drop out among girls is common in Mozambican schools as most of them are discouraged to pursue education due to sexual abuse. It is sad that the educated members of the society, who are supposed to promote education liberation in Mozambique, are the main perpetrators of sexual abuse and child molestation. They misinform the uneducated parents about the importance of enrolling their children in schools while seizing the opportunity to abuse them sexually. This has made many Mozambican parents lose faith in the education sector with most of them resorting to keeping their daughters at home. In addition to misinformation and lack of education, the Mozambican culture e nhances the problem. The culture expects the boy or man to be the breadwinner of the family. Therefore, male members of the society are allowed to develop educational skills that enhance their capacity to fend for their families. The cultural roles of the girls are normally domestic work and agriculture. They are required to be close to their mothers to acquire these skills and neglecting school in the process. Perpetrators of child abuse normally take advantage of cultural views on gender roles to exploit the girls and keep them at home. Human trafficking in Mozambique is enhanced by two factors; demand for cheap labor and the existence of willing people ready to leave their homes in search of better living conditions. The victims of the vice are normally women and children, with most men forming a greater percentage of the perpetrators. The government has applied legal measures to minimize these vices, but they are not explicit in prevention. International intervention is normally discouraged by the diplomatic and cultural tussles that exist between the Mozambican culture and foreign cultures. This paper addresses the measures that the Mozambican government needs to adopt in addressing Child abuse, sexual abuse and human trafficking. TABLE OF CONTENTS Re: Addressing Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking In Mozambique 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Addressing Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking In Mozambique 4 CAUSES OF CHILD ABUSE, SEXUAL ABUSE AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN MOZAMBIQUE 4 Atrocities. The country has witnessed numerous atrocities ranging from civil wars, political rebellion, and other natural difficulties such as poverty, starvation, diseases and natural calamities. These factors have led to an increase in mortality rates and the urge to shift to other friendly environments. These atrocities made the country struggle financially as well as causing the displacement of more than one million Mozambicans. The aftermath o f these atrocities enhances the vices. Ensuring economic stability and enhancing social integration eliminates such atrocities. 4 Ignorance. Most of the oppression tendencies against women and children are instigated by learned and knowledgeable people who are aware of the consequences of their evil deeds. Most polygamists marry many wives out of ignorance. This is even though they are aware that they cannot fulfill the responsibilities that
Monday, August 26, 2019
Changes in Network Structure and Ownership of US Broadcast Television Essay
Changes in Network Structure and Ownership of US Broadcast Television - Essay Example Traditionally the US television industry was guided by the sheer ethical standards of good programming and content presentation. The networks adopted the basic principle of understanding the viewers as the owners of the air and had been providing them with programmes treating them as sovereigns.The United States Broadcast Television industry has undergone a tremendous change in the last few years due to various factors like shift in the viewers' media-consumption habits, technological advancements resulting in new digital products and reduction in the advertising revenue. Grabbing audience, holding on to them and to monetize on the audience have become tough jobs for the Broad Cast companies with the advent of Internet sites like YouTube that offer television programming including shows from NBC with little financial gain for the networks. Not only the net works but all the media companies are facing the brunt due to the uncertain future of the media business. Before the year 2006 te levision companies profited almost entirely from producing, distributing and selling TV content. Success in those areas meant higher profits and returns for the stakeholders. However this trend had changed with the intrusion of online stores and a variety of digital platforms with which the TV media had to compete. This paper makes a study as to how this state of affairs has necessitated changes in the network structure and ownership of US Broadcast Television industry.Traditionally the US television industry was guided by the sheer ethical standards of good programming and content presentation. The networks adopted the basic principle of understanding the viewers as the owners of the air and had been providing them with programmes treating them as sovereigns. Providing true entertainment was the sole business motto of the network companies. Principles of free enterprise system guided the network companies to broadcast programmes with values and commercial advertising formed a minor part of these entertainers. But with the advent of internet the situation stated drifting and the advertising revenues started declining "Faced with competition from an array of digital competitors, which produce content of their own and sometimes even carry network programming, TV companies have seen their revenues shrink, along with the confidence of traditional Wall Street investors". (Anne Becker 2007) The competition from the digital competitors was the major hurdle for the network companies to continue to survive healthily as this competition started eating up their advertising revenue. This echoed in the quality of the content and programming expertise of the network companies as even the larger ones had to resort to job cuts and were unable to retain real talents by paying hefty salaries and perks. 3.0 Effect of Reduction in Advertising Revenues on Network Companies: One of the major problems identified as leading to the reduction in the revenues to the net work companies is the reduction in the advertising revenues. As against the increase in the ad-spending for the internet was predicted to scale up to 13 percent in 2006 the network-TV advertising remained flat without any increase and newspaper advertising fell 3 percent according to a report by TNS Media Intelligence. Such drastic changes in the revenues had forced the major network companies to cut the jobs and thereby reduce the cost to increase the profitability. "NBCU announced its layoffs after its broadcast network dropped more than 15% in the adults 18-49 demographic over two consecutive seasons and the company saw its profit plummet 10% during third quarter 2006". (Anne Becker 2007) Similarly MTVN has also resorted to job cuts after the share price of its parent company Viacom fell over the past year. MTNV had removed all the staff from its two cable networks, giving their responsibil ities to other staffers at MTV and VH1. 4.0 Commercials and the Web sites: Another important factor which needs consideration in falling revenues of the network TV companies is the shift in the advertising sponsors resorting to internet media than the Television media. Alex Mindlin (2007)
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Obama on Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Obama on Family - Essay Example In order to fulfill educational requirements, majority of students in America are working part-time. In most of the cases, this is not their hobby but their need. The children and the family members both dont get much attention from their heads as they're out to work, this leads to communication gap between them, which further becomes the root cause of many problems. Obama also added to this, by comparing his own commitments, professional and personal both, and commented on how he use to keep a balance between his personal commitments, and professional commitments, and consign errands in a more fair way, as Obama and his wife managed and organized their commitments. Obama agrees that this condition is not suitable for the whole family. Yet, he puts the blame on Republicans who, according to his point of view, are not coming up with a realistic and approachable solution to the long-established family structure. Obama has clearly explained that in order to make children well establishe d and firm in the way to progress, they need personal attention and social relationships with stronger and long lasting effect of love and admiration.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Literature Critique Antibiotic Trials for Coronary Heart Disease Lab Report
Literature Critique Antibiotic Trials for Coronary Heart Disease - Lab Report Example Myocardial Infection with Chlamydia) trial performed on 302 patients with ACS and seropositive for C. pneumoniae was conducted in USA. The patients were randomized to placebo or azithromycin 500 mg/ day for three days followed by 500mg/ week for three months. On the basis of the results of ACADEMIC trial in USA, Gupta etal designed a study with 60 patients in UK. These patients were survivors of Acute Myocardial Infarction (MI) and elevated antibody titers against Chlamydia. Another trial called STAMINA (The South Thames trial of Antibiotics in Myocardial Infarction and unstable angina) (n=325) addressed both C.pneumoniae and H.pylori . Multiple drug therapy using amoxicillin (500mg/day) for H.pylori and azithromycin(500mg/day) for C.pneumoniae . both combined with metronidazole (400 mg twice a day )and omeperazole( 20mg twice a day )was administered to the patients. Follow up of this trial extended for one year. There were two more large and intermediate size trials made with randomized patient groups of ACS viz. AZACS and CLARIFY. AZACS (Azithromycin in acute coronary syndrome) This trial involved 1450 patients in Los Angeles and this trial recruited patients regardless of their serostatus for Chlamydia infection. treatment with azithromycin.was given for 5- days and duration of follow up was 6-months. Another trial CLARIFY (Clarithromycin in Acute Coronary syndrome patients in Finland) also studied the effect of antibiotic therapy on the secondary prevention of ACS on 148 patients. The patient selection criteria was subjects with acute non-Q-wave MI or unstable angina . These patients were randomized to blinded therapy with either clarithromycin or placebo for three months. The primary endpoint was composite of death, MI, or unstable...(Anderson & Muhlestein, 2004) Atherosclerosis is a disease of epidemic proportions in the western world. Hence a lot of studies have been directed towards this disease till date. Small pilot studies conducted showed a strong association of C. pneuminiae IgG antibody with clinical atherosclerosis. Morever, animal studies have demonstrated the ability of active infection with C. pneumoniae to stimulate or accelerate, and antibiotics to prevent, atherosclerosis ( Anderson & Muhlestein, 2004). and seropositivity to C.pneumoniae and randomized them to recive either placebo or 3 months of treatment with azithromycin (600mg/week).The primary endpoint was a composite of death, MI, hospitalization for unstable angina or need for repeat revascularization at 3 years. ANTIBIO (Antibiotic therapy after Acute Myocardial Infarction) trials examined treatment with roxithromycin (a macrolide antibiotic) versus placebo for 6 weeks in 872 patients with acute MI. In this case the study end point was death. The ISAR-3 (Intracoronary Stenting and Antibiotic Regimen 3) study investigated roxithromycin, an effective anti-chlamydia macrolide for the prevention of restonosis after coronary stent deployment.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Fixed Expressions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Fixed Expressions - Essay Example Rosamund Moon claims that "fixed expressions, especially highly colorful and metaphorical idioms and proverbs, are comparatively infrequent. They appear to be more frequent in spoken text than written; although to date there are few extensive studies of their actual distribution". Strassler assesses the "frequency of idioms, excluding phrasal verbs, in spoken discourse as around one per 4.5 minutes of conversation. A survey of 240 English proverbs finds that there are around 33 instances of proverbs per million words of OHPC"1. As a matter of fact the use of fixed expressions, which are not translated literally, but are perceived after comprehension, amplifies the aesthetic aspect of language. By means of idioms the information aspect of language is supplemented with a sensual-intuitive description of our world, our life. In order to make a clear analysis of any phenomenon it is very important first to consider its terminology. While Moon is using fixed expressions and idioms (FEIs) as a general term, there are others in use, in addition to broader uses of idiom. "Phraseological unit is used in some Slavonic and German linguistic traditions as a superordinate term for multi-word lexical items: see, for example, Glser (1984: 348). Similarly phraseme is sometimes used as a superordinate term outside Anglo-American traditions, for example Mel'cuk (1995). There are, however, other uses for both terms. For example, Vinogradov and Tschernischova restrict phraseological unit to more metaphorical items, and Amosova (1963) uses phraseme for multi-word items which are not pure idioms: see Klappenbach (1968: passini). Phraseological unit and phraseme can be identified with Lyons's phrasal lexeme (1977: 23)"2. Classifications of fixed expressions and idioms Rosamund Moon's classification Now let us consider different types of classifications of fixed expressions and idioms. Moon limits classification of forms of fixed expressions to simple categories such as: Metaphors: semantically marked (non-compositional). There are three types of metaphors: 1. Opaque metaphors (for example: bite the bullet, kick the bucket); 2. Transparent metaphors (for example: behind someone's back, pack one's bags); 3. Semi-transparent metaphors (for example: on an even keel, pecking order)3. Formulae, which are pragmatically marked. Moon considers three different types of formulae4: 1. Similes (as good as gold); 2. Simple formulae/sayings: compositional strings with a special discourse function (alive and well, a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse); 3. Metaphorical/literal proverbs: (you can't have your cake and eat it, enough is enough). Anomalous collocations, collocations that are lexico-grammatically marked, grammatically ill-formed, or restricted, or contain a word or use of a word that is unique to the combination5. Within anomalous collocations Moon distinguishes four types: 1. Phraseological collocations: semi-productive constructions, occurring in paradigms (in/into/out of action, on show/display); 2. Cranberry collocations: idiosyncratic lexical component - one or more words found only in that collocation (in retrospect, kith and kin); 3. Defective collocations: idiosyncratic meaning component (in effect, foot the bill); 4. Ill-formed collocations: (at all, by and large). Collocations: "compositional word co-occurrence of markedly high frequency6. There are
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Goffmans Dramaturgical Sociology Essay Example for Free
Goffmans Dramaturgical Sociology Essay The article by Brown elaborates on traditional symbolic interactionism. Goffman was mainly interested in social self in the society that constitutes of individual personality formation. His notion of self involves engaging in purposive forms of activities and impressions. According to Goffman’s dramaturgy, there are various schools of interactionist analysis. People try to manipulate themselves and the situations in which they interact. Goffman’s interests were more to the ritualized forms of social interaction. There are various wings of interactionism; we have the social psychological, social of construction and social ritual wing. The difference in these wings allows one to create bridges between elements of symbolic interactionism and other types of social theory (Brown, 290). The article states that in order to teach Goffman well, instructors should put emphasis on social rituals, symbols and sacred representations so as to produce emotional attachment that enhances solidarity in groups among students. Students will be encouraged to see the difference in strands of symbolic interactionism, conflict theory, classical and contemporary theory. This will result to students’ capabilities being increased and they will maintain themselves creative synthesis. Students should know that the facts of symbolic interactionist are just fictions. However, they carry conspicuous effects of social life. In macro-sociology, Goffman observes given situation as a reality that is on an equal footing with human preference (Brown, 294). This is unlike other traditional interactionists. Additionally, Goffman uses the concept of frames to show the incomparability of situations in everyday life. These frames include elements of symbolic meaning, social roles, norms and hierarchies of power that represents participants’ behaviors. Finally, Goffman puts into considerations disruptions, ambiguities, and reparations of social routine as part of everyday life. They are called breaking frames and they cause an embarrassment in life situations. Work cited Brown, David. Goffman’s Dramaturgical Sociology: Developing a Meaningful Theoretical Context and Exercise Involving ‘ Embarrassment and social organization’. American Sociological Association, 2003, pp. 288-299
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Relationship Between Brand Loyalty Essay Example for Free
The Relationship Between Brand Loyalty Essay Evaluate the relationship between brand loyalty, corporate image, and repeat purchasing. Brand loyalty In marketing, brand loyalty comprises of a consumers commitment to repurchase the brand and can be demonstrated by repeated buying of manufactured goods or services or other positive conducts such as word of mouth advocacy. True brand loyalty involves that the consumers are willing, at least on event, to put aside their own needs in the interest of the brand. Brand loyalty is more than simple repurchasing, however. Customers may repurchase a brand due to situational constraints, a lack of viable alternatives, or out of convenience. Such loyalty is referred to as spurious loyalty. True brand loyalty exists when customers have a high relative attitude toward the brand which is then exhibited through repurchase behavior. This type of loyalty can be a great asset to the firm: customers are willing to pay higher prices, they may cost less to serve, and can bring new customers to the firm. For example, if Joe has brand loyalty to Company A, he will purchase Company As products even if Company Bs are cheaper and/or of a higher quality. An example of a major brand loyalty program that extended for several years and spread worldwide is Pepsi Stuff. Perhaps the most significant contemporary example of brand loyalty is the fervent devotion of many Mac users to the Apple company and its products. From the point of view of many marketers, loyalty to the brand in terms of consumer usage is a key factor. Corporate image A corporate image refers to how a company is perceived. It is a normally accepted image of what a company stands for. The formation of a corporate image is an implement in the perception management. It is created solely by marketing managers/consultants who use public relations and other forms of promotion to suggest a mental picture to the public. Usually, a corporate image is designed to be interesting to the public, so that the company can spark an interest among customers, create share of mind, create brand equity, and thus make easy product sales. A corporations image is not solely created by the company: Other contributors to a companys image could include news media, journalists, labour unions, environmental organizations, and other NGOs (non-governmental organization). Corporations are not the only form of organization that creates these types of images. Governments, charitable organizations, criminal organizations, religious organizations, political organizations, and educational organizations all tend to have a unique image, an image that is partially purposeful and partially unintended, partially self-created. For example, the corporate image for Serenity Spa Salon, which has an image of a lady, faced up with hair flowing down. This image gives the sense of relaxation where a lady can get her face and hair done. The soft colours used give an impression a relaxing ambience at the salon. Thus inviting tired women to come here and unwind while their hair and face are being treated. Only if the experience is a success for the customer will it be turned into repeat purchases. These repeats, not the single purchase which is the focus of most models, are where the vendors focus should be, for these are where the profits are generated. For example, Mrs Lee have tried the PILOT pen before and she thinks it is a comfortable pen to write with. She buys more for her office use which all suppliers are looking forward to. Some suppliers even gives a sample to trial on so that the customer will want to buy from them again as it satisfied them to use it.
Islam in Indonesia
Islam in Indonesia Islam in Indonesia Modern Indonesia is known for having the largest Muslim population by percentage of any country in the world. Coming to Indonesia in the 13th century A.D., Islam has continued to spread, and approximately 90 % of the current population considers itself to be Muslim. Nevertheless, many forms of Islam practiced there combine animist, Hindu, and Buddhist elements from the countrys rich and varied religious past, creating an Islamic faith that looks different from that of the Orthodox Islam of the Middle East. With over 17,000 islands spanning 3,000 miles along the equator, Indonesias Islamic variations differ significantly not only from other countries but also from one part of its own land to another. Still, while Islam dominates the political and social structure of Indonesia, the country still maintains its other religious roots; as one critic notes, â€Å"Indonesias civilization is like a marbled layer cake.†Convergence of Religions Before the introduction of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam into the country, early Indonesians were prominently animists who practiced ancestor and spirit worship. This form of religion, generally described as superstitious and ritualistic, believes that plants and animals, all living things, have a soul. For instance, many Indonesians consider the waringin tree as sacred and a symbol of the â€Å"vital essence.†Thus they often bury animal sacrifices at the roots of the tree and no one is permitted to cut down the tree or its branches, otherwise severe punishment or even death ensues.  As another example of animism, many Indonesians still believe hair to have a magic quality called mana. Young men, therefore, are encouraged to send girls a lock of their hair in order to seduce them. Furthermore, the Indonesians hold many rituals regarding life and death; some very important for appeasing the dead souls or assisting them through the underworld. Although this d edication to the god and spirit of nature changed somewhat with the arrival of other religions, the natives usually just incorporated elements of their animist culture and superstitions into the new religions. In 1,500 A.D., the Hindu and Buddhist faiths came to Indonesia and meshed with the primitive animism of the country. The Indonesians accepted and accommodated these new beliefs by mixing them with each other, as well as with their own culture. In fact, in many parts of Indonesia, the natives combined all three religions to create something of a new Hindu-Buddhist animism. A great relic from the ninth century called the Borobudur temple on the island of Java evidences this unique blending of faiths. As the largest Buddhist monument in the world, this great structure holds almost fourhundred images of Buddha, while simultaneously displaying many Hindu, Hindu-Buddhist, and animist sculptures. With its conglomeration of different deities in one temple, Borobudur manifests the Indonesians unique combination of separate religions. As one example of a specifically Hindu-Buddhist convergence, Shiva, a Hindu god, was transformed into something of a Buddha image, while still ke eping the Hindu name of Shiva. As seen later, the Shiva god eventually adopts the Islam faith as well. The Shiva-Buddhist cult poignantly reflects the Indonesian mindset toward the variety of religions offered. Despite these convergences, some places, such as the island of Bali, became solely Hindu and remain so to this day.Following the fusion of Hindu, Buddhist, and native religions, Islam appeared and lay yet another brick on the religious structure, which was held together by a mortar of deep cultural roots. Introduction of Islam Traveling to Indonesia by way of the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, Muslim traders and mystical literary figures first brought Islam to the country in the thirteenth century. Coming from India, this was the mainstream Sunni variant, which was initially founded in Arabia. Scholars speculate that the mystical Sufi tradition influenced this Islam, which could have been easily fused with the native Indonesian culture. Sufi holy men are described as â€Å"devout Muslim mystics renowned for the beauty of their music, poetry†and their internal spiritual focus, rather than for seeking to impose their religion on their surroundings or onto politics. As one scholar notes, although no evidence of Sufi communities from early centuries in Indonesia exists, Indonesians would have been more likely to accept the more mystical form of Islam than the strict, law-bound versions. One similarity between the Sufi and Indonesian cultures was the idea of having a teacher who formed around him a small group of disciples to pass on higher wisdom. Also, the Indonesian and the Muslim both seemed to focus more on the correct ways in which to communicate to god instead rather than on the nature of god. Furthermore, Indonesian tantric mantras were means of meditation similar to that of the Muslims, as the Muslims often recited the Koran or other Arabic texts. This form of Islam, therefore, could be easily incorporated into the native culture. Because of the traders traveling routes, Islam spread most rapidly in the northern parts of Sumatra, Java, and the eastern archipelago. Evidence of this beginning Islamization comes from Marco Polo. In 1292 he landed in Sumatra where he found an Islamic town named Perlak. Although Perlak was already Islamic with a Sunni monarch, Islam was not found within its surrounding towns. One of the larger cities, Melaka, was a major impetus for the spread of Islam. This rich port city controlled the Strait of Malacca and much of the archipelagos trade throughout the fifteenth century. Iskandar Syah, a prince converted to Islam, founded Melaka, and through his rule, his successors, and the trading fleet he extended the religion to various parts of the archipelago. Islam not only offered a simple message of personal faith and hope, but it could also give one favor and therefore success in trade or nobility; thus Indonesians had a double incentive for conversion. S till some regions were resistant to Islam, such as Bali and parts of Java that kept a more strictly Hindu culture. Islamic Expansion Islam branched out further in the sixteenth century, when Muslims began establishing Islamic kingdoms. The Aceh kingdom, formed on the western part of Sumatra, was a region of major Islamic allegiance in the early sixteenth century and today is a part of Sumatra where â€Å"Islamic character of population is most pronounced.† Also in the early 1500s the Portuguese came to Indonesia; although they intentionally brought Catholicism with them to Christianize the islands, their efforts inadvertently aided Islamization.By closing off the central ports to Indian Muslims, they pushed the Muslims with their Islam faith to smaller ports across the islands. Islam, then, was taken to some of the more remote pockets of the widespread country. Nevertheless, Java still did not easily accept the faith. There, Majapahit was the last and greatest of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms that predominantly controlled the archipelago and surrounding regions in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The Islamic port towns conflicted with Majapahit power, however, and under the challenge of Islamization Hindu Javanese leaders fled to the small island of Bali to keep their faith alive. Bali, as an exception in Indonesia, remains untouched by Islam to this day. Those inland on Java eventually accepted Islam but only as a â€Å"formal legal and religious context for Javanese spiritual culture.† In Java, Islam was allowed to exist only on Javanese cultural terms.  That is, only as in a form mixed with previously held religious beliefs. Although most early conversions were peaceful, one scholar says that converted Islamic states sometimes waged war against traditional Hindu-Buddhist regions. The same scholar also recognizes that because of inadequate historical records and evidence, the process of Islamization in Indonesia is somewhat unclear.Although some believe Hindu princes converted to Islam because of their desire for power, commerce, and riches, the legend of Sunan Kalidjaga offers a different perspective on the eventual conversion of inland Java. Kalidjaga was a prince in Java who grew up in the traditional Hindu-Buddhist culture of the Majapahit kingdom. In a conversion experience similar to that of the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, Kalidjaga had a vision of a Muslim religious leader who instructed him to spread the doctrine of Islam. Consequently, the prince converted to Islam and began peacefully sharing the faith throughout Java. He was thus able to bridge the two religions; for t he Javanese, his life is â€Å"the meaningful link between a world of god-kings, ritual priests, and declamatory shrines and one of pious sultans, Koranic scholars, and austere mosques.† Kalidjaga is considered, therefore, to be one of the wali sanga, or nine apostles, who helped bring peaceful conversions to Islam in Java. Because of the differences between Indonesian culture and the Islam of Mecca, however, conversion usually meant an acceptance of Islam wherein the faith would be combined with traditional and indigenous beliefs. Versions of Islam Most Indonesians, when converting to Islam, synchronized the new religion with their personal mixture of one or more of Hindu, Buddhist, or, animist religions, while a minority switched completely to Orthodox Islam. Therefore, like the many diverse cultures of the islands, Islam began to take on different shapes across the country. The two distinct versions of Islam, Orthodox and the blended , were in tension with one another. A believer in Indonesia who became exclusively Muslim and adhered strictly to Mecca-oriented Islam and the laws of the Koran is called santri. Santri can also signify a person who removes himself from the secular surroundings to devote himself to Islamic schools called pesantren, which translates literally as â€Å"the place of the santri.† The second form of Islam commonly identified is called kebatinin. This version is a mixture of Hindu-Buddhist beliefs, animism and Islam practices. Kebatinin is also called kejawen, agama J awa, Javanism, or abangan.One case of this blend of religions was described earlier in the Hindu god Shiva who adopted Buddhist characteristics. As Islam spread through the culture, the Javanese claimed Shiva went to Mecca and also embraced Islam, thus creating a god of three faiths combined. Because Hinduism never completely reached the eastern islands, a more pure, orthodox form of Islam formed in the east, while the western part of Indonesia tended to more often combine Islam with its Hinduism or other ancient belief systems. Political History By the end of the sixteenth century both the Dutch and British had gained interest in the â€Å"Spice Islands†(Indonesia) and its wealth of trade. The Dutch East India Company was formed in 1602, which attempted to take over all trade control with Indonesia from other European countries, thus creating a commercial monopoly. This monopoly served to shape the foundation of the Dutch territorial empire. Historians mark this time, which is disputed to be either 1511 or 1600, as the commencement of European control and influence that would last up to the twentieth century. The time between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries has been generalized as an â€Å"age of commerce†both for Indonesians and foreign traders. The Dutch East India Companys involvement did not remain limited to trade, however, but instead it became a political force among the islands. Although opposed by certain Islamic leaders in Java, such as Sultan Agung and his successor Amangkurat II, the Dutch eventually dominated all of Java and then spread its empire into Sumatra and other surrounding areas.With this Dutch influence extending into Indonesia, the face of Islam underwent various changes. For instance, the native trading peoples were forced further inland. Holding a strong Islam faith, they brought their beliefs with them and began to rely more and more on the pilgrimage to Mecca as their connection with the larger Muslim world. Consequently, they formed and spread an Islam somewhat orthodox but still mixed with the deep traditions of Java culture. After the Napoleonic Wars, the Dutch decided to try to make its governed lands at least self-sufficient, but they met some unexpected challenges. In 1825 the Java War began, due in part to protest of Dutch rule on the island. The war was supported by many Muslim leaders in Indonesia who also recognized the Korans promise of a coming Madhi, a messiah or â€Å"Just Ruler†that would bring peace and harmony to the territory. In the years of 1826-30, a man who was overthrown from Javanese rule by the Dutch claimed himself to be the Madhi of Islam and he began a jihad, or Holy War, against the government. During the Java War, another battle began in Sumatra called the Padri-War. This conflict began between the traditional leaders of the community, called the adat, and the revivalist Muslim leaders; some of the orthodox revivalists killed a royal family of the more Indocized Islam. As a result of the battle, Dutch authorities called for a military invasion, which served to strengthen Dutch administration in the area. By the end of the nineteenth century, the Dutch were able to make the islands into a â€Å"unified colonial dependency,†which formed the basis for the future republic of Indonesia. By this time, western thought began to pervade Islamic circles, forming a modernist strain of Islam. Furthermore, Indonesian nationalism began to develop, and with it, an organization called the â€Å"Islamic Association†or Sakerat Islam, the largest nationalist party of the time. After World War I, many more of these types of associations were formed, most of which were aimed toward nationalism.  Inner conflicts between the conservative and communist leaders in 1921 caused the decline of Sakerat Islam, and a new nationalist movement rose to prominence: the Indonesian Nationalist Party, formed under the leadership of Sukarno, the rising president of Indonesia. As a result of World War II, Indonesia fell from the clasp of Dutch rule and into the hands of Japan. The Jap anese allowed the rise of both Muslim and nationalist leaders, including Sukarno, who began establishing himself as the leader of the nation. After an Indonesian revolution, Japan gave Indonesia its independence in the year of 1945. Role of Islam in Politics After gaining independence, the Indonesians needed to decide on the role of Islam in the nations government. After heated disputes, the leaders agreed to keep religious freedom and to create â€Å"a civic code instead of an Islamic one.†At the same time, one current of Kebatinin, the more indigenous-type of Islam, became legitimized by the government. Sukarno then became the first Indonesian president of the Republic. Because he disliked the divisions among Muslims and other religions (specifically Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian) of the nation he propagated a somewhat disguised, authoritarian form of government called the â€Å"Guided Democracy.† His successor, Suharto, introduced a similar type of rule named â€Å"The New Order.† Some scholars say both of these rulers showed â€Å"their Javanese religious-cultural bias against Islam†and made sure that Islams political influence was limited by various forces, including the military. Both Sukarno and Suharto, therefore, restricted political freedom throughout the nation. In response to the bias against Islam, Islamic and nationalist organizations united to create parties against Suhartos government. The â€Å"red-green†alliance, in existence today as the Wahid-Megawati administration, was one political coalition of the nationalist- Islam that helped to defeat the dictatorship of Suharto.  Suharto, upon realizing the threat to his rule, turned to a militant form of Islam. This led to much violence across the nation, and religious groups who had formerly lived in peace, such as Muslims and Christians, began to fight against one another.  This more militant, violent form of Islam instigated by Suharto became a lasting part of Indonesias various branches of Islam. Branches of Islam Today The two most influential Muslim organizations of Indonesia society today are the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), made up of the traditionalists, and the Muhammadiyah, or, the modernists. The traditionalists tend to be organized around Muslim boarding schools (the pesantren) while they preserve traditional Islamic education.In fact, the name of the organization, Nahdlatul Ulama, literally translates as â€Å"renaissance of Islamic scholars†, and the thirty-five million involved with this Islamic orientation follow charismatic religious scholars. The Muhammidiyah, on the other hand, embrace modern thought and culture while keeping to orthodox Islamic theology. Founded in 1912, this modernist organization was aimed to create social institutions, such as orphanages and hospitals, in order to compensate the Protestant and Catholic efforts.  With about twenty-five million followers, it has less participation than the NU Modern Muslim Culture According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, 210 million inhabitants of Indonesia today consider themselves Muslim. Many of these believers, however, practice Islam in profoundly different ways. The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles provides information on various modern Muslim groups in Indonesia. The profiles show an incredibly diversified Islam with many lasting effects of animism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. For instance, ninety-nine percent of the 800,000 Komering who live in Sumatra today claim Islamic faith, yet they mix their beliefs strongly with animism and superstitions. In order to keep evil spirits away, for example, many Komering wear good luck charms that contain verses of the Koran. Also, some believe that â€Å"whistling indoors at night entertains demons, or that walking around on your birthday will bring bad luck.†Thus, although Islam remains prevalent and maintains a strong influence on the culture, the Komering still incorporate old religious beliefs. The Sekayu is another tribe of mixed religion. Found spread throughout southern Sumatra, they consider themselves devout Muslims. Indeed, they pray five times a day toward Mecca and reject common sacrificial rituals, believing only Allah gives true redemption. Nevertheless, they still maintain some of their ancient animistic beliefs. For example, many Sekayu visit a â€Å"soothsayer,†or dukun, in order to contact the dead spirits or have their fortune told. They claim, however, that they do not pray â€Å"to†the dead spirits, as others do, but instead they pray to Allah â€Å"for†the benefit of their ancestors.The Sekayu, therefore, practice dedication to Allah while still sustaining animistic beliefs. The Alas-Kluet Batak people of the Aceh province in northern Sumatra, on the other hand, have very little concern for or devotion to Orthodox Islam even though they have been considered Muslims since the 1600s.  This tribe directs their religious practices toward what they consider good and bad ghosts who must be appeased through cult rituals and exorcist healings. For instance, at a childs birth, the parents shave the childs head, leaving only a small lock of hair. If the child then becomes ill, they cut the remaining lock of hair believing that bad luck will also be removed. The people of Alas-Kluet Batak, then, remain Muslim only in name, not in practice. The Bajau, as another example, are mostly Sunni Muslims who live mainly in the coastal districts and islands of Sulawesi. These â€Å"Sea Gypsies†consist mostly of nomadic boat dwellers who often lack mosques for worship. Consequently, they rely on different communities on shore to visit a mosque. Islamic religious status is very important to the Bajau. For instance, they show special honor to descendants of Mohammed, or salip, and â€Å"variations of Islamic practices are associated with the relative status of different groups.†Although the Bajau uphold Islamic religious piety and learning for individual prestige, they continue to practice traditional forms of spirit worship. At least once a year, they hold a â€Å"public sà ©ance and nightly trance dancing†while the spirit mediums assemble to contact the spirits. The Bajau call on the spirit mediums particularly in times of illness to remove evil spirits from the community. They accomp lish this by putting a â€Å"spirit boat†adrift in the ocean.This people group, therefore, does not hold to a pure worship of Allah, but instead also looks to other supernatural powers. A Country of Mixed Islam Since the 13th century, Islam has filtered into the corners and remote pockets of Indonesian civilization. Coming into a religiously mixed world of animism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, Islam began taking on forms different than that of Middle Eastern orthodoxy. The majority of Indonesian Muslims today shape the Islamic religion to fit their traditional superstitions and other religious beliefs, while the minority strives for orthodoxy.  These various forms of Islam combine to dominate both the cultural and political aspects of the nation and give Indonesia the largest Muslim population of the world. Yet in reality, rather than being unified under a pure Islam, this population truly is a â€Å"marble layered cake†of mixed religious belief.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Love and Hate :: Essays Papers
Love and Hate Setting This story was about 2 boys (Bryon and Mark). Bryon was the oldest. He was sixteen and Mark was 15. They both got into alot of trouble. They enjoyed fighting, and they were pool hustlers. Mark had moved in with Bryon and his mother when he was little. His parents had gotten into a fight and shot each other. Plot Structure I believe this story was a man versus himself, because all through the book Bryon was constantly changing. He and Mark started to grow apart. He started to fall in love with a girl. He also had to deal with turning his best friend/brother into the police. He had to learn to forgive himself. Towards the end Bryon turned Mark into the police. He had found drugs under Mark's mattress. Mark had been bringing home money and Bryon finally found out where it was coming from. Mark had been selling drugs. Bryon did not know what to do thus, he called the police. When Mark came home and Bryon told him, Mark was shocked. In court Mark would not even look at Bryon and when Bryon went to see him Mark said that he hated him. Plot Summary Bryon and Mark were friends/brothers. Mark moved in with them when he was 9. His parents had gotten into a fight and ended up shooting each other. Mark and Bryon did everything together. They were big pool hustlers. They would go into Charlie's bar and find someone to play pool with. Then they would end up with all his money. Bryon was friends with Charlie. That's how they were able to go into the bar. Bryon was 16 and Mark was 15. They both loved getting into fights. One day they were walking with M&M,a thirteen year old who loved M&M's. When three guys tried to jump M&M. M&M did not like to fight thus, Mark and Bryon stopped it. Bryon and Mark went to visit Bryon's mother in the hospital. She told them about a boy, Mike, across the hall who never had any visitors. Thus she asked them to go see him. bryon did not want to thus, he went to the snack bar and he saw a girl he knew.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Myth of the Old West Essays -- American History, Cowboys
Over the years, the idea of the western frontier of American history has been unjustly and falsely romanticized by the movie, novel, and television industries. People now believe the west to have been populated by gun-slinging cowboys wearing ten gallon hats who rode off on capricious, idealistic adventures. Not only is this perception of the west far from the truth, but no mention of the atrocities of Indian massacre, avarice, and ill-advised, often deceptive, government programs is even present in the average citizen’s understanding of the frontier. This misunderstanding of the west is epitomized by the statement, â€Å"Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis was as real as the myth of the west. The development of the west was, in fact, A Century of Dishonor.†The frontier thesis, which Turner proposed in 1893 at the World’s Columbian Exposition, viewed the frontier as the sole preserver of the American psyche of democracy and republicanism by co mpelling Americans to conquer and to settle new areas. This thesis gives a somewhat quixotic explanation of expansion, as opposed to Helen Hunt Jackson’s book, A Century of Dishonor, which truly portrays the settlement of the west as a pattern of cruelty and conceit. Thus, the frontier thesis, offered first in The Significance of the Frontier in American History, is, in fact, false, like the myth of the west. Many historians, however, have attempted to debunk the mythology of the west. Specifically, these historians have refuted the common beliefs that cattle ranging was accepted as legal by the government, that the said business was profitable, that cattle herders were completely independent from any outside influence, and that anyone could become a cattle herder. In order to p... the American government and rightfully rebelled. This rebellion, unlike the others, was successful, as Red Cloud forced the Bozeman Trail to be closed. Nonetheless, it demonstrates the American Government’s oppression of Native Americans. All in all, the treatment of the American Indian during the expansion westward was cruel and harsh. Thus, A Century of Dishonor conveys the truth about the frontier more so than the frontier thesis. Additionally, the common beliefs about the old west are founded in lies and deception. The despair that comes with knowing that people will continue to believe in these false ideas is epitomized by Terrell’s statement, â€Å"Perhaps nothing will ever penetrate the haze of puerile romance with which writers unfaithful to their profession and to themselves have surrounded the westerner who made a living in the saddle†(Terrell 182).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Storytelling in Eavan Bolands In a Time of Violence Essay -- In a Tim
Storytelling in Eavan Boland's In a Time of Violence      In her 1994 collection of poems, In a Time of Violence, Eavan Boland presents her readers with a very focused set of controlling ideas. These ideas, centered around the concepts of family, history, legends, and storytelling, fluidly intermingle and build upon one another as the work progresses until one notion, above all others, is clear: that the telling and retelling of stories and legends is not only a great power, but a great responsibility. In this collection of poems, the poet consciously accepts this responsibility as a reteller of stories, thereby appropriating to herself the power to strengthen familial bonds, question conventional histories, and create new legends for women of the future.     The single poem that best represents the controlling ideas of In a Time of Violence is a short poem entitled Legends. This poem is concerned primarily with the relationship of stories and legends to familial bonds among women; in this case, the bond between a mother and her child. The poem begins by, in effect, telling the story of storytelling: â€Å"†¦they [storytellers] begin the world again, / making the mountain ridges blue / and the rivers clear and the hero fearless†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Boland, 50). It is clear that Boland is assigning large amounts of power to storytellers within the context of the speaker-listener relationship; in the eyes of the listener, they have the God-like power to â€Å"begin the world again†, and to remake and purify elements of the storyworld as they see fit.     The third stanza of the poem both examines this power further and creates a common link between all tellers of storiesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"and the outcome always undecided / so the next teller can say begin an... ...continue, no matter how difficult. At the heart of In a Time of Violence is the need and responsibility to re-imagine and retell old stories that no longer work; to bring women closer together by doing away with the repressive female imagesâ€â€the beautiful heroine, the unseen seamstress that saturate the current and past stories of our culture. By creating and retelling these stories, Boland explores what she has termed â€Å"the meeting place between womanhood and history†, and creates a communal discourse between all women who care to listen to her. Works Cited and Consulted Boland, Eavan. In a Time of Violence. New York: Norton, 1994. Weekes, Ann Owens. "'An Origin like Water': The Poetry of Eavan Boland and Modernist Critiques of Irish Literature," Irishness and (Post)Modernism, ed. John S. Rickard. Cranbury, New Jersey: Associated University Presses, 1994. Storytelling in Eavan Boland's In a Time of Violence Essay -- In a Tim Storytelling in Eavan Boland's In a Time of Violence      In her 1994 collection of poems, In a Time of Violence, Eavan Boland presents her readers with a very focused set of controlling ideas. These ideas, centered around the concepts of family, history, legends, and storytelling, fluidly intermingle and build upon one another as the work progresses until one notion, above all others, is clear: that the telling and retelling of stories and legends is not only a great power, but a great responsibility. In this collection of poems, the poet consciously accepts this responsibility as a reteller of stories, thereby appropriating to herself the power to strengthen familial bonds, question conventional histories, and create new legends for women of the future.     The single poem that best represents the controlling ideas of In a Time of Violence is a short poem entitled Legends. This poem is concerned primarily with the relationship of stories and legends to familial bonds among women; in this case, the bond between a mother and her child. The poem begins by, in effect, telling the story of storytelling: â€Å"†¦they [storytellers] begin the world again, / making the mountain ridges blue / and the rivers clear and the hero fearless†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Boland, 50). It is clear that Boland is assigning large amounts of power to storytellers within the context of the speaker-listener relationship; in the eyes of the listener, they have the God-like power to â€Å"begin the world again†, and to remake and purify elements of the storyworld as they see fit.     The third stanza of the poem both examines this power further and creates a common link between all tellers of storiesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"and the outcome always undecided / so the next teller can say begin an... ...continue, no matter how difficult. At the heart of In a Time of Violence is the need and responsibility to re-imagine and retell old stories that no longer work; to bring women closer together by doing away with the repressive female imagesâ€â€the beautiful heroine, the unseen seamstress that saturate the current and past stories of our culture. By creating and retelling these stories, Boland explores what she has termed â€Å"the meeting place between womanhood and history†, and creates a communal discourse between all women who care to listen to her. Works Cited and Consulted Boland, Eavan. In a Time of Violence. New York: Norton, 1994. Weekes, Ann Owens. "'An Origin like Water': The Poetry of Eavan Boland and Modernist Critiques of Irish Literature," Irishness and (Post)Modernism, ed. John S. Rickard. Cranbury, New Jersey: Associated University Presses, 1994.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Implementing Effective Job Delegation in the Units Essay
As a supervisor on our medical surgical unit, our hospital patient satisfaction scores for the past two years have been going down and there is a great need to improve patient satisfaction scores, particularly in the area of effective job delegation. Research (2011) has shown that a leader who does not delegate might likely feel stressed and overloaded. Although it might seem the best way for work to get done, is to do it yourself, but it’s not a good long-term solution. Feedback and review remain helpful and important, although the relationship is more likely one of mentoring, rather than coaching. The Question In order to improve patient satisfaction score in hospitals, the first question that health care providers should ask is what can be done to improve the quality of care given to our patients, and the second question is, how can effective job delegation improve our patient satisfaction score in our hospital? Will the creation of a policy on implementation of effective job delegation, encourage collaboration between the nursing staff and personnel to ensure that all personnel are not stressed or overworked? On our medical surgical unit, nurses struggle to deliver all the care their patients need, but are unable, due to stress and overwork. Good delegation saves time, develops people, grooms a successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause frustration, discouragement and Confusion, as such the delegated person will fail to carry out the delegated task. Effective job delegation will improve our patient satisfaction scores, even if most nurses would prefer to deliver all the care their patients need, but can’t, due to overwork and stress. The delegated task may be small, but has a large overall impact for all those involved. Nursing is a demanding profession, often nurses feel as though there are not enough hours in the day to complete all tasks, delegation of job will help nurses complete all the jobs allocated, this will help improve patient’s satisfaction scores. In the medical field today there is shortage of nurses, but still nurses are still expected to provide safe and effective care for their patients, by elegating some aspects of care to others this goal can be archived. Evidenced-Based Studies Many studies have been performed on effective job delegation. An article by American Nurses Association: Research and expert opinions suggest that effective job delegation frees up Nurses to do what they have been educated to do and coordinate patient care (ANA, 2020). It explained that delegating jobs help improve collaboration between healthcare workers, by delegating some aspects of care to others. Another article in the ADVANCE web site published by trustworthy researchers, who did the research on: why it is significant for healthcare workers to delegate job: since they decided what patient care intervention is necessary and how, when, and by whom these interventions need to be provided. The article narrated how effective job delegation will improve patient satisfaction scores; though most nurses would prefer to deliver all the care their patients need (Juno, 2010). An advanced research was carried out by nursing expert, who explained, that effective job delegation will improve patient satisfaction scores due to nurses shortage and the need to lower medical cost. The article describes how good job delegation saves time, develops people, grooms a successor, and motivates workers, while Poor job delegations causes frustration and overwork to nurses, making the task of healthcare workers difficult to give safe healthcare to their patients ( Juno, 2010). It explained that delegating jobs help improve collaboration between workers. An international research in South Africa discovered that there is a large disparity in service levels workload, between private and public sectors. The research point out that effective job delegation is necessary for both private and public sectors for jobs to be carried out efficiently (AFN, 2012). The organization Advocate for Nurses carries out a research and found out that the provision of health care in America has been compromised by the loss of trained health workers due to over work and stress, the article explained that when Managers or leaders engage in effective job delegation in the health care organization, Nurses will not leave the profession because of overwork and stress. It explained that poor job delegation lead to pressure and work overload, because most nurses think they can provide all the care their patient need, which is impossible to do, as such leaving one tressed, unhappy, and feeling that you’re letting your profession down, the solution to prevent this feeling is effective job delegation (AFN, 2012). They also explained why health care worker have to delegate, because of changes in healthcare delivery, they stressed the fact that task delegation is here to stay at least for the foreseeable future. Job delegation is crucial to cost containment a nd Job delegation is important; as such health care professionals should take it as an expected professional nursing activity (AFN, 2012). The Proposal The outcome of creating a policy is something that is realistically obtainable in a professional practice: Access to the hospital policies, meeting with floor managers/unit leaders and Identifying problems in our hospital have shown that our nurses and managers are stressed and overworked. The task of a competent manager is not to do all the work on his or her own, but to smartly deliver within the given parameters of budget and timeline I propose that all managers must make sure that the delegated person understands the importance of the task, the responsibility it brings and the long-term consequences. Once they are clear about the task it becomes easy for the job to be accomplished. Managers should make sure, those who are delegated, feel they are contributing to the success of the organization rather than standing on the periphery, and they must ensure that the job being delegated is handed to the appropriate individual, because if the task is not done, the person who delegated the job as well as the delegated person are responsible for non-performance of the job. Delegation is transferring a competent individual the authority to perform selected tasks in a selected situation. Effect job delegation facilitates success and trust among nurse, who then be able to deliver safe and satisfactory care of patients, as a result improve patient’s satisfaction scores. Conclusion Effective delegation involves achieving the desired results, managing the demanding deadlines, empowering and equipping the team. Ultimately, the responsibility of getting delegated job accomplished remains with the manager. Researchers have shown that leaders who do not delegate feel stressed and overloaded with work. Good delegation saves time, develops people, grooms a successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause frustration, discouragement and confusion. Effective job delegation strategies incorporated into health care practice can provide health care workers with more time for professional nursing roles, and enhance job satisfaction in the areas of decision-making and promotional opportunity.
Friday, August 16, 2019
High School Compared with Collge
A good education is an important part of life. To achieve a good education a person must graduate from high school and then college. High school prepares students for college, but each student must define his or herself to succeed in college. The many similarities and differences between high school and college can help and hinder each student in his or her goals to achieve a good education. Some of these similarities and differences between high school and college are the type of students, the difficulty of the classes, and the differences in class scheduling.The differences of students in high school and college begin with high school being a world where a person attends school with most of the same classmates that he or she has grown up with. No one has a true identity except the reputation or image that a person has built for themselves over the years. Most of the people in each grade are around the same age and live in the same community and are friends inside and outside of cla ss. College is usually a new world to students. Many students move to different parts of the country to attend college and move away from their friends and community.This gives each person an opportunity to create a new identity for his or herself and make new friends. Also, students in college are various ages including some right out of high school and some being older adults continuing their education later in life. A common theme in high school and college is bringing a group of students together to learn. Students are all attending classes to achieve a piece of paper that will help them in their future. Most students attend classes in high school and college because they want to be there, but the difficulty of the classes determines each student’s success.The difficulty of high school contrasted with college can be hard on students. Many high schools work to pass students through the various grade levels and onto graduation without the students having to work very hard t o complete tasks and assignments. On the contrary, college is a place where students must work to achieve their grades and pass classes. Professors expect students to complete tasks, homework, and exams to achieve a grade and pass the college class. Classes in college are usually harder on students because they require more work, studying, and dedication.Many students goof off and do not take high school classes seriously. Often students copy each other’s work and tests in high school, but college students must work hard to make sure that their work is individualized and not plagiarized. Some high schools do offer college level classes to students that are more difficult and prepare students for the difficulty of college courses. Each student determines how the difficult the class really is by taking the time to study and complete the work in both high school and college.One of the biggest differences between high school and college is the schedule. Both high school and colle ge offer schedules for students to sign up for. Students are able to take courses that interest them and will help them achieve a diploma or degree. In high school students become accustomed to a strict daily schedule. School begins and ends at the same time each day and classes are held during this time and each class is the same length. College classes are very different. Classes are spread throughout the week and each class can be a different length.Students must learn to take advantage of down time in between classes to study and complete assignments. On the contrary, in high school, students are given time during class and study periods to do work. The transition between a strict high school schedule into a more lenient college schedule can be very hard on many students. Many times the scheduling difference between high school and college is the reason why students to do excel their first year of college. Students were not taught how to plan and make good use of their time with the too strict high school schedule.Even though students in high school are given an opportunity to choose certain classes to take each semester, scheduling in the biggest difference there is between high school and college. In conclusion, high school and college are very different, but they do share a few similarities. High school prepares students for college, and college is a mature version of high school. The types of students, difficulty in classes, and differences in schedules can be very alike and very different in high school and college. Success in high school and college depends on the effort each student applies in accepting the similarities and differences.
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