Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Payroll Basics in Sap
Payroll Basics (PY-XX-BS) PurposeThe Payroll is based on an international payroll driver. This payroll driver was modified for each country. The country-specific payroll drivers take the statutory and administrative regulations of a country into account. Since the payroll driver has a modular structure, you can use the Customizing functions to quickly modify the payroll procedure to meet the particular requirements of your enterprise. Process FlowWhen you access Payroll, the payroll driver calls the accompanying payroll schema, which consists of a sequence of functions.For each activity, the individual functions import data from internal tables and payroll relevant files. Payroll is then performed as follows:ResultAfter the payroll run, you can transfer the payroll results to Financial Accounting, or perform evaluations and create lists and statistics. **************************************************************************************************************Payroll Driver De finitionProgram you use to run payroll.StructureFor each Payroll country version there is a country-specific payroll driver with the technical name RPCALCx0 or HxxCALC0: * For programs with the technical name RPCALCx0, the x is replaced with a country indicator, for example, D for Germany, F for France, or X for â€Å"Other countries†. * For programs with the technical name HxxCALC0, the xx is replaced with the ISO code of the respective country, for example MX for Mexico, or ID for Indonesia.The program RPCALCX0 (Payroll driver international) contains no data about tax and social insurance regulations for net remuneration calculation. The other payroll drivers contain this data. IntegrationA relevant country-specific personnel calculation schema, in which personnel caclulation rules and functions are stored, contain the steps that a payroll driver should perform during payroll. All data is stored in internal tables and saved in payroll-relevant files. *********************** *******************************************************Payroll Schema DefinitionThe payroll schema contains calculation rules to be used by the payroll driver during payroll. SAP has developed country-specific schemas which are based on schema X000. With country-specific reports, the first character in the name refers to the country indicator (for example, D for Germany, F for France). StructureA schema consists of the following parts: * Initialization The system performs the following steps: * Updates the databases * Imports equired infotypes * Gross calculation of pay The system performs the following steps: * Processes basic data and time data * Queries off-cycle payroll runs * Reads payroll account of the last period accounted * Processes time data and calculates the individual gross values * Performs factoring * Net calculation of pay The system performs the following steps: * Calculates net remuneration * Performs bank transfersIntegrationAll data is stored in internal tabl es and saved in files with a cluster structure. ***************************************************************************************************************Payroll Relevant Files DefinitionPayroll files contain data for payroll and payroll results. StructureThe system requires the following files for payroll: * Pnnnn (nnnn = number of the infotype) The Pnnnn files contain data that has been entered in the respective infotypes for an employee. * PCL1 The PCL1 file contains primary information, in other words, data from the master data and time recording systems. PCL2 The PCL2 file contains secondary information, in other words, derived data and all generated schemas. IntegrationWhen you start payroll, the system imports the relevant master data from the Pnnn files (for example, basic pay and tax class) and imports the time data from the PCL1 file to the IT table. The system imports the payroll results from the previous month from table ORT (for example, to form averages). The s ystem processes this data and saves the payroll results and generated schemas in the PLC2 file. *****************************************************************************************************Internal Tables for Payroll DefinitionTables that are used for storing data during the payroll run. UseWithin Payroll, data is processed in internal tables that the system fills and reads during the payroll run. The system also changes the data in these tables during the payroll run. The results of processing are then available for other steps. The read and change access to these tables is enabled using functions that are executed in a personnel calculation schema and using operations that are executed in personnel calculation rules.StructureThe following are some of the tables used in all country versions for Payroll:Internal Tables for Payroll Table| Short text| Description| WPBP| Work Place/Basic Pay| Table WPBP is filled by the infotypes Actions (0000), Organizational Assignment (00 01), Planned Working Time (0007), Basic Pay (0008), and Cost Distribution (0027). It contains important organizational and payment-relevant data, and different partial period parameters. For more information on table WBPB, see Payment-Relevant Information in the Payroll Result. | RT| Results Table| Table RT contains the result wage types of the current period for which payroll is run.Data is transferred from table IT to table RT using the operation ADDWTE. | CRT| Cumulative Results Table| Table CRT contains the cumulations of wage types in table RT over a certain time period. | BT| Payment Information| Every entry in the Bank Transactions table (BT) of an employee, corresponds to a payment that was created in a payroll period for this employee. However, the employee is not necessarily the payment recipient of all payments. For more information on table BT, see Payment-Relevant Information in the Payroll Result. C0| Cost Distribution| Table C0 contains global information about the co st distribution for wage types. Certain costs can be distributed to other cost centers than the master cost center. The information is taken from the Cost Distribution infotype (0027). | C1| Cost Assignment from Different Infotypes| Table C1 contains information about the individual cost assignment for individual wage types. You can use the infotype Recurring Payments/Deductions (0014) and Additional Payments (0015) to assign the wage types to a cost center that is different to the employee's master cost center. V0| Variable Assignment| Table V0 contains various additional information about the wage types. | GRT| Output Table from Gross Part| Table GRT is table RT according to the gross amount in a split payroll schema. | ARRRS| Arrears| Table ARRRS contains deductions that could not be taken and so are transferred to the following period. | DDNTK| Deductions not taken| Table DDNTK contains deductions that could not be taken in the current period. | ACCR| Month End Accruals| Table A CCR contains special information on a posting period assignment for month end accruals. BENTAB| Benefits| Table BENTAB contains cumulations for certain benefits plans. | FUND| Financing| Table FUND contains information about fund commitments. This information is taken from HR Funds and Position Management. | AVERAGE| Frozen Averages| Table AVERAGE contains information about frozen averages. | MODIF| Modifiers| Table MODIF contains various modifiers that can be used as additional keys for access to Customizing tables. The system sets the modifiers in payroll with the function MOD (Determine Employee Groupings) and operation MODIF (Set Employee Groupings). VERSION| Information on Creation| Table VERSION contains creation data for the payroll result, for example the Release and payroll program. | PCL2| Update Information PCL2| Table PCL2 contains information about the last change access to a payroll result. | VERSC| Payroll Status Information| Table VERSC contains organizational inform ation about the payroll result. | STATUS| Status Indicator| Table STATUS contains eight different status indicators. | The system exports the data in these tables at the end of payroll processing in cluster tables in table PCL2 (RP cluster 2) using function EXPRT.The cluster tables are in a country-specific cluster, for example RD (Payroll result, Germany), on the database. In this way, the data is available for other processing steps, for example, evaluation. Other internal tables are not exported after the payroll run but are deleted, since they are only required during the payroll run. Internal tables for Payroll that are not exported Table| Short text| Description| IT| Input Table| During the payroll run table IT is filled with data that is to be processed. Data is transferred to table RT using operation ADDWTE.Table IT must be empty by the end of the payroll run or the personnel number is rejected. This is checked with the personnel calculation rule X070 (Cancel, if table is no t empty). | OT| Output Table| Table OT only exists temporarily during processing. If a personnel calculation rule is called using the PIT function, a loop is performed for wage types from table IT. The results are written to table OT using the operation ADDWT. At the end of the loop, table IT is restructured from table OT. | DT| Difference Table| Table DT is used to transfer retroactive accounting differences within retroactive chains. ORT| Old Results Table| Table ORT is table RT from the last payroll result (usually from the previous payroll period). Tables LRT and VORT are also formed from table ORT. | LRT| Last Results Table| Table LRT is table RT from the last payroll result (usually from the previous payroll period). It is formed from table ORT but only contains the wage types that are relevant to the current period and required often. This is controlled using personnel calculation rule X006, which reads processing class 06. | VORT| Summarized ORT| Table VORT is a version of t able ORT in which certain splits are eliminated. |
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
College Education Essay
College education essentially is the key to success in the future. It opens many doors of opportunity and allows us to explore every option available. College education can provide a student with many more new and exciting opportunities that they never would have had if they drop out at high school. College education is important because you need a degree in order to get a good job or a stable career. I’d like to talk of some of the benefits that furthering your education can provide. It is common for students in high school to wonder if college education is really important. Many high school students don’t enjoy their school life, so it is little wonder that when they have the chance to leave education many of them are tempted. However the importance of college education, as well as the huge differences to high school, should not be overlooked. Many students don’t know what they want to do with their life yet, thats why I feel everyone should go to college. In college you can learn about things you are really interested in and pinpoint what you want to do in life. In high school you can’t really do this so many students don’t know the opportunities they can fulfill. Lastly, these days if you don’t have a college education it’s likely that you won’t make it very far in life. Businesses today only want the smartest people working for them, so they always overlook the drop outs and people that never went to college. If you want to make a good amount of money and be successful I strongly encourage you to go to college and get a good education. I would say this is the most important reason to go to college. In today’s economy I believe going to college is the best decision you can make. having a good education has so many great aspects. Never overlook getting a quality education, it will always do you good in the longrun.
The Most Dangerous Game Essay
In the short story â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†by Richard Connell, a man named Sanger Rainsford faces a conflict which is being stranded on what he thinks is a deserted island. This island was totally uninhabited with the exception of one man who lives there, General Zaroff. General Zaroff loves to hunt, but he hunts more than just animals. You see, General Zaroff got tired of hunting just animals, he claims it was too easy for him since he was such an outstanding hunter.He wanted more of a challenge. Rainsford finds out that General Zaroff has hunted humans before, therefore making him a murderer. One critic has remarked, â€Å"Ironically, General Zaroff’s belief in his invincibility weakens him and causes his defeat. †I agree with this critic for many different reasons. It is good to be smart and fearless when stuck in bad situation. It can help you get out of it quickly. However, I believe that having too much courage in these situations is not good, and n ot helpful.When you think you are invincible in scary situations, this can weaken you and cause you defeat. This is why I agree with the critic who said this statement about General Zaroff. For example, while talking to Rainsford, General Zaroff reveals how cocky he is about his hunting skills. General Zaroff says he believes that life is for the stronger and the weak people are put here to give the stronger pleasure. He also adds that he is strong and that he should use his gift.You can conclude from what Zaroff is saying that he should be allowed to hunt whomever and whatever he pleases, which includes humans. Having a gift of being an excellent hunter does not give you the right to hunt the more challenging creatures (humans). Because he has a talent, Zaroff thinks he should be able to use it. This is what makes him think he is invincible, when he really is not. He is not invincible because his cockiness led to his defeat. For example, Zaroff thinks that Rainsford commits suicide to end the game.Zaroff thinks this because he thinks anyone would end the game rather to be put to death by an excellent hunter like himself. Zaroff’s invincibility is the reason for his defeat by Rainsford in the game because Rainsford did not kill himself. He pretended to so he could fool the General. Rainsford then attacked Zaroff when he least expected it. In conclusion, General Zaroff’s belief in his cockiness and invincibility was the cause for his defeat. General Zaroff finally understands the feeling of being the prey for once – and not the predator!
Monday, July 29, 2019
Course assignement - Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Course assignement - - Essay Example In view of the above information pertaining to the operations of humanitarian aid organisations, it can be noted from the given case study that Reza District is located in the Horn of Africa in Somalia and is severely affected by famine as a result of long lasting conflict where 12 million people are affected and in need of humanitarian aid. The area is characterised by high mortality rate and the children are the most affected since they are severely malnourished. It is against this background that the two organisations namely Hungeraid and Feedaid underscored to take the initiative to offer humanitarian assistance to the district of Reza and both agencies arrived on the 1st August on OCHA charter with the aim of offering supplementary feeding to the vulnerable and needy children. However, a close analysis of the cases involving the two organisation reveals that Hungeraid does not achieve its goal fully as a result of different obstacles it encountered during it distribution exercis e. Enlightening lessons from the two cases can be drawn in order to give recommendations to the management of Hungeraid as a way of trying to minimise the recurrence of similar disturbances. In order to ensure accountability in as far as humanitarian assistance to poverty stricken areas is concerned, there is every need for community involvement at all levels in order to avoid confusion as well as conflict among the intended beneficiaries. From the onset, it can be noted that Hungeraid quickly started their food distribution exercise on the very first day without taking into consideration other logistics such as compilation of the register and verification of the register. Unlike Hungeraid, the Feedaid organisation dedicated its time to verification of the register of the intended beneficiaries and this was done in consultation with the local leadership as a way of ensuring transparency and credibility. It can be noted that Hungeraid encountered its first problem
Sunday, July 28, 2019
What account for the deplorable conditions on the continent of Africa Essay
What account for the deplorable conditions on the continent of Africa - Essay Example Throughout the continent of Africa corruption is rampant. In order to receive even the most basic services Africans must pay bribes. In order for companies such as Shell to do business in Nigeria (ranked 121 in the world by Transparency International1) a huge amount of money must be paid out to local officials to â€Å"grease the wheels.†In hospitals, patients may have to put money in doctors’ consulting books in order to be treated. In schools, students may have to pay their teachers for passing grades.2 All of these situations are commonplace. Studies have shown that Africa loses $150 billion a year due to corruption and that products cost as much as 20 per cent more.3 It is impossible to measure how much more developed Africa would be at this moment had not a culture of corruption existed there for so long. In countries with poorly constructed, inefficient, and non self-enforcing constitutional rules, opportunistic behavior (including rent seeking) are usually quite pervasive. In such countries, the rules that regulate socio-political interaction, have failed to adequately constrain the government. As a result, state intervention in private exchange is equally pervasive. Excessive regulation of economic activities creates many opportunities for rent seeking, including bureaucratic corruption.4 Many public servants in Africa may have power to allocate resources, but they make small salaries. It is very easy for them to make a lot of money on the side by taking payments from special interests. Plus, public servants may have poor relatives who they are also supporting. They may not simply take bribes out of selfishness, but possibly to help feed their extended families. Nevertheless, it is clear that more rules and guidelines are required for public servants in their dealings with the private sector. Enforcement of such rules is desperately required.5 John Githongo argues that corruption usually begins at the top of a country’s leadership, and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Controlling Budgetary Pressures in Football Essay
Controlling Budgetary Pressures in Football - Essay Example With revenue cut in half, expenditures will need to be reduced to accommodate the new situation (Southampton Leisure Holdings PLC. 2006). The team management will need to make key decisions on players, as salaries are the largest single expense. A plan will need to be implemented that can reduce the costs associated with player demands and still provide a reasonable opportunity to compete towards a goal of promotion back into the Premier Division. Management will be required to draw up a business plan that reflects the business strategy of the team. Loss of revenue from relegation will mean restructuring the player roster and may amount to the loss of the best players. Other players may be sold to generate immediate cash. One of the first tasks of the budget will be to realistically match salaries and goals to achieve the required end. Management may set a long-term goal of remaining in Division 1 until they are competitive enough to produce a profit in the Premier League. Alternately, a team may set a goal of returning to the Premier League after only one season in the Championship League. This would involve structuring player expense to increase the probability of being promoted. The team may spend all their available cash as well as incur further debt. However, management needs to plan beyond the current season as well. Promotion to the Premier League may not be any financial advantage if they are unable to compete in the future at that level. Loss of cash and increased debt has the potential of creating a yo-yo situation where the team is alternately promoted and again relegated. A key consideration of relegation has to do with whether a team actually is financially better off by being promoted to a higher league. A Premier League team operates in a local market for selling tickets and a national market for selling media rights. In both cases, the demand for a team's products depends on its quality, the opponents, and their market. In general, teams in more populous, wealthier markets will generate more revenue. (Noll 2002 p. 172). Promotion into a league that is too strong for the market in which the team is located may have a negative effect due to marginal costs. The advantage of the increased press coverage that results in greater demand may be offset by the increased marginal player expense (Noll 2002 p. 173). Thus, a team that should be in a lower league from the perspective of profit maximisation may set goals that are not in the best financial interests of the stakeholders. Establishing a budgetary control process will be a necessity and require naming key individuals in each department that will be responsible for maintaining expenditures within the budget, and meeting the long term objectives. A sound approach to generating a good budget is characterised by the participation of as many people as possible, a budget that will consider the whole organisation, and utilises effective standards of performance. The budget must be flexible enough to allow for changing circumstances and analysing ongoing revenue and costs. A budget committee should be comprised of senior members of the organisation and should be represented by every part of the organisation. The budgetary committee will be responsib
Friday, July 26, 2019
Strategic Marketing Plan Bellway Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Strategic Marketing Plan Bellway Plc - Essay Example The construction division was even able to showcase an operating profit of 13.7m as well. This indicates that situation might not be as bad as it appears. In fact if we take a look at the developments of past couple of years, it appears amply clears that the levels of profit margin which used to be the trademark of this industry are no more available to the industry. Increasing levels of competition, more assertive consumers, increasing emphasis on quality, strict norms for deadline adherence, dynamic nature of business proposition etc are some of the factors which have led to the shrinking of profit margins in the industry. Pettinger (1998) also underlined the fact that the industry is now increasingly being dominated by client groups and peer pressure with too many contractors chasing too little work in the industry. The trend coupled with indications of imminent recession has become a cause of worry for the industry. Gilmore and Jordan (2008) also reported that the construction sector in UK has slumped to new lows with deteriorating conditions in the housing market. As the construction sector comprises of 6 percent of British econo my, and if this significant sector is not able to contribute its bit towards nation's economy, then the country's economy will also come under pressure. Therefore under the circumstances the construction companies are supposed to tread a cautions path with well planned strategic moves. This study is an effort to chalk out a course of action for Bellway Plc under the prevailing circumstances. Well, the times are indeed quite uncertain and nobody knows how things are going to shape up in the next 6-12 months, which in turn calls for planning with short term moves. Such a move might be suitable for a corner shop or for a small scale enterprise, but for a company with a successful track record of operation for last more than 50 years, planning exclusively for short term gains might not be a wise move from a long term perspective. While devising a marketing plan for Bellway Plc for the coming years, we need to think about two broad strategies; i. How Bellway will take on the competition ii. How the company will remain in business with prevailing recessionary trends iii. How the day to day operations will be executed to supplement the marketing plan. A marketing plan for Bellway Plc forms an integral part of its broader business plan implying in words and numbers how, where and to whom Bellway proposes to offer its services to its existing as well as prospective customer under the highly challenging circumstances. This paper is an effort to outline the company's approach not only in attracting potential customer, but also in convincing the existing customers to remain with the company for their future needs as well. In general the components of a marketing plan may include: 1. Terms of Reference: Bellway requires a feel of the market, particularly after the recessionary trends have started showing signs of serious nature with impact on the overall economy. Though the major area of operation of Bellway Plc is UK only and it doesn't have big stakes in the international arena. But the impact of international markets and economic conditions in other countries will certainly have an impact on the UK economy, which in turn will affect the profitability of the company. Therefore, while analysing the domestic market, analysing the global cues is equally important. 2. Executive Summary:
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Media Law Memo #2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media Law Memo #2 - Case Study Example e petitioner held that Section 312 (a) (7) of the Communications Act of 1934 only allows the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate broadcasts for violations like the one suffered by the petitioner. In my capacity as a court clerk, I would like to appeal to you to keenly consider this case and make a wise ruling. The claims labeled on the FCC are quite complex and requires a critical thought before the final decision is made. So, in my opinion, you should affirm the case and uphold the earlier ruling. Even if the petitioner argues that the law only mandates FCC to regulate media houses for such repeated violations, it fails to acknowledge that the law grants more powers to the commission to do more than just that. I would like you to base your decision on Section 312 (a) (7) which states that any legal candidate in a federal election has an exclusive right to media broadcast while conducting campaigns. In its claim, the petitioner fails to accept that the law mandates FCC to have a direct control over such broadcasts by taking the necessary affirmative action to ensure that there is a reasonable access to the broadcast stations. The claim of violations is therefore not justified. NBC was justified for denying the candidate the required airtime because it would elicit more requests from other candidates who would have a legal right to claim for fair coverage and equality. I kindly request you to consider my opinion and deliver a landmark ruling that will that will help in providing a roadmap for the communications sector in the country. Please, consider affirming the ruling because the petitioner does not prove the necessity of reversing the earlier ruling. 312 (a) (7) clearly stipulates how reasonable access should be granted at any given time. Thanks a lot. God bless
Technology and International Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Technology and International Development - Essay Example Charles T. Hyte was an elementary school teacher at Lost Creek School before he became the head of Booker T. Washington Junior High School up to his demise in 1941 (Hyte Center para.2). Hyte was an exemplary educator to the youth during his time and managed to become a mentor to many youth in Vigo County, thus, this organization evolved from helping and empowering the youth to its current status of assisting the entire society. Based on works of Hyte, the organization strives to encourage the youth to focus on academic excellence with athletic participation as a supplement or an addition. In order to achieve this mission, the Center offers the following programs for youth and the families: Youth Leadership Academy that is open to all youth between 10 and 14 years. Its aim is to improve lives of youth by helping them in achieving academic excellence, creativity, prevention of substance abuse, time management, fitness, and conflict resolution (Hyte Center para.4). Secondly, Hyte Center after School Program offers tutorial assistance, test preparation, and time management skills. Additionally, other programs include African Festival, Open Gym, Fall Festival, and Lunch on Us. Lastly, it also acts as a host to some community programs including WIC, which is nutritional program for children between 0-5 years and their mothers, Well Child Clinic, Mentor Mothers Program, and NAACP. Initially the Center was established to cater for need of youth but over the time it changed its purpose to encompass nurturing and promoting educational, cultural, and recreational well-being of people of Terre Haute, Indiana by 1965 (Weinbaum, 1981). Following these changes, apart from youth programs, the Center is currently involved in more than twenty services including tutoring services, meal programs, legal aid services, and medical and referral services. Initially, the Center relied on grants from City of Terre Haute authority and well-wishers. For instance, Hyte Center Boosters Club that was formed in 1950s by Center’s teenagers has been raising funds for the Center. This was followed by Mother Booster Club in 1960s. United Fund charitable organization has been among the contributors to the center’s initiative. More so, the Coalition Board, which is composed of organizations that benefit or support Hyte Center, contributes generously to Center’s initiatives. They achieve these mainly through joint fund raising events. Additionally, the Good Neighbor Housing Improvement Association and the Young Adults for a Better Black Community are also among the major contributors to the Center’s programs. The center also receives many grants from the federal government (Taft Group, 1998). For example, the $500000 grant towards construction of the new Hyte Center it was granted by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development in 1970. During the volunteer period, we worked with the Hyte Center after School Program where were mainly focus ing on offering students tutorial assistance in areas of mathematics, science and English. This role also involved coaching pupils on ways of preparing for exams and time management skills. Moreover, we gave the students a counseling session to assist them in decision-making, self-advocacy, self-awareness, and stress management. Additionally, we coached students on how to
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Malcolm X and Black Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Malcolm X and Black Nationalism - Essay Example Due to such mistreatment of blacks they became tired and needed a forum to express their challenges. This led to the formation of civil right movement that promoted equal education and legal rights. Despite the two being vocal in the Black Nationalism in USA, their views differed (Cone et al, 2003). MLK comes from a very affluent family and Malcolm X from a poor background, therefore the basis of argument are different in that MLX called for a Non –violent resistance for example the triumph of the Montgomery bus (1955) in Alabama whereas Malcolm X is viewed to be violent ‘By all means†Most blacks, like such as Malcolm X, MLK methods were useless and lacked basis. But, King continually emphasized in nonviolent approach. He refuses to inflict physical harm on others. According to Dr. King, he argues that nonviolence methods resist evil, and it refuses to commit evil. He continues by saying that the enemy is a person and must be treated fairly; one should not destroy the rival but rather seeks to make the foe a friend. Even if using violence fails to convert the foe to a friend; it removes hatred from the hearts of those who are committed to it.†Violence was very impractical and immoral (Waldschmidt, et, al, 2003) According to Malcolm X, he did not favor integrations of white and blacks; he even continues to warn the blacks of integrating with ‘sinking ship’. Therefore, he emphasized on black separatism and not integration. Dr. King advocated for unity and peaceful coexistence among individual of different races (Cone et al, 2003) . The different in ideas originate from the environment that one was bought in. King was brought up in a religious environment and their parents who loved unity. Unlike Malcolm X, the ideas originated from the racial hate that killed his father who influenced him in Black Nationalism activism. Moreover, he was subjected to white violence and racism, and this made him drop out of school
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Markets and customers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Markets and customers - Essay Example mportance of the four P’s, followed by the definition and relevance of marketing mix and then finally go on to understanding (with the help of examples) how the 4 Ps are interdependent on each other and a change in one directly impacts the success of the rest. ‘People think that a product is a tangible offering, but a product can be more than that. A product can be anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need. Products that are marketed include physical goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information and ideas.’ (Kotler et al, 2007: 316). Services also form an important part of products. ‘It is wrong to imply that services are just like products â€Å"except†for intangibility.’ (Shostack, 1977: 73). With the changing trends all across the globe, services have become a very important section which contributes towards a country’s GDP. How much services sector has grown can be seen from the fact that this sector contributes more than 75% in the GDPs of countries like The United States and The United Kingdom. Price is the monetary equivalent that we pay in return for services and products which we consume. According to me, price plays the most important role out of the four P’s of study. ‘Some examples of pricing decisions to be made include: pricing strategy, suggested retail price, etc.’ (The Marketing Mix (The 4 P’s of Marketing) NetMBA, 2007) Place talks about the location from where we want to sell the products and services. It refers to the distribution channel involved in the supply chain. This gives us the information about how many channels a product passes through before it finally reaches the customer. ‘Some examples of place decisions to be made include: distribution channel, market coverage, etc.’ (The Marketing Mix (The 4 P’s of Marketing) NetMBA, 2007) Promotion includes the activities undertaken by the seller to make the customer aware of the products and
Monday, July 22, 2019
Fast food Essay Example for Free
Fast food Essay 1 Departm ent of Clinical Biochem istry , Gentofte Hospital Univ ersity of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denm ark of Hum an Nutrition, Centre for Adv anced Food Studies, Faculty of Life Sciences, Univ ersity of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denm ark 2 Departm ent Correspondence: A Astrup, Departm ent of Hum an Nutrition, RVA Univ ersity , 1 9 58 Frederiksberg C, Denm ark. Em ail: ast @kvl. dk Abstract. Although nutrition experts might be able to navigate the menus of fast-food restaurant chains, and based on the nutritional information, compose apparently healthy meals, there are still many reasons why frequent fast-food consumption at most chains is unhealthy and contributes to weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease. Fast food generally has a high-energy density, which, together with large portion sizes, induces over consumption of calories. In addition, we have found it to be a myth that the typical fast-food meal is the same worldwide. Chemical analyses of 74 samples of fast-food menus consisting of French fries and fried chicken (nuggets/hot wings) bought in McDonalds and KFC outlets in 35 countries in 2005–2006 showed that the total fat content of the same menu varies from 41 to 65 g at McDonalds and from 42 to 74 g at KFC. In addition, fast food from major chains in most countries still contains unacceptably high levels of industrially produced trans-fatty acids (IP-TFA). IP-TFA have powerful biological effects and may contribute to increased weight gain, abdominal obesity, type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease. The food quality and portion size need to be improved before it is safe to eat frequently at most fast-food chains. Key words: trans-fat t y acids, fast food, energy densit y Introduction In the documentary film Super Size Me, the character Mr Spurlock ate McDonalds food three times a day for 30 days and gained 11 kg. It is quite obvious that one can purposely overeat on almost any diet, but the film raises the question of whether fast food poses a special health risk. To what extent this behaviour is a realistic trait in the general population, and to what extent fast-food consumption contributes to obesity and other morbidities such as type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease, is still debatable. Before drawing any conclusion as to whether there are causal links between intake of fast foods and disease, ideally randomised trials should be conducted to provide robust evidence on this issue. However, it is highly unlikely that such trials comparing frequent and infrequent fast-food consumption will ever be carried out. We therefore have to rely on observational epidemiology and on mechanistic studies. www. nature. com/ijo/journal/v31/n6/full/0803616a. html 1/5 1/3/14 International Journal of Obesity Fast food: unfriendly and unhealthy Epidemiological studies A number of observational studies have assessed the association between frequent fast-food intake and weight gain. The American population study Cardia suggests that frequent fastfood consumption is positively associated with weight gain and risk of insulin resistance over 15 years. Individuals who had meals at fast-food restaurants more than two times a week gained 4. 5 kg more weight and had a 104% greater increase in insulin resistance, at both baseline and follow-up, than individuals who ate less than one fast-food meal per week. 1 This study was the first long-term project to find that people who frequently expose themselves to fast foods are at increased risk of weight gain over time and of developing type 2 diabetes. The study had several limitations such as the population size of only 3000 individuals and the fact that self-reported information about diet, physical activity and other lifestyle factors has inherent measurement errors. These factors, however, would normally tend to underestimate the strength of the identified associations. Other observational studies have to some extent supported the existence of a causal link. However, observational studies cannot prove that the association between fast-food consumption and weight gain is causal. It remains possible that frequent fast-food consumption is simply a marker for a generally unhealthy lifestyle (e. g. , less restrained eating behaviour, fatty and sweet food preferences, and a sedentary lifestyle), factors which are the real culprits in weight gain and in the increased risk of diabetes. Although every effort is made to adjust for potential confounders, one cannot adjust for unmeasured or unmeasurable lifestyle factors. Mechanisms by which fast food can be obesogenic Portion size. Despite the above-mentioned limitations in epidemiological observational studies, most of us would accept that the link between intake of fast foods and weight gain is causal because there are several mechanisms whereby fast foods could produce weight gain. At least two important features of fast food could explain why fast food is fattening, namely, large portion sizes and high-energy density. It is well established that the bigger the portion size, the more we consume. 2 Portion sizes of burgers, fried potatoes, pizzas, and soft drinks at fast-food outlets have all increased 2–5-fold over the last 50 years. 3 Energy density In addition to large portion sizes, fast food is also characterised by high-energy density, that is high energy-content/food-weight ratio. The energy density of the entire menu at fast-food outlets is typically 1100 kJ/100 g. 4 This is 65% higher than the average British diet ( 670 kJ/100 g) and more than twice the energy density of recommended healthy diets ( 525 kJ/100 g). Humans have only a weak innate ability to recognise foods with high-energy density and to downregulate the bulk eaten to meet energy requirements appropriately. 4 Industrially produced trans fat. French fries and fried meat from fast-food outlets contain high amounts of industrially produced trans-fatty acids. Trans fats are fats in margarines, spreads, and frying oils, produced by industrial hardening of vegetable or marine oils, to make the product more stable and robust for handling and storage. The hardening results in the creation of a so-called trans double bonds in the fatty acids of the lipids, in contrast to the normally occurring cis double bonds. This increases the melting points of the fats, thereby increasing shelf-life. Trans-fatty www. html 2/5 1/3/14 International Journal of Obesity Fast food: unfriendly and unhealthy acids are also found naturally in meat from ruminants and in dairy products, but not nearly to the same extent as in industrially produced trans fat (up to 5%, as compared to up to 60% in fats), and not of the same types as in IP-TFA. In a worldwide study of the content of IP-TFA in fast foods, biscuits, and snacks, we found contents of IP-TFA ranging up to 50% of the fat in the products, enabling consumers to ingest 36 g of IP-TFA in a single meal in the US. 5 A daily intake of 5 g trans fat, corresponding to 2 energy percent, is associated with an approximately 30% increase in CHD risk. 6 Observational studies have found that a high intake of IP-TFA is stronger associated to the risk of weight gain and gain in abdominal fatness than to the intake of other fat sources. 7 Although unaccounted residual confounding cannot be ruled out, other sources of research support that the relationship is causal. First, IP-TFA serves as ligands for the PPAR- system and can exert a biological effect that promotes abdominal obesity. 6 Second, a recently reported long-term randomised trial in monkeys delivers robust evidence that IP-TFA induces weight gain and abdominal obesity. Kavanagh et al. 8 reported their findings at the 66th ADA meeting in Washington, D. C. For over 6 years monkeys were fed two different isocaloric, western-style diets that contained either 8% of their calories from trans fat or the same amount of fat calories as cis-monounsaturated fat. After 6 years, the IP-TFA fed monkeys had gained 7. 2% in body weight, compared to a 1. 8% increase in body weight in monkeys fed with cis-monounsaturated fats. CT scans showed that the monkeys on the trans-fat diet had deposited 30% more abdominal fat than the monkeys on the cismonounsaturated fat diet. Taken together these studies suggest that IP-TFA is obesity promoting, and that they particularly facilitate the deposition of the harmful abdominal fat associated with CHD. These findings can contribute to explaining why high intakes of IP-TFA may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. 9 Fat content in fast-food menus To select more healthy choices at the fast-food restaurants, nutritional labelling must be both available and accurate. While most chains provide nutritional information about total calories, calories from macronutrients, and fibre content of their products, we do not think that the average consumer who eats at a fast-food chain has the time or ability to make a reasonable estimate of health consequences of such meals or their contribution to the days caloric intake. The results of our analyses of total fat and trans fat in 74 French fries and fried chicken (nuggets/hot wings) samples bought in McDonalds and KFC outlets in 35 countries during 2005–2006 are given in Figure 1. The figures represent the total fat and trans fat content in 160 g of chicken meat and 171 g of French fries, corresponding to a large serving at an American McDonalds outlet. In these meals the total fat content varies from 41 to 65 g at McDonalds and from 42 to 74 g at KFC; the trans fat content varies from 0. 3 to 10. 2 and 0. 3 to 24 g, respectively. The differences in total fat content can – at least in part – be due to local taste preferences, but this is not the case for trans fat, which does not add a special flavour to the food. The results show that the same product, by the same provider, can vary in fat calorie content by more than 40%, and in trans fat content by several orders of magnitude. This demonstrates that the same product, unknown to the consumer, can vary substantially in its compliance with recommendations for healthy food. Figure 1. The entire length of the bar (both colours included) indicates the am ounts of total fat in a large fast-food m eal consisting of 1 7 1 g French fries and 1 6 0 g chicken nuggets. The darker colour indicates the am ounts of industrially produced trans fat. The v alues in parenthesis are the am ounts of trans fat as a percentage of total fat. www. nature. com/ijo/journal/v31/n6/full/0803616a. html 3/5 1/3/14 International Journal of Obesity Fast food: unfriendly and unhealthy Full figure and legend (305K) Conclusions Fast-food restaurant chains may argue that the evidence linking their products to the supersizing of their customers is too weak. But should not the customer be given the benefit of the doubt? Appropriate actions would include reducing portions to normal sizes, eliminating industrially produced trans fat, and selling burgers of lean meat, whole grain bread/buns, fatreduced mayonnaise, more vegetables, lower-fat fried potatoes, reduced-sugar soft drinks, etc. Moreover, reliable nutritional information should be given by the chains, which requires better standardisation of the foods used. 10 Although these measures may raise prices, such changes in fast-food meals would have no adverse health effects but quite the opposite! References 1. Pereira MA, Kartashov AI, Ebbeling CB, Van Horn L, Slattery ML, Jacobs Jr DR et al. Fast-food habits, weight gain, and insulin resistance (the CARDIA study): 15-year prospective analysis. Lancet 2005; 365: 36–42. | Article | PubMed | ISI | 2. Diliberti N, Bordi PL, Conklin MT, Roe LS, Rolls BJ. Increased portion size leads to increased energy intake in a restaurant meal. Obes Res 2004; 12: 562– 568. | PubMed | 3. Young LR, Nestle M. Expanding portion sizes in the US marketplace: implications for nutrition counseling. J Am Diet Assoc 2003; 103: 231–234. | Article | PubMed | ISI | 4. Prentice AM, Jebb SA. Fast foods, energy density and obesity: a possible mechanistic link. Obes Rev 2003; 4: 187–194. | Article | PubMed | ChemPort | 5. Stender S, Dyerberg J, Bysted A, Leth T, Astrup A. A trans world journey. Atheroscl Suppl 2006; 7: 47–52. | Article | 6. Mozaffarian D, Katan MB, Ascherio A, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. Trans fatty acids and cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 1601– 1613. | Article | PubMed | ChemPort | 7. Koh-Banerjee P, Chu NF, Spiegelman D, Rosner B, Colditz G, Willett W et al. Prospective study of the association of changes in dietary intake, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and smoking with 9-y gain in waist circumference among 16 587 US men. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78: 719–727. | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort | 8. Kavanagh K, Jones K, Sawyer J, Kelly K, Wagner JD, Rudel LL. Trans fat diet induces insulin resistance in monkeys. Diabetes Care 2006. Proceedings of 66th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association: Abstract 328-OR. www. nature. com/ijo/journal/v31/n6/full/0803616a. html 4/5 1/3/14 International Journal of Obesity Fast food: unfriendly and unhealthy 9. Salmeron J, Hu FB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rimm EB et al. Dietary fat intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in women. Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 73: 1019– 1026. | PubMed | ChemPort | 10. Astrup A. Super-sized and diabetic by frequent fast-food consumption? Lancet 2005; 365: 4–5. | Article | PubMed | Acknowledgements SS and JD declare no conflict of interest. AA is medical advisor for Weight Watchers, and is member of several advisory boards for food producers. The Department of Human Nutrition receives/has received research funding from over 50 Danish and international food companies. Otherwise, I declare no conflict of interest. International Journal of Obesity This journal is a m em ber of and subscribes to the principles of the Commit t ee on Publicat ion Et hics. ISSN 03 07 -056 5 EISSN 1 4 7 6 -54 9 7 About NPG Privacy policy Nat urejobs Cont act NPG Accessibilit y st at ement Use of cookies Legal not ice Nat ure Asia Nat ure Educat ion Help Terms RSS web feeds Search: go  © 2 0 1 4 Na t u r e Pu blish in g Gr ou p, a div ision of Ma cm illa n Pu blish er s Lim it ed. A ll Rig h t s Reser v ed. pa r t n er of A GORA , HINA RI, OA RE, INA SP, ORCID, Cr ossRef a n d COUNT ER www. nature. com/ijo/journal/v31/n6/full/0803616a. html 5/5.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Newtons Law Of Motion
Newtons Law Of Motion In this assignment, I will learn about the outcome two that is Newtons law and harmonic oscillation. Newtons law can be divide by three types that is 1st law, 2nd law and 3rd law. It is teach about the motion in our real life. Thus, harmonic oscillation can be divided by three types that are pendulum oscillation, damped oscillation and mechanic oscillation. All of these oscillation are useful in our life especial is use in different type of mechanics. Question One Research on the Newtons Laws of motion, and make a report that provide detail explanation and examples on Newtons 3 laws of motion. You report should include relevant and useful formula. Answer Newtons law of motion can be divided by three types that is 1st law, 2nd law and 3rd law and it is law of gravity. The three laws are simple and sensible. The first law states that a force must be applied to an object in order to change its velocity. When the objects velocity is changing that mean it is accelerating, which implies a relationship between force and acceleration. The second law, the acceration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to its mass. The direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the net force acting on the object. Finally, the third laws, whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite direction. Forces A force is commonly imagined as a push or a pull on some object, perhaps rapidly, as when we hit a tennis ball with a racket. (see figure 1.0). We can hit the ball at different speeds and direct it ionto different parts of the opponents;s court. This mean that we can control the magnitude of the applied force and alos its direction, so force is a vector quantity, just like velocity and acceleration. Figure 1.0: Tennis champion Rafael Nadal strikes the ball with his racket, applying a force and directing the ball into the open part of the court. Figure 1.1: Examples of forces applied to various objects. In each case, a force acts on the object surrounded by the dashed lines. Something in the environment external to the boxed area exerts the force. Newtons 1st law Newtons 1st law of motion states that if a body is at rest it will remain at the rest and if a body is moving in a straight line with uniform velocity will keep moving unless an external force is acted upon. For example, consider a book lying on a table. Obviously, the book remains at rest if left alone. Now imagine pushing the book with a horizontal force great enough to overcome the force of friction between the book and the table, setting the book in motion. Because the magnitude of the applied force exceeds the magnitude of the friction force, the book to a stop. Now imagine the book across a smooth floor. The book again comes to rest once the force is no longer applied, but not as quickly as before. Finally, if the book is moving on a horizontal frictionless surface, it continues to move in a straight line with constant velocity until it hits a wall or some other obstruction. However, an object moving on a frictionless surface, its not the nature of an object to stop, once set in motion, but rather to continues in its original state of motion. This approach was later formalized as Newtons first law of motion: An object moves with a velocity that is constant in magnitude and direction, unless acted on by a nonzero net force. For example: In the figure 1.2, the string is providing centripetal force to move the ball in a circle around 3600. If sudden the string was break, the ball will move off in a straight line and the motion in the absence of the constraining force. This example is not have other net forces are acting, such as horizontal motion on a frictionless surface. Figure 1.2 Inertia Inertia is the reluctance of an object to change its state of motion. This means if an object is at rest it will remain at rest or if its moving it will keep moving in a straight line with uniform velocity. Force is needed to overcome inertia. For example In figure 1.3, it is an experiment to prove the concept of inertia. In experiments using a pair of inclined planes facing each other, Galileo observed that a ball would up the opposite plane to the same height and roll down one plane. If smooth surface are used, the ball is roll up to the opposite plane and return to the original height. When it is starting to roll down the ball on the degree place, it is will return the ball at the same height from original point. Figure 1.3 If the opposite incline were elevated at nearly a 0 degree angle, then the ball will be roll in an effort to reach the original height that is show in the figure 1.4. Figure 1.4: If a ball stops when it attains its original height, then this ball would never stop. It would roll forever if friction were absent. Other example Figure 1.5: According to Newtons 1st law, a bicycles motion wasnt change until same force, such as braking makes it change. Newton 2nd law Newtons first law explains what happens to an object that has no net force acting on it. The object either remains at rest or continues moving in a straight line with constant speed. Newtons second law is the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to its mass. The direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the net force acting on the object. Imagine pushing a block of ice across a frictionless horizontal surface. When you exert some horizontal force on the block, it moves with an acceleration of the 2m/s2. If you apply a force twice as large, the acceleration doubles to 4m/s2. Pushing three times as hard triples the acceleration, and so on. From such observations, we conclude that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it. Mass also affects acceleration. Suppose you stack identical block of ice on top of each other while pushing the stack with constant force. If the force applied to one block produces an acceleration of 2m/s2, then the acceleration drops to half that value, 1 m/s2, When 2 blocks are pushed, to one-third the initial value. When three block is pushed, and so on. We conclude that the acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to its mass. These observations are summarized in Newtons second law: The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Units of Force and Mass The SI unit of force is the Newton. When 1 Newton of force acts on an object that has a mass of 1 kg, it produces an acceleration of 1 m/s2 in the object. From this definition and Newtons second law, we can see that the Newton can be expressed in terms of the fundamental units of mass, length and time. 1 N = 1 kg.m/s2 A force is a push or a pull. Hence a force can change the size, shape, and state of rest or motion, direction of motion and speed / velocity. The symbol for force is F and the S.I. unit is Newton (N). An object of mass m is subjected to a force F, its velocity changes from U to V in time t. The above condition can be stated as: F = Where a = is acceleration, thus F = ma. For example Figure 1.6: An airboat. An airboat with mass 3.50x102Kg, including passengers, has an engine that produces a net horizontal force of 7.70x102N, after accounting for forces of resistance (see figure 1.6). (a) Find the acceleration of the airboat. (b) Starting from rest, how long does it take the airboat to reach a speed of 12.0m/s2? (c) After reaching this speed, the pilot turns off the engine and drifts to a stops over distance of 50.0m. Find the resistance force, assuming its constant. Solution (a) Find the acceleration of the airboat. Apply Newtons second law and solve for the acceleration: Fnet = ma a = = = 2.20m/s2 (b) Find the time necessary to reach a speed of 12.0m/s. Apply the kinematics velocity equation: If t = 5.45s V = at + V0 = (2.20m/s2) (5.45) = 12.0m/s (c) Find the resistance force after the engine is turned off. Using kinematics, find the net acceleration due to resistance forces V2 = 2a Άx 0 (12.0m/s)2 = 2a(50.0m) = -12 / 100 = -0.12m/s2 Substitute the acceleration into Newtons second law, finding the resistance force: Fresistance= ma = (3.50 X 102kg) (-144m/s2) = -504N Impulse and Impulsive Force The force, which acts during a short moment during a collision, is called Impulsive Force. Impulse is defined as the change of momentum, so Impulse = MV MU, since F = , thus impulse can be written as: Impulsive force is Force = Impulse/Time. Unit is Newton (N). The applications of impulsive force In real life we tend to decrease the effect of the impulsive force by reducing the time taken during collision. Gravitational force or gravity Gravity exists due to the earths mass and it is acts towards the center of earth. Object falling under the influence of gravity will experience free fall. Assuming no other force acts upon it. Object experiencing free fall will fall with acceleration; gravity has an approximate value of 10m/s2. The gravitational force acting on any object on earth can be expressed as F=mg. This is also as weight. For example Find the gravitational force exerted by the sun on a 79.0kg man located on earth. The distance from the sun to the earth is about 1.50 X 1011 m, and the suns mass is 1.99 X 1030kg. Solution Fsun = G = (6.67 X 10-11 Kg-1m3s2) = 0.413N Newtons third law The action of one body acting upon another body tends to change the motion of the body acted upon. This action is called a force. Because a force has both magnitude and direction, it is a vector quantity, and the previous discussion on vector notation applies. Newtons third law is the amount of force which you inflict upon on others will have the same repelling force that act on you as well. Force is exerted on an object when it comes into contact with some other object. Consider the task of driving a nail into a block of wood, for example, as illustrated in the figure 1.7(a). To accelerate the nail and drive it into the block, the hammer must exert a net force on the nail. Newton is a single isolated force (such as the force exerted by the hammer on the nail) couldnt exist. Instead, forces in nature always exist in pairs. According to Newton, as the nail is driven into the block by the force exerted by the hammer, the hammer is slowed down and stopped by the force exerted by the nail. Newton described such paired forces with his third law: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. This law, which is illustrated in figure 1.7(b), state that a single isolated force cant exist. The force F12 exerted by object 1 on object 2 is sometimes called the action force, and the force F12 exerted by object 2 on object 1 is called the reaction force. In reality, either, either force can be labeled the action or reaction force. The action force is equal in magnitude to the reaction force and opposite in direction. In all cases, the action and reaction forces act on different objects. For example, the force acting on a freely falling projectile is the force exerted by earth on the projectile, Fg, and the magnitude of this force is its weight mg. The reaction to force Fg is the force exerted by the projectile on earth, Fg = -Fg. The reaction force Fg must accelerate the earth towards the projectile, just as the action force Fg accelerates the projectile towards the earth. Because the earth has such a large mass and its acceleration due to this reaction forces is negligibly small. Figure 1.7: Newtons third law. (a) The force exerted by the hammer on the nail is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by the nail on the hammer. (b) The force F12 exerted by object 1 on object 2 is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force F21 exerted by object 2 on object 1. Newtons third law constantly affects our activities in everyday life. Without it, no locomotion of any kind would be possible, whether on foot, on a bicycle, or in a motorized vehicle. When walking, we exert a frictional force against the ground. The reaction force of the ground against our foot propels us forward. In the same way, the tired on a bicycle exert a frictional force against the ground, and the reaction of the ground pushes the bicycle forward. This is called friction plays a large role in such reaction forces. Figure 1.8: In the figure 1.8, when a force pushes on an object, the object pushes back in the opposite direction. The force of the pushing back is called the reaction force. This law explains why we can move a rowboat in water. The water pushes back on the oar as much as the oar pushes on the water, which moves the boat. The law also explains why the pull of gravity doesnt make a chair crash through the floor; the floor pushes back enough to offset gravity. When you hit a baseball, the bat pushes on the ball, but the ball also on the bat. Figure 1.9 Question Two Research and illustrate the various characteristics of Damped Oscillations, your answer should also include graphical display of these characteristic. Answer In the real life, the vibrating motion can be taken place in ideal systems that are oscillating indefinitely under the action of a linear restoring force. In many realistic system, resistive forces, such as friction, are present and retard the motion of the system. Consequently, the mechanical energy of the system diminishes in time, and the motion is described as a damped oscillation. Thus, in all real mechanical systems, forces of friction retard the motion, so the systems dont oscillate indefinitely. The friction reduces the mechanical energy of the system as time passes, and the motion is said to be damped. In the figure 2.0, shock absorbers in automobiles are one practical application of damped motion. A shock absorber consists of a piston moving through a liquid such as oil. The upper part of the shock absorber is firmly attached to the body of the car. When the car travels over a bump in the road, holes in the piston allow it to move up and down in the fluid in a damped fashion. (b) Figure 2.0: (a) A shock absorber consists of a piston oscillating in a chamber filled with oil. As the piston oscillates, the oil is squeezed through holes between the piston and the chamber, causing a damping of the pistons oscillations. (b) One type of automotive suspension system, in which a shock absorber is placed inside a coil spring at each wheel. Damped motion varies with the fluid used. For example, if the fluid has a relatively low viscosity, the vibrating motion is preserved but the amplitude of vibration decreases in time and the motion ultimately ceases. This process is known as under damped oscillation. The position vs. time curve for an object undergoing such as oscillation appears in active figure 2.1. In the figure 2.2 compares three types of damped motion, with curve (a) representing underdamped oscillation. If the fluid viscosity is increased, the object return rapidly to equilibrium after it is released and doesnt oscillate. In this case the system is said to be critically damped, and is shown as curve (b) in the figure 2.2. The piston return to the equilibrium position in the shortest time possible without once overshooting the equilibrium position. If the viscosity is greater still, the system is said to be overdamped. In this case the piston returns to equilibrium without ever passing through the equilibrium po int, but the time required to reach equilibrium is greater than in critical damping. As illustrated by curve (c) in figure 2.2. Active figure 2.1: A graph of displacement versus time for an under damped oscillator. Note the decrease in amplitude with time. Figure 2.2: Plots of displacement versus time for (a) an under damped oscillator, (b) a critically damped oscillator, and (c) an overdamped oscillator. Damped oscillation is proportional to the velocity of the object and acts in the direction opposite that of the objects velocity relative to the medium. This type of force is often observed when an object is oscillating slowly in air, for instance, because the resistive force can be expressed as R = -bv, where b is a constant related to the strength of the resistive force, and the restoring force exerted on the system is -kx, Newtons second law gives us = -kx bv = max -kx b = m ~(i) The solution of this differential equation requires mathematics that may not yet be familiar to you, so it will simply be started without proof. When the parameters of the system are such that b < so that the resistive force is small, the solution to equation is X = ( Ae-(b/2m)t) cos(wt + ) ~(ii) Where the angular frequency of the motion is = ~(iii) The object suspended from the spring experience both a force from the spring and a resistive force from the surrounding liquid. Active figure 2.1 shows the position as a function of time for such a damped oscillator. We see that when the resistive force is relatively small, the oscillatory character of the motion is preserved but the amplitude of vibration decreases in time and the motion ultimately creases, this system is known as an underdamped oscillator. The dashed blue lines in active figure 2.1, which form the envelope of the oscillatory curve, represent the exponential factor that appears in equation (ii). The exponential factor shows that the amplitude decays exponentially with time. It is convenient to express the angular frequency of vibration of a damped system (iii) in the form = Where = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡k/m represents the angular frequency of oscillation in the absence of a resistive force (the undamped oscillator). In other words, when b=o, the resistive force is zero and the system oscillates with angular frequency, called the natural frequency. As the magnitude of the resistive force increases, the oscillations dampen more rapidly. When b reaches a critical value bc,so that bc/2m = , the system does not oscillate and is said to be critically damped. In this case, it returns to equilibrium in an exponential manner with time, as in figure 2.2. Question Three: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a dynamical system typified by the motion of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hookes Law. The motion is sinusoidal in time and demonstrates a single resonant frequency. What is the relationship between the tension and weight in the system? What is Hookes law when applied to the system? Answer Oscillation of motion is has one set of equations can be used to describe and predict the movement of any object whose motion is simple harmonic. The motion of a vibrating object is simple harmonic if its acceleration is proportional to its displacement and its acceleration and displacement are in opposite direction. The second bullet point mean that are acceleration, and therefore the resultant force, always acts towards the equilibrium position, where the displacement is zero. Common examples of simple harmonic motion include the oscillations of a simple pendulum and those of a mass suspended vertically on a spring. The diagram shows the size of the acceleration of a simple pendulum and a mass on a spring when they are given a small displacement, x, from the equilibrium position. Figure 3.0 In the figure 3.0, the numerical value of the acceleration is equal to a constant multiplied by the displacement, showing that acceleration is proportional to displacement. Then, the negative value of the acceleration shows that it is in the opposite direction to the displacement, since acceleration and displacement are both vector quantities. Simple harmonic in a spring If you hang a mass from a spring, the mass will stretch the spring a certain amount and then come to rest. It is established when the pull of the spring upward on the mass is equal to the pull of the force of gravity downward on the mass. The system, spring and mass, is said to be in equilibrium when that condition is met. If the mass is up or down from the equilibrium position and release it, the spring will undergo simple harmonic motion caused by a force acting to restore the vibrating mass back to the equilibrium position. That force is called the restoring force and it is directly proportional to magnitude of the displacement and is directed opposite the displacement. The necessary condition for simple harmonic motion is that a restoring force exists that meets the conditions stated symbolically as Fr = -kx, where k is the constant of proportionality and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position. The minus sign, as usual, indicates that Fr has a direction opposite that of x. For example Figure 3.1 The crank rotates with angular velocity w. Then, the slide will slide between P1 and P. V2 = W2 (P2-X2) P = Amplitude or maximum point. V= Velocity of the slider. X = Distance from centre point due to velocity, v. W = Angular velocity of crank. = 2à ₠¬f f = = 1/T a = -w2x Simple pendulum A simple pendulum is just a heavy particle suspended from one end of an inextensible, weightless string whose other end in fixed in a rigid support, this point being referred to as the point of suspension of the pendulum. Obviously, it is simply impossible to obtain such an idealized simple pendulum. In actual practice, we take a small and heavy spherical bob tied to a long and fine silk thread, the other end of which passes through a split cork securely clamped in a suitable stand, the length (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å") of the pendulum being measured from the point of suspension to the centre of mass of the bob. In the figure 3.2, let S be the point of suspension of the pendulum and 0, the mean or equilibrium position of the bob. On taking the bob a little to one side and then gently releasing it, the pendulum starts oscillating about its mean position, as indicated by the dotted lines. At any given instant, let the displacement of the pendulum from its mean position SO into the position SA is ÃŽÂ ¸. Then, the weight mg of the bob, acting vertically downwards, exerts a torque or moment mg/sin ÃŽÂ ¸ about the point of suspension, tending to bring it back to its mean position, the negative sign of the torque indicating that it is oppositely directly to the displacement (ÃŽÂ ¸). Figure 3.2 If d2ÃŽÂ ¸/dt2 be the acceleration of the bob, towards 0, and I its M.I about the point of suspension (S), the moment of the force or the torque acting on the bobn is also equal to I.d2ÃŽÂ ¸/dt2. I = -mgà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å"sinÃŽÂ ¸ If ÃŽÂ ¸ is small, the amplitude of oscillation be small, we may neglect all other terms except the first and take sin ÃŽÂ ¸ = ÃŽÂ ¸. I = -mgà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å"ÃŽÂ ¸, Whence, = Since M.I of the bob about the point of suspension (S) is mà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å"2. We have = = =  µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸, Where =  µ The acceleration of the bob is thus proportional to its angular displacement ÃŽÂ ¸ and is directed towards its mean position 0. The pendulum thus executes a simple harmonic motion and its time period is given by T = 2à ₠¬ = 2à ₠¬ = 2à ₠¬ It being clearly understood that the amplitude of the pendulum is small. The displacement here being angular, instead of linear, it is obviously an example of an angular simple harmonic motion. Hookes law Vibration motion is an object attached to a spring. We assume the object moves on a frictionless horizontal surface. If the spring is stretched or compressed a small distance x from its equilibrium position and then released, it exerts a force on the object as shown in figure 3.3. From experiment the spring force is found to obey the equation F = -kx ~(iv) Where x is the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position (x=0) and k is a positive constant called the spring constant. This force law for springs is known as Hookes law. The value of k is a measure of the stiffness of the spring. Stiff springs have large K value, and soft springs have small K value. In the equation (iv), the negative sign mean that the force exerted by the spring is always directed opposite the displacement of the object. When the object is to the right of the equilibrium position, as in figure 3.3 (a), x is positive and F is negative. This means that force is the negative direction, to the left. When the object is to the left of equilibrium position, as in figure 3.3 (c), x is negative and F is positive, indicating that the direction the force is to the right. Of course, when x = 0, as in figure 3.3 (b), the spring is unstretched and F =0. Because the spring force always acts toward the equilibrium position, it is some time called a restoring force. A restoring force always pushes or pulls the object toward the equilibrium position. The process is then repeated, and the object continues to oscillate back and forth over the same path. This type of motion is called simple harmonic motion. Simple harmonic motion occurs when the net force along the direction of motion obeys Hookes law When the net force is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium point and is always directed toward the equilibrium point. Figure 3.3: The force exerted by a spring on an object varies with the displacement of the object from the equilibrium position, x=0. (a) When x is positive (the spring is stretched). (b) When x is zero (the spring is unstretched), the spring force is zero, (c) When x is negative (the spring is compressed), the spring force is to the right. Conclusion As my conclusion, Newtons law was a very useful in nowadays because it is can use the 3 type of law to prevent any accidents in now generation. Firsts law is states that a force must be applied to an object in order to change its velocity. Seconds law is acceration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to its mass. Thirds law is whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite direction. Second, harmonic oscillation is a type of forced and damped oscillation that is amplitude of a real swinging pendulum or oscillating spring decrease slowly with time until the oscillation stop altogether. This decay of amplitude as a function of time is called damping.
Health care management and technology
Health care management and technology Introduction         Clearly, there are many reasons why health care in general is a very important aspect of our daily lives. Many people dont tend to realize that healthcare just doesnt consist of just doctors, but it also consists of dieticians, nurses, physicians, dieticians, and therapists. They all tend to play a major role into making sure that all people whether American or from a foreign country are maintaining their health. An ounce of prevention is sometimes worth more than an ounce of cure (Brown, pg 1). Even though many people may tend to think that theses jobs are easy, I believe that these jobs are not easy and require a lot of hard work, dedication, and also time in order to make sure that everyone is well taken care of. This paper will discuss the role of health care administrators in different settings, the future of health insurance, the role of administration in health systems and the role of managed care organizations. The role of administration in the health system There can be many roles for health care administrators because of the wide variety of possible settings they can take part in. I currently work for Catholic Healthcare West (CHW), a Health Care Organization (HCO), St. Josephs Hospital and Medical Center (SJHMC) in Phoenix, AZ as a Senior Buyer in the Materials Management Department. CHW is a Catholic non-profit public healthcare enterprise consisting of over forty networks of clinics and hospitals delivering medical services in Arizona, California, and Nevada with 60,000 providers, clinicians and non-clinical support staff. Health care administrators in CHW are employed at all levels, top, middle, and entry. SJHMC currently has two medical management committees, Critical Care Committee and Risk Management Committee that play a major role in administration for their health care system. The critical care committee evaluates the standard of critical care practice for various intensive care and emergency units in the hospital. This committee supports the continuous improvement of patient care at SJHMC through the ongoing and focused monitoring of key quality indicators. And the Risk Management Committee directs the design and implementation of all risk avoidance and management policies, procedures, processes and improvements, related to the following risk reduction activities, risk surveillance, risk prevention, risk control, and unusual occurrences. Identifying and analyzing key risk indicators at least quarterly avoids trends in patient injury outcomes and improves provider practice. They reach conclusions and take action for quality improvement to achieve greater success. There are other methods that these medical management committees can persuade the health care policy outside of the walls of their HCO. At SJHMC they collaborate with other community HCO to bring strength in numbers so their voice is heard. They create an environment that benefits the entire state with initiatives. They are also known to seek out interested third parties in the private sector to help donate to their cause in health care reform. In addition, the administration that is involved in these committees that are outside of their additional duties lead and actively participate in interdisciplinary quality improvement activities as a key contributor to the image and care SJHMC provides to the community. These committees exist to manage the quality and safety of patient care delivery. SJHMC depends on these administrative leaders to serve on these committees to provide leadership for measuring, assessing, and improving processes. Managed care organizations roles and the future of health insurance Managed care organizations play a major role in health care management and technology as well as being the future for health insurance. They are the middle man between the insurance agencies and the government communicating the needs of the patient and the managed care organization. I feel that managed care organizations would be very beneficial in a way that it will be able to benefit not only myself but other people also. For example, managed care has helped to aid me whenever I am going to the hospital or getting a doctor check up. They are the ones that are talking with my doctors or physicians in order to determine the type of treatment I may need and handle all of the financial agreements that come with it I feel that this would save myself and others time and money by having a managed care plan. In the national and state levels they are involved in the legislative process to advocate for new health policies for health insurance. Inside the courthouse they litigate within advoc acy campaigns from the private sector for health care reform as well. As the number of Americans without health care insurance continues to grow the need for access to health care grows as well. Expanding health insurance and creating access to health care for every American has come in the form of MCOs building public and political alliances for reform that will expand health insurance through tax credits. They also encourage insurance agencies to move in the direction of a system that will make health insurance affordable for individuals and families. The future of health care insurance is especially important to SJHMC. Being CHW is a nonprofit organization with religious sponsorship they have provided over $900 million community benefit and free health care to the poor and low income families in 2008. The role of administration in health systems Health care organizations use Information Technology in order to improve the quality, safety, effectiveness and efficiency of health care in different settings and in order to insure continuity of care. The use of IT in health care has been demonstrated to improve health care in various large health care delivery systems.IT investment must be aligned with the health care organizations mission and vision. In order to better understand any proposed technological investments by the different stakeholders in the organization it is important for the IT department to come up with a Strategic Master Plan to assess the IT infrastructure and services available including hardware, applications, manpower and processes in order to identify future needs. The role of administration in health systems In healthcare settings, IT infrastructure constitutes the physical hardware used for running medical and business applications including networked medical instruments, enterprise storage systems, servers, desktops, laptops and hand-held devices, interfaces together with wired and wireless network devices and connection media. Two years ago the IT department in the hospital I work for went through a dramatic enhancement of the service delivery and IT infrastructure, establishing compliance requirement with the Joint Commission International Accreditation and the College of American Pathologists, initiating mega projects to improve underlying infrastructure including the network, desktop computers, printers laptops, servers, enterprise data storage as well as restructuring the data center to cover the hospital expansion and increase safety and security of the IT resources. The major two projects that were approved and implemented were: My Care-Cerner interface, it facilitates ADT (admission, discharge and transfer) and Physician Orders between the two systems. ADT information is transferred via hospital network and stored in centralized database. The interface allows the caregiver to enter patient information into the computer where ADT reads messages in HL7 format and updates the appropriate tables in the database. Transactions such as: data added, updated, cancelled or deleted are done in real time and ADT Interface Server receives a massage and updates the database for use right away. Some of the benefits of my-CARE-Cerner ADT Interface: Saves Time: patient information in the patient master index of cerner and then transmitted automatically to my CARE without re-entry of the information in my CARE. Reduction of Data Entry Errors: there is less chance of data entry errors with less data being entered manually in my-CARE. Complete Patient Information: information is available without having to search in other systems. ICIS-CERNER Phase II Project: a major code upgrade to the underlying infrastructure was made in order to prepare for phase II. Phase II Cerner which included the following modules includes PharmNet which organizes data, eliminates duplication, and increases patient safety and communication among caregivers, physicians, and nurses by placing data only once ensuring efficiency, and safety, SurginNet which offers solutions to doctors, nurses, surgery team members such as: scheduling, comprehensive reporting, complete documentation for pre, intra, post operative, case tracking, anesthesia documentation and tools necessary to automate the practice of anesthesia and Profile which provides the ability to support paper, document images and computerized records within a single application, chart completion, release of information and chart tracking. Other modules include CareNet which links patient electronic medical record to nursing activities, automatically documenting activities and simpl ifying communication between all members of the care team and FirstNet which was introduced for emergency services and helps track the flow of patients at emergency departments until the patient is transferred to the ward or discharged, including triaging stage. Conclusion In closing, the healthcare environment is not as easy as it seems. With all the new technological inventions and advancement in medicines and study, many healthcare physicians must be ready at all times to adapt to any new changes when it involves the healthcare field. One of the major things about on-demand is that it helps a business become not just more innovative, but also much more efficient and much more responsive to change (Wladawsky-Berger, pg 1). With this being said, the importance of anyone working in a healthcare industry is marked by their adaptation to change and if they adapt to change quickly, more patients will be satisfied with the service and that those physicians will be able to limit problems that occur inside their place of work. This is why roles in healthcare are important in todays world because the future holds many changes in the healthcare field and that administrators must be ready for change and must be ready to try to obtain as much information about n ew medicines and cures whenever the time comes. Resources Shi, L., Singh, D. A. (2008) Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (4th ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett. Longest, Jr., B. B. (2003). Managing health services organizations and systems. Baltimore: Health Professionals Press. David Brown, In the Balance: Some Candidates Disagree, but Studies Show Its Often Cheaper To Let People Get Sick, The Washington Post, April 8, 2008. Saward, E., Sorensen, A. (1980). The current emphasis on preventive medicine. In S. J. Williams (Ed.), Issues in health services (pp. 17-29). New York: John Wiley Sons.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Five Factor Model Of Personality Essays -- Psychology essays resea
     The precise definition of personality has been a point of discussion amongst many different theorists within many different disciplines since the beginning of civilization. Personality can be defined as "the distinctive and characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that define an individual's personal style and influence his or her interactions with the environment" (Atkinson, Atkinson, Smith & Bem, 1993: 525). It can be proposed that personality psychology has two different tasks. "The first involves specifying the variables on which individuals differ from one another. The second involves synthesizing the psychological processes of human functioning into an integrated account of the total person" (Atkinson et al., 1993: 532). There are many different theories of personality and many different theorists. The purpose of this essay is to examine the trait approach, specifically the five-factor model. Both the development and limitations of the Five-Factor model of personality shall be discussed.      Trait theory is based on several assumptions. The first assumption is that any difference between people that is seen as significant will have a name. Secondly, these names, known as traits, are conceived of as continuous dimensions. In general, trait theories assume that people vary simultaneously on a number of personality factors. These traits are of both the conjunctive and disjunctive form. Therefore, to understand a trait, it is necessary to understand what a particular trait is and what type of behaviour is evidence of that trait. (Atkinson et al., 1993). Five factor theorists are one set of trait theorists. The claim of five factor theorists is that behaviour can be best predicted and explained by measurement of five dominant personality factors. The five factor theory is a fairly recent proposal and has its basis in earlier work, which shall be discussed.      One of the statistical techniques most commonly used in the study of personality is that of factor analysis: By identifying groups of highly intercorrelated variables, factor analysis enables us to     determine how many underlying factors are measured by a set of original variables. In other words, factor analysis is used to uncover the factor structure of a set of variables. (Diekhoff, 1992: 333) A factor analysis will generally show t... ...ratings, the big five model is extremely useful. If the purpose of the field is also to investigate observers' attributions about individual differences the five- factor model is less significant. If the study of personality aims to emphasise the whole person and the dynamic nature of personality, the model seems to be only of minor concern. As such, from the view of "multifaceted personology, the five-factor model is one model in personality... not the model of personality" (McAdams, 1992: 355).      In conclusion, the support and criticisms of the five factor model are not as black and white as would be hoped. Each argument has logical reasoning and can provide evidence to support itself. Each view also has a large number of supporters. Neither one is necessarily correct, as it is possible for the model to be applicable at some stages, and not applicable at others. As a result, it is probable and acceptable to conclude that the five factor theory may or may not be an appropriate model of personality. Perhaps a comparison of how much supporting literature there is for each argument is a useful method for deciding which theory an individual may choose to support.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Necessity of Gun Control Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The Necessity of Gun Control Gun control is one of the most debatable topics today. Thirty-three million Americans own firearms for hunting (Aitkens 9). But hunting is not the sole reason for which many individuals buy firearms. Of all countries, the United States is the one which is troubled most by a large number of criminals who are in possession of guns. The U.S. has the highest firearm murder rate of any democracy in the world (Aitkens 5). Where is the country going wrong as far as gun control is concerned? An immense number of laws have been created by the legislature. All were made in order to be sure guns remain in control of the right hands, yet the problems seem to prevail. All three branches of government (judicial, legislative, and executive) are involved in desperate attempts to improve the situation. Getting rid of guns would not work; it would be an impossible task. But, if pressure was applied to all aspects of gun employment - production, ownership, and most importantly dealership - a majority o f problems could be controlled. Since there are two sides to every debate, the antithesis of this position views gun control as unnecessary. This view is strongly held by the National Rifle Association, a very powerful organization, which has nearly 3 million members and an annual budget of 88 million dollars. The NRA is highly effective in motivating thousands of gun owners into action against gun control legislation. Lobbying, advertisements, letter-writing campaigns, and contributions to political candidates who oppose gun control have been some of the establishment's most effective strategies in its fight against tighter firearms laws. Most members of the NRA believe that restricting firearms to prevent gun-rel... country in the world, the United States needs to improve its gun policies. Keeping people on record would allow strict control of guns. "People" are all involved; manufacturers, dealer, buyers, and most importantly, users. Works Cited Aitkens, Maggi. Should We Have Gun Control? Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company 1992. Cozic, Charles P., et al., eds. Gun Control . San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Gottfried, Ted. Gun Control; Public Safety and the Right to Bear Arms . Brookfield, CT: The Millbrook Press, 1993. Landau, Elaine. Armed America; The Status of Gun Control. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Julian Messner, 1991. Hawkes, Nigel. Gun Control . New York: Gloucester Press/Watts, 1988. "A New Round For and Against the Brady Bill." U.S. News & World Report 9 Sept. 1996: 8. Kopel, David. "Criminal Record." National Review 2 Sept. 1996: 43-44.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Relationship Between Mother and Daughter in James Cain’s Mildred Pi
The Relationship Between Mother and Daughter in James Cain’s Mildred Pierce I have always been of the belief that in order to truly love, hate must exist within the core of the relationship. Nowhere in modern fiction is this dictum examined more accurately than in the novel by James Cain, Mildred Pierce. Looking at the concept in a familial context, James Cain has created two well-developed characters, Mildred Pierce and her daughter, Veda, that not only emphasizes the nature of mother-daughter relationships, but looks at how love and hate permeates the very essence of the relationship. The Irish poet Thomas Moore once described the fascination of these violently fluctuating emotions, â€Å"When I loved you, I can’t but allow/ I had many an exquisite minute/ But the scorn that I feel for you now/ Hath even more luxury in it†(Tresidder 57). While reading Mildred Pierce, I was reminded of my own mother’s relationship with her daughters. One of my sisters, Leslie, in particular, hated my mother in youth. It was strong emotion to extinguish, especially in those formative teen years, but because life is dominated with experiences, things in which we learn from, later one comes to understand the nature of their hate and love and begins to properly delineate the truth of each. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see this in Mildred Pierce and Veda’s relationship. The reason for this is twofold; one, it is the element of obsessive love that fosters a breakdown in the natural boundaries that exist in a parental relationship. Secondly, it is the need by Mildred to seek the unrealistic approval from her daughter, Veda, which further exasperates the boundaries, almost wiping them completely away. We see these elements of obsessive love, ... ...essive love for Veda; her need to gain acceptance and approval from this undeserving daughter that leads her catastrophic collapse. For Veda, it is her spiteful and vindictive nature to exact pain from those she holds in contempt. One needs the other in order to bear witness to the conclusion of their story. Love and hate rules in Glendale. Work Cited Cain, James. Mildred Pierce. New York: Vintage Books. 1989 Firman, Dorthy. â€Å"Healing the Mother/Daughter Relationship.†Mother/Daughter Relations 8 Dec 02 Phillips, Shelley. Beyond the Myths. New York: Penguin Books. 1996 Tresidder, Megan. The Secret Language of Love. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 1997 Vial, Veronique. Women Before 10 a. m. Photograph. New York: Powerhouse Books. 1998
British Monarchy and comparison with Turkey
The United state of coarse Britain and Northern Ireland is a primitive and inheritable monarchy. In pr enactmentice, it is a democracy operating by a sevens organisation (a dodge in which ultimate authority is held by the legislature) under a figure passing play sovereign who reigns and does non linguistic rule. The British fantan system, with a nous of state who is non the sharpen of political science, has been a model for many new(prenominal) countries. Wales and England (excluding greater London) atomic number 18 divided into counties and metropolitan counties, which argon heavily populated atomic number 18as. All counties ar subdivided into districts.Each county and district has an choose council (Coleman, 2006). A regime reorganization, effective in 1974, greatly minify the number of local administrative units and redrew county boundaries. dissertation Statement This study scrutinizes the differences and similarities betwixt British monarchy and the br ass system of bomb thus, it to a fault figures out the differences between complete monarchy and state and gives idea of what domineering monarchy and a constitutional monarchy ar. II. Discussion A. leavings and Similarities o British Monarchy Constitution.The British constitution is non to be engraft in any single create verbally document. It is a body of rules consisting partly of create verbally material and partly of established principles and practices know as conventions. It allows historic documents much(prenominal) as Magna Charta, the Petition of Right 91628), and the Bill of Rights (1689). It includes certain(prenominal) basic statutes ( police forces). And it includes rules established by rough-cut law (Winter, 2003). Rules of the constitution arsehole be changed only by an act of parliament or through establishment of a brisk convention by practice and planetary acceptance.Composition of Government. sevens, although supreme, governs in the name of the big top (monarch). There are one-third variety meat of governmentlegislature, decision maker, and judiciary. ? The legislature consists of the two abide of fantan and the pansy (whose formal consent must be prone for ward a bill becomes a law). ? The decision maker consists of the cabinet and another(prenominal) take cares (officials) of the flush administrative surgical incisions staffed by Civil Service employees and unremarkably headed by ministers local authorities and boards created by statute to operate various industries and helpings.The coffin nail is formally the head of the executive body. The ministry, re inaugurateing the political political political party in control of parliament, is called Her majestys government or the government (Crowl, 2002). ? The judiciary, of which the pantywaist regnant is nominally the head, is autarkic of two(prenominal) the legislature and the executive. Crown. The inheritance of the thr nonpareil goes to the firstbo rn son and his heirs, or if there is no son the firstborn daughter and her heirs, or if there are no children to the eldest brother and his heirs. Elizabeth II succeeded her father, George VI, in 1952.The Queen acts in governmental matters only on the advice of her ministers, and by convention may not refuse to act on such advice. Not only her approval notwithstanding her participation is required in the pass of government. She summons and dissolves Parliament, approve bills, and signs state papers. She approves the fitting of all ministers of the Crown and gives her consent to the administration of a cabinet. In doing so, she any(prenominal)times has a choice in selecting a new prepare minister. In consulting with her ministers she may exemplar some influence over policy (Morgan, 2004).Because of the sovereigns telephone exchange bureau in the function of government, British law provides for the appointment of a regent to act in the event that the sovereign is unable(p) to perform the responsibilities of the Crown. As formal head of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the Queen is the type of Commonwealth unity. In addition to her roles in government, she is head of the armed forces and temporal head of the church of England. The Privy Council assist the Queen in issuing Orders in Council and olympian proclamations. It is largely an honorary body that acts on decisions made by ministers or Parliament.It is constitute of all cabinet divisions and more(prenominal) than three hundred eminent persons selected, for life, by the Queen upon the passport of the prime minister. Parliament. The upper house of Parliament is the habitation of Lords, in which membership is inheritable or by appointment the start is the signboard of common land, an elective body. ? The theater of Lords has more than 1,000 members, consisting of royal princes (who take no mobile role), hereditary peers and peeresses, spiritual lords (archbishops and senior bishops of the church service of England), and life by the Queen upon the passport of the prime minister).The life peers include Lords of Appeal, jurists who dish out as justices when the House functions as a speak toyard of appeal (Crowl, 2002). All hereditary Scottish peers are entitled to sit down in the house of lords, but Irish peers ate excluded unless they hold peerages of Great Britain or the United Kingdom. Only about cl members actually attend. The House of Lords has limited post. It can neither reject nor amend law dealing with finances, but can ride out other kinds of legislation for one year. The House of Lords thus serves as a note on hasty action by the Commons. Members of the House of Commons, called members of Parliament (M.P. s) are elected by universal adult suffrage. Parliament cannot sit indefinitely, but must be dissolved at least at a time every five years. General elections are called afterward it is dissolved (Coleman, 2006). The prime minister is respon sible for determining when a common election is held and may call for one at any time at heart the five-year period. One member is elected from apiece of 635 constituencies (electoral districts determined by population). A member does not have to live in the constituency from which he is elected. A by-election is held within an psyche constituency when a vacancy occurs (Randle, 2001).The political party or coalition of parties holding the volume of seats in the House of Commons provides the prime minister, usually the acknowledged party leader. The prime minister chooses the other ministers of the Crown and designates certain ones to be members of the cabinet. A minuscular number of ministers are taken from the House of Lords, the majority from the Commons. The largest minority party in the House of Commons leads the official Opposition. The House of Commons normally adopts the bills proposed by the government and affirms its program.However, if the government follows a course displease to the House of Commons, a vote of self-assurance is taken (Randle, 2001). If it is negative, the government must resign. Generally, Parliament is then dissolved and a general election is held. The Cabinet and the Ministry. Under the leaders of the prime minister, the cabinet and the ministry perform the executive functions in the British government. The cabinet is unruffled of the most of the essence(p) ministers, usually not more than 20. The ministry includes all heads of administrative departments.Some are known as secretaries of state, some as ministers, and some by special titles, such as the premier of the Exchequer. There are also ministers who are not department heads. Other members of the ministry are the Lord chancellor and law officers (Morgan, 2004), deputy ministers known as ministers of state, and junior ministers known as parliamentary secretaries or undersecretaries of state. Judicial System. The House of Lords is the highest court of appeal for civil cases and for certain abominable cases. The Supreme greet of Judicature, compose of the mellowed Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal, deals with important civil cases.Minor cases are move in county courts. Criminal cases may be appealed to the Court of Criminal Appeal, after being tried in assize courts or magistrates courts (Morgan, 2004). Trial by jury is used for all but minor crimes. Administration of the judicial system is shared by the Lord Chancellor and the home secretary, both members of the cabinet. Defense. The three branches of British armed forces are the army, the Royal gloriole Force, and the Royal Navy (which includes the Royal marines). civilian control is exercised by the secretaries of state of war and air and the first lord of the admiralty (Randle, 2001).All three are responsible to the minister of defense, a member of the cabinet. o Turkey The land of Turkey was proclaimed in 1923, with Kemal Atturk as its first president. Far-r distributivelying p olitical, social, and economic reforms were put into effect. Ataturk abolished the sultanate and subsequent exiled all Ottoman heirs. He did inter bailiwick with old traditions associated with the empiremen could no longer wear the fez (a hat), nor women the veil. Women were given political and civil rights equal to those of men. Church and state were separated (Spencer, 2003) , and the property of the mosques bailiwickized.Universal fosterage and a new law formula were introduced. When many of these changes were not accepted by the people, Ataturk assumed unlimited dictatorial powers. subsequently his death in 1938, the premier, Ismet Inonu, was elected president. By the Montreux Cinvention of 1936, Turkey was given the right to twine the Dardanelles and Bosporus straits. Treaties of alliance were signed with Great Britain and France in 1939. During World War II, Turkey remained nonsubjective until 1944, when it broke relations with Germany (Weiker, 2001). The following yea r, it declare war on Germany and Japan. Government.Turkey has been a republic since 1923 as mentioned earlier. Under the constitution to the third Republic (1982), executive power is vested in the president, legislative power in the content Assembly, and judicial power in independent course. The president (head of state) is chosen by the national Assembly for a seven-year term. He is back up by a state consultative council, composed of former presidents and military chiefs of staff. From among the national Assembly (Hale, 2001), the president appoints a prime minister (head of government0, who in sprain selects the other ministers to form the Council of Ministers (cabinet).The national Assembly is composed of 450 deputies popularly elected for five-year terms. The president has the power to dissolve the national Assembly and rule under emergency powers. The judicial system consists of civil, administrative, military, and constitutional courts. The even civil courts include co urts of first instance (courts having original jurisdiction), central criminal courts, and commercial courts. The highest tribunal is the court of cassation, which is a court of appeals (Weiker, 2001). Local Government. Turkey is divided into 67 administrative divisions it calls ils, each named for its chief city.An il is subdivided into ilces, and these in turn into bucaks. At the head of each il are a governor, representing the central government, and an elected council. Military Affairs. Turkey maintains a regular army, navy, and air force. In addition, there is the Jandarma, a rural police force. Military service is compulsory for all men after the age of 20 for a 20-month period. B. Difference of absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and republic. Absolute monarchy pertains to the absolute power of the big businessman or puff as the ruler of the country.The power has bestowed in him/her to do the things he/she wishes to do. On the other hand, constitutional monarchy is u nder the ruling of the queen however its accompanied with the constitution. The king or queen cannot decide for himself/herself or make any moves which are not written under the constitution (Bogdanor, 1997). all(prenominal) decision should be in distribution channel in the constitution of the said country. When we pronounce republic, it pertains to a country in which both the head of the state and the members of the legislature are elected directly or indirectly by the people.Most of the nations of the world today, including the United States and the Soviet Union, are republics. The rest, in most instances, are monarchies, in which the head of the state (a king, queen, or prince) comes into office through inheritance. III. Conclusion In conclusion, many people are not happy under these kinds of monarchies because they dont see the function of the royal families anymore. slew are all feed up and see that monarchies are a expression of showing selfishness to power because only t he kindred line of the king or queen can inherit the throne and not giving a chance to others.In 1980 in Turkey, after renewed violence between political factions, the armed forces seized control of the government, disbanded parliament, hang up the constitution, and established a ruling military military junta of military officers. Within two year, the junta achieved political stability and eased some of the coutnrys economic difficulties. Reference 1. Bogdanor, Vernon (1997). The Monarchy and the Constitution. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 2. Coleman, Francis (2006). Great Britain the Land and Its mint (MacDonald). 3. Crowl, P. A. (2002). The Intelligent travellers Guide to Historic Britain (St.Martins Press). 4. Hale, William (2001). The Political and Economic Development of moderne Turkey (St. Martins Press). 5. Morgan, K. O. (2004). The oxford Illustrated History of Britain (Oxford University). 6. Randle, John. (2001). instinct Britain a History of the British People and Their Culture (Basil Blackwell). 7. Spencer, William (2003). The Land and People of Turkey, rewrite edition (Harper & Row). 8. Weiker, W. F. (2001). The Modernization of Turkey from Ataturk to the present Day (Holmes & Meier). 9. Winter, Gordon (2003). The Country Life jut Book of Britain (Norton
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