Monday, January 27, 2020
Dipole Moment of 5- Fluorouracil Molecule
Dipole Moment of 5- Fluorouracil Molecule Computational Term Paper: Theoretical studies on 5- fluorouracil to calculate its dipole moment, and how the values compare with other pyrimidine analog (namely uracil and thymine) and that of literature. Name: Farzana Nushin Rezvi Abstract: In this experiment, the dipole moment of 5- Fluorouracil molecule was determined using the Gaussian software, and compared with literature values. The dipole moments of other pyrimidine analogs, namely Thymine and Uracil, were also calculated and compared with literature values. The experiment gave insight to typical dipole moment values of uracil derivatives, and how the dipole moment of aromatic molecules can be influenced in the presence of –F, or -CH3 substituent. Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to calculate the dipole moment of the anticancer drug, 5- Fluorouracil, and compare the numerical value with that of two other pyrimidines, Thymine and Uracil. Fig 1: Molecular structure of 5- Fluoro uracil (drawn by ChemBioDraw). 5- Fluorouracil is apyrimidine analog (nucleoside analogs that mimic the molecular structure of pyrimidines) of uracil molecule that functions as an anti-cancer drug; it is used in the treatment of several types of cancer, including that of rectum, colon, head and neck cancer.10 5- Fluorouracil belongs to the family of drugs called theantimetabolites. Antimetabolite drugs function by impeding vital biosynthetic processes or by being assimilated into macromolecules, and inhibiting their normal functioning. The fluoro pyrimidine drug, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) does both.9Cancer cells often use more uracil than normal cells, which indicates that uracil metabolism is a potential target for antimetabolite chemotherapy.9 â€Å"The mechanism of cytotoxicity of 5-FU has been ascribed to the misincorporation of fluoronucleotides into RNA and DNA and to the inhibition of the nucleotide synthetic enzyme thymidylate synthase.†9 Thymidylate synthase is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion o f deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) to deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP). dTMP is one of the three nucleotides (dTMP, dTTP, and dTDP) that eventually produce a thymine molecule. With inhibition of Thymidylate synthase, an imbalance of nucleotides results and increased levels of dUTP arise. Both of these factors cause DNA damage, therefore ultimately inhibiting cell replication. 5 FU is also seldom found in skin creams used for other conditions. However, it should be used in moderate/regulated amounts since the side effects of unregulated exposure can be severe.10 5-Fluorouracil is a derivative of Uracil. Another structural analog of Uracil is Thymine. As can be seen from the figure below, the molecules only differ in what substituent each has on C-5. Fig 2: Molecular structures of Uracil, 5-Fluorouracil, and Thymine. Thymine is one of the four nucleobases of DNA. Uracil is the RNA analogue of Thymine. Unlike Fluorouracil, these bases are regularly used by a healthy cell to construct new nucleotides (for multiplication, repair, etc.) The dipole moment is considered to be an elementary physiochemical property of a molecule. Interpretation of dipole moments by electronic charge distribution contributes to the understanding the molecular electronic structure and helps us gain deeper insight. The numerical values of the dipole moments also help us in evaluating the quantum mechanical calculations of electronic charge distribution, particularly in a series of homologous compounds, as in our experiment. Our experiment helps us understand the effects of substituents at C5 dipole moment of uracil. The dipole moment is a of these three molecules is an interesting study because in each case, the dipole moment is primarily influenced by the presence of electronegative atoms. The dipole moment of a molecule influences many of its properties and features (such as its colligtaive properties, how it interacts with other molecules, its behavior in compounds, etc.) In the molecules under consideration, the dipole moment(s) work as in the following figure (the dipole moment of uracil directed inbetween N3 and C4, with the substituent ‘X’ either strengthening, or weakening the dipole in the illustrated vectors)6: Fig 3: Vector scheme of dipole moments in uracil and in its derivatives6 (reproduced using ChemBioDraw) Experimental: For this Lab, the Gaussian software was used in calculating the dipole moment. At first, the molecule of concern was drawn using the software. Then ‘Edit’ option is selected to ‘Symmetrize’ our subject molecule. After that is done, we perform Gaussian Calculation Setup, by selecting Job Type as ‘Energy’, and under Methods changing the Basis set. The numerical value of the dipole moment is obtained from the ‘Results’ of the .chk file. The Gaussian calculation is repeated by selecting other Basis sets. The whole process is repeated for the molecules Thymine and Uracil. The molecule is drawn using Gaussian, and the Gaussian calculations repeated by selecting different ‘job types’ and ‘basis sets’. Results: The results obtained are represented in tabular form. The screenshots of the molecules as drawn in the Gaussian software are also given. Tables: Table 1: The theoretical and Literature values of 5-Fluorouracil dipole moment Table 2: The theoretical and Literature values of Uracil dipole moment Table 3: The theoretical and Literature values of Thymine dipole moment. Images obtained from Gaussian: 5-Fluorouracil Fig 4: Image of 5-Fluorouracil molecule as drawn using Gaussian software Uracil: Fig 5: Image of uracil molecule as drawn using Gaussian software Thymine: Fig 6: Image of thymine molecule as drawn using Gaussian software Discussion: The purpose of this experiment was to calculate the numerical values of dipole moments of the anticancer drug, 5- fluorouracil, and two other pyrimidines, thymine and uracil, and compare the obtained values with that of literature values. The dipole moment of a bond is defined as the mathematical product of the magnitude of the charges and distance between atoms under consideration11. The numerical value of the dipole moment can be calculated for each bond, as well as for the entire molecule. In this experiment, we use the Gaussian software for the calculation of dipole moments. The calculation of dipole moment is based on the allocation of atomic charges to the atoms in the molecule in a reasonable way.4 In the hands on experiment, this consists of assigning electronegativity values to the atoms and experimental structural information of the bonds. Topological methods, however, do not take in information about the molecular geometry or the conformational status of the molecule. The topological method currently in use is the Gasteiger-Hà ¼ckelmethod, which has the disadvantage of omitting the validation procedure. This renders the study impractical.11 The method of computation of partial charges employed in this experiment is based on the quantum mechanical calculation of wavefunction.11 For this report, wavefunctions were obtained using the ab initio method. Ab initio means based on first principles, these methods are based on quantum mechanics and attempt to solve the Schrà ¶dinger equation. â€Å"Ab initio methods use no experimental parameters in their calculations, although they use some mathematical approximations. The major disadvantage of Ab Initio quantum chemistry is the heavy demands on computer power.†12 The choice of basis set is one of the most important aspects of this computation, as our results depend vastly on the basis set employed. Basis sets are quantum chemical units of energy; basis set contains mathematical functions that can be used to determine the dipole moment, energy, and other quantum mechanical properties of an atom/molecule of study. Basis sets are considered to represent the wavefunctions of the electrons in the species.12 On the basis of atomic point charges, a molecular dipole moment can be calculated in a quite simple and fast way, and compared with literature values. To get reliable results using this method, one must select small and rigid structures.11 As the dipole moment is a property defined by quantum mechanics, wavefunctions can be used to directly calculate its values. Results derived with large basis sets (such as those reported in this paper) are in good agreement with experimental values. As we can see, our calculated values of the dipole moment align quite closely with the experimental values. One fact, however, stands out: the values of dipole moment get closer to the ‘literature values’ as the basis set is increased. However, quantum mechanical methods are not very useful when obtaining information about larger molecules.11 The dipole moments of uracil, as well as of its respective derivatives are listed in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. First of all, it can be noticed that all these molecules have pretty high values for dipole moments, compared to other aromatic molecules.4 This increase seems to be mainly due to the large electronegativity of the O atoms (resulting in large numerical values of the dipole moments of carbonyl groups) which amount to 4 Debye units in thiouracils, according to Schneider and Halverstadt 13 This value can be contributed to the relatively high polarity of the secondary amide carbonyl group in these compounds, as compared with the generally observed value of 2.23 Debye units.4 A pronounced change in the dipole moment is observed only upon the introduction of a substituent of a different polarity, such as Fluorine and Methyl group. In order to examine the effects of substituent on C5 on the electronic charge distribution in greater detail, many factors have to be taken into consideration. The first is that of electronegativity. Halogens are famously electronegative, with F atom being the most. The electronegativity of Fluorine atom pulls away electrons towards itself (and away from the ring) (Refer to Fig 3). As the dipole moment direction of –F atom is directed towards itself, it somewhat cancels the dipole moment of N3. This explains why 5-Fluorouracil has a lower overall dipole moment compared to uracil. Thymine differs from uracil in having a methyl group (-CH3) on C5. The main chemistry to understand here is that of the inductive and mesomeric effect. â€Å"Methylation at C5 and C6 mainly causes changes in the polarity of the C5C6 bond by way of increasing the ~-electronic charge on the atom at which substitution takes place.†6 Due to the positive inductive effect of the –CH3 group, electrons are pushed towards the aromatic ring. This adds to the ‘electron pull’ of N3 and contributes to the overall polarity of the molecule. It can be noted that substitution at C5 does not alter the dipole moment of uracil as much as a substituent on C6 would. (Since the substituents at C5 and C6 are differently oriented). For uracil, the dipole moment is directed in the N atom inbetween the carbonyl groups (as shown in Fig 3). However, the dipole moment is a more complicated calculation than can be inferred from a diagram as simple, lots of other data (such as bond angles) also have to be taken into account. Conclusion: The purpose of this experiment is to calculate the dipole moment of the anticancer drug, 5- fluorouracil, and compare its value with that of literature, and two other pyrimidines, thymine and uracil. Based on the data obtained with 5 FU, the experiment can be deemed to be successful, as it contains about 1-2 % error with respect to literature. In summary, we have demonstrated that these Gaussian calculations is an easy and convenient way to determine many physical and spectroscopic properties of these molecules in solution and can give an additional insight into their in vivo properties.1 Citations: Theoretical DFT and experimental NMR studies on uracil and 5- fluorouracil , B. Blicharska, T. Kupka / Journal of Molecular Structure 613 (2002) 153–166 Frisch, M. al. Gaussian Development Version, Revision D.02. In Gaussian Development Version, Revision D.02; Gaussian, Inc.: Wallingford CT, 2005 5-Fluorouracil and thymine form a crystalline solid solution, Sarah A. Barnett, Ashley T. Hulme* and Derek A. Tocher, Acta Crystallographica Section CVolume 62, Issue 7, Article first published online: 10 JUL 2006 L.A. Curtiss, M.S. Gordon Computational Material Chemistry: Methods and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 Structures of the Molecular Components in DNA and RNA with Bond Lengths Interpreted as Sums of Atomic Covalent Radii Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Krà ¡lovopolskà ¡ 135, 61265 Brno, Czech Republic. Dipole moments of 2,4-diketopyrimidines: Part II: Uracil, thymine and their derivatives I. Kulakowskaa, M. Gellerb, B. Lesyngb, K.L. Wierzchowskia, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis Volume 361, Issue 2, 29 August 1974, Pages 119–130 Chapter chemotherapy cancer (accessed Nov 19, 2014) Cole Parmer (accessed Nov 19, 2014) 5-Fluorouracil: mechanisms of action and clinical strategies, Daniel B. Longley1, D. Paul Harkin1 Patrick G. Johnston, Nature Reviews Cancer 3, 330-338 (May 2003) Wikipedia (accessed 3rd December 2014) Hans-Dieter Hà ¶ltje, Gerd Folker, Molecular Modeling: Basic Principles and Applications, VCH Publishers, 1997 Vol. 5 Samakhvalov A, Lab Manual for Physical Chemistry I, Rutgers University Camden 2014 Schneider, W.C. and Halverstadt, I.F. (1948) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 70, 262626 1
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Television and College Life Essay -- Television TV
Television and College Life After a long day of classes, I just like to lie down on the couch and relax while watching my favorite television show. Like me, this is how many college students end the day. After conducting a series of surveys and interviews, I realized that, even though we all like to watch our favorite shows, we prefer different shows and watch them at different times in different ways. My overall goal was to determine if there was any difference in television viewing based upon gender. In addition, I hoped to learn: how much TV college students watch per day; if viewers look forward to watching a particular show; if college students use TV as an escape from the everyday pressures; and, if they â€Å"channel surf†or remain with one channel throughout an entire program. Before beginning my survey, I had some preconceived notions about the types of answers that I would obtain. I decided to survey ten college students. I included five male and five female subjects in my survey to be equitable as well as to determine preferences based upon gender in my results. I surveyed two of my male roommates and one female roommate. The remaining participants were random friends who visited our house. This was an easy and effective way to conduct my surveys. Having so many roommates means there are always a variety of people who come and go from our residence. Although this was a simple way to conduct my survey, I was not certain that it would be an accurate sampling. Even though there were a variety of individuals frequenting our house, they seemed to possess many similarities. My fears were unfounded because those surveyed preferred various programs, providing the basis for unbiased results... ...been something like ER or Ally Mcbeal. IUP has 15,000 students; this survey was only a small sampling of the University’s student population. To get more accurate results, I might have surveyed a larger sample of people or included people whom I do not know. Also, I should have conducted interviews with more people whom I do not know well. These changes would have provided a better insight into what type of viewers and viewing habits of people I do not know. Although my results were not what I expected, I am very pleased about what I learned. I have conducted interviews before, but I have never conducted a survey. It was challenging yet interesting to draw up the questions for the survey. In this way I was able to ask questions to which I wanted the answers. Overall I felt this was a worthwhile experience that was educational and enlightening.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A Critical Review of Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Essay
A Critical Review of Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Pamela D. McKoy Liberty University Abstract This critical review will attempt to summarize the book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†written by, Dr. Mark R. Laaser. Highlighting all the central themes and giving an in-depth analysis of Dr. Laaser’s work on the subject of sexual addiction. It will give his perspective and evidence to support it from the book and other sources. In this review you will find that Dr. Laaser has added valuable insight to the subject on a personal level. It will also show how Dr. Laaser’s faith comes into play, being that the book is written from a Christian point of view using a Biblical worldview. This review will show that the book can and should be used by lay and professionals alike when dealing with those who suffer from the pain and sin of sexual addiction. Keywords: sexual addiction, worldview Summary Dr. Mark Lasser’s book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†gives hope for those who are in the throes of sexual addiction and those who suffer with them. Laaser feels that this book is important because of the pain and desperation that he experienced from sexual addiction; he now wants to share what he has learned about the power of the Lord and healing. In this book he relates how sexual addiction has grown to epidemic proportions (Laaser, 2004, pp.17). The internet has been the source of much of that growth, with a bevy of materials of a sexual nature being readily available to everyone with computer access. The internet has just what they are looking for in the form of pornography for sexual gratification and release. Those who are not seeking this are also bombarded with unwanted pop-ups advertising sexual related materials. Mark Laaser writes about the secret sin, it is one often times not seen or heard, sexual addiction. He feels that it starts in childhood continuing into adolescence, where it is most time seen as a normal developmental phase. When the person reaches adulthood untreated it becomes worse over time, if left along it could lead to death. He feels that it is an addictive disease that has been around since the beginning of time. It has been misnamed and has gone undiagnosed for centuries, there still is a few who does not believe in its existence (Lasser, 2004, pp.15). With this book Laaser hopes to address this issue with Christians, bringing to the forefront a problem that has plagued the Christian community for hundreds of years (Lasser, 2004, pp.16). This is problem that has been whispered about, causing many to leave their faith and seek other means of peace. There is much shame and disgrace for the person and their family, so it is hidden from all. With sound help and education th e healing process starts. Major themes of â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†are listed below with explanation: Part 1: What is Sexual Addiction? Here you will find that sexual addiction is a sin. That fantasy, pornography and masturbation are building block behaviors. The types of sexual addiction: cyber, prostitution, rape and incest etc. Understanding and identifying characteristics of sexual addiction. Part 2: The Roots of Sexual Addiction (how and why) sexual addiction happens. Unhealthy family dynamics: boundaries, rules, roles and addictions Family abuse: emotional, physical, sexual and spiritual How sex addicts cope with abuse: escape and codependency Part 3: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction The journey of healing Confronting the sex addict: one on one intervention and group intervention Treatment issues in sexual addiction Healing for couples: important and critical issues that face couples Part 4: Healing the Wounds of the Church Sexually addicted Pastors and priests: characteristics of their sexual addiction Healing for the congregations: primary victims and secondary victims (Lasser, 2004) The information provided in this book is a detailed look at the problem of addiction and the hope of recovery. Laaser wrote this book to educate the church (Laaser, 2004, pp.223). Analysis Mark Laaser’s point of view is one that comes from suffering from the secret sin of sexual addiction and being a Christian enjoying the life of recovery. He approaches this subject with a Biblical worldview, this is appropriate because we all fall short with sin. God offers help with His Word to break free of addiction in 1 Corinthians, 6:18 it said â€Å"Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but that he committeth fornication sinneth against his own body (Bible KVJ). In the book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†he exhibits his faith for the readers to see. This in turn makes the Christian comfortable enough to read the text and get an understanding. Many experts have found that 10% of Christians in America are sexually addicted. If this is a fact then a congregation with 500 members would mean that 50 of them are sex addicts. Experts say that the percentages are on the rise. Two-thirds of all Christian men admitted to watching pornography as well as 40% of Pastors (Laaser, 2004, pp.15). The church can no longer ignore this problem, families cannot duck in shame this has to be addressed and this book is Mark Laaser’s way of doing just that. Laaser knows that there is no cure for sexual addiction but expresses that it is an ongoing process on a day to day basis. That this is a healing process not a cure, addicts must deal with their demons and have a Spiritual healing (Laaser, 2004, pp.223). This Spiritual healing is part of the process that Laaser writes about within the church and the part that they should play. The role of the Christian community is one of healing and hope for those sexually addicted. The church should create an environment of safety, welcome and honesty for them, since sexual addiction is one of loneness. Sexually addicted people need to be held accountable this is another role of the church (Hinson, 2009, pp.53). All these views are shared by Laaser and many others in the Christian community. This is strong evidence that Laaser is on track with this book and his ideas. When researched â€Å"sexual addiction in the Christian community†you will find that Laaser is a resounding voice which is use often and his views shared by many. Laaser said to provide support for the sexually addicted is not easy but very doable . To help the individual, he promotes giving them the help to overcome inappropriate coping mechanism and behaviors. Compassion and empathy must be present in those giving the help. When dealing with the addicted person, we cannot be judgmental or make assumptions about them, but give them what God gave us, love and acceptance. Laaser writes that the addict needs to want to get well before you attempt to help them. Then you must establish accountability for the addict, a Spiritual journey of rebirth is required to let old sin and self pass away to be able to experience a new life. This is a long process one that takes a life time of being ever watchful of your actions. Laaser outlines individual and group addiction intervention strategies that are based on a Biblical model of discipline in the Gospel in the book of Matthew. This model targets the building blocks of addiction with a 90 day abstinence contract in force (Laaser, 2004. pp.149). The outcome depends totally on the work that the addict puts into they can heal if they desire it. This book is written in a straight forward manner it pulls no punches and the reader is pulled into the commentary. This is an excellent book for those in need of information pertaining to sexual addiction and how to recover from it. The reader can almost feel the care and love that went into writing the book even if they are not Christian. Conclusion With much research, I have concluded that Laaser is on to something that is heaven sent and wonderful in the field of sexual addiction. He lays his faith and innermost thoughts out for all to see, you can see the care that he took with this book. He writes from the left side of addiction as a person who has been there and knows what it takes to heal. A passive approach is not the way that gives us this book nor should we use it passively. The information provided in this book is factual. I have a friend who has suffered the hurt of sexual addiction and Laaser’s books and model were used in her treatment. You could honestly see the rebirth she had over a course of a year. This works and I personally would recommend anyone who is suffering or in the field to buy it and keep it close. I feel also that sexual addiction is as a disease where alcoholism was 50 years ago. This is not even listed as a condition in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Experts are not in agreement that problematic sexual behaviors should be classified as an addiction. They all seem to agree with Laaser that the behaviors are about shame and low self-esteem. I feel that Laaser’s book takes the right tone and approach, one of love, concern and action to deal with the problem. This book is offering a solution to healing the healthy Godly way. I find that the Spiritual aspects of the book to be for all who read it. When he relate the story about Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem after it was destroyed, I saw the correlation of sexual addiction destroying lives both to be rebuilt by the Lord. All I all it will be my go to book in my professional career and I will present it to the church as a tool of guidance for those in need. References Laaser, R. M., (2004) Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction. Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530 Hinson, W. R. & Parker, D., (2009) Sexual Addictions: Problems and solutions for the Christian community, 17, 1, Art, 12, Leaven
Friday, January 3, 2020
Memory Is The Most Ideal Spot At Store Information, And...
Memory Memory is an important aspect throughout many of our lives, and is key for remembering material for exams, the layout around us, and memorable events in our life. There are many types of memory, such perceptual memory, short term memory, and long term memory. Depending on what one wants to learn, long term memory is the most ideal spot to store information such as material for an exam. In my Social Media Today class I am required to memorize a great deal of information, including everything to do with privacy. This privacy topic includes memorizing what privacy is, personal data online, and the two types of privacy metaphors I had been told in lecture. I have roughly two weeks or so to remember the material, and I only have to remember the material until the class is over in December. I am trying to store it in my long term memory in order to get an acceptable grade on my final exam that will be coming up very soon, also it is good information to just know in dealing with the internet. The Modal Model is a framework for memory, and is a process for how I will remember the ‘privacy’ information for my class. The first part of this model is the real world to sensory memory. Sensory memory is just memory for incoming stimuli such as vision. This vision would be called iconic memory and it is what one remembers across eye blinks. From sensory memory, goes to short term memory. Between these two steps is attention, and it is attention that stores information intoShow MoreRelatedManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 PagesCONTENTS: CASE STUDIES CASE STUDY 1 Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems CASE STUDY I-1 IMT Custom Machine Company, Inc.: Selection of an Information Technology Platform CASE STUDY I-2, Inc.: Deciding on the Next Steps for a VoIP Supplier CASE STUDY I-3 The VoIP Adoption at Butler University CASE STUDY I-4 Supporting Mobile Health Clinics: The Children’s Health Fund of New York City CASE STUDY I-5 Read MoreMarketing Discussion15807 Words  | 64 Pagesspend more money than they should on goods and services they really do not need. Take a position: Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants versus marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of consumers. 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