Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Sword in the Stone Disneys Version vs. T.H. White
The story of King Arthur is widely known, either his beginnings told in The Sword in the Stone or how he led the Knights of the Round Table. While there are many version of his story T. H. White’s written version and Disney’s animated version of The Sword in the Stone are two of the most recognized versions. Most movies have the ability to embody the original intent of the book they were based upon. Disney’s movie version of T. H. White’s rendition of The Sword in the Stone, however, while portraying the correct story, does not truly convey enough elements of White’s version to be effective in telling the original story. The characterization and Merlyn’s ‘lessons’ within the movie inhibit the film from being an effective portrayal of the†¦show more content†¦H. White’s novel. The most important character in the story of King Arthur in both versions is Arthur himself or â€Å"Wart†as he was known as before becoming King. While the movie does a decent job at portraying him as this weak unaware character, the movie does not give him enough credit for the feats he accomplishes himself. In the film, when Wart is transformed into a fish, Archimedes ultimately has to save Wart from the pike that almost kills him. However, in the book Wart manages to escape from the Pike by his own volition of knowledge, instead of the sheer power the Pike was using. Another time when Wart is portrayed as incompetent is when he is first introduced as a character. He ruins Kay’s shot at the deer and he is not even able to get the arrow back with ease. However as the story develops in the book, Wart’s character also develops. While he might start out as weak, he eventual grows into an intellectual character with depth and confidence. During his lesson with th e birds of prey and his ordeal, Wart is put into a situation where he needs to outsmart Colonel Cully. He does this through distracting the Colonel by using fear as a tool: â€Å"There is a cat behind you,†said the Wart calmly, â€Å"or a pinemarten. Look†(The Sword in the Stone). On the other hand, during his lesson with the geese Lyo-lyok helped him analyze the inhumane characteristics of humanity when she said: â€Å"But what creature couldShow MoreRelatedStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesCompetitive strength †¢ Market share †¢ Relative share †¢ Relative quality †¢ Patents †¢ Customer coverage Performance Value-added structure †¢ Investment intensity †¢ Fixed vs liquid assets †¢ Capacity utilization †¢ Productivity †¢ Make vs buy People and organization †¢ Lean organization †¢ Participative culture †¢ Incentives †¢ Training †¢ Insiders vs outsiders Figure 3.26 PIMS can quantify how strategic factors drive performance The second group describes how a business differs from its competitors in its
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Decision Making In Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken
â€Å"The Road Not Taken†depicts a real life situation. Imagine a problem coming up in your life and having to choose between one solution or the other. Many might be confused and stressed about which decision to choose. No individual wants to be faced with hard situations in their life. Sometimes the solution less chosen is the best, but not always. Advice is helpful in an individual’s life because that individual gets a second opinion, rather just trying to figure out the solution on their own. Frost does an excellent job of depicting the theme throughout the poem. As readers read â€Å"The Road Not Taken,†individuals begin to feel like they are actually in the poem real life and not just reading the poem from a book. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken,††¦show more content†¦Therefore, decision-making is portrayed throughout â€Å"The Road Not Taken.†The setting of â€Å"The Road Not Taken†is all about imagery. Each line of â€Å"The Road Not Taken†portrays great imagery to the readers, which helps the readers to understand the theme. Line one is about two paths that stand out in the woods, therefore, the speaker has two different decisions to make. Lines three to four is about the speaker standing long at both paths to see which decision benefits the speaker. Lines four to eight begin to describe the two paths. One path has nothing but shrubs which means many individuals have gone down this path constantly. The other path is grassy and looks like no one has been down that path before. Lines eleven to twelve talks about how both paths happen to have leaves on them when morning appears, which may possibly mean that the speaker is very confused about which solution to make. Readers will begin to sense understanding about the back and forth between one decision or the other. Decision-making is not always clear, and therefore may cause some disorganization. Readers will begin to start putting together that t he setting coincides with the theme. As individuals go throughout life and have to start making adult decisions, individuals will begin to figure out that finding a solution may be the toughest part. Frost portrays an excellent setting inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem The Road Not Taken 849 Words  | 4 PagesTo flip a gold coin is not always the route to go when faced with important decisions in life. In time, the choice will have to be made, and the outcome can sometimes be life-changing. When making a conscientious decision, one commits oneself to follow the right path. This fate presents itself in Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken†poem, and is present in the poetic piece of Blanche Farley’s â€Å"The Lover Not Taken.†A large percentage of the stanzas in each poem harmonize each other, and they bothRead MoreRobert Frost s Writing Style1589 Words  | 7 Pages Robert Frost once said, â€Å"The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight and ends in wisdom... in a clarification of life - not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion†(Robert Frost Quotes). This same kind of thinking opened the door for metaphorical poetry that helped to show the poets transparency. His love for the social outcast and the struggles of his life are exhibited greatly in his poems. Robert Frost helpedRead MorePoems of Robert Frost Essay1556 Words  | 7 PagesRobert Frost was an American poet, and playwright who became one of the leading pioneers in poetry in the late 1800’s into the 1900’s. Frost grew up in rural New England in the early twentieth century and experienced many hardships in his life including losing his father at the young age of eleven and losing two children at very young ages. He used his experiences of growing up in a rural area in most of his poems. Another major them in his poems are decision-making poems usually based off of hisRead MoreLife Choices in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening970 Words  | 4 Pages Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†both portray weighing of choices in life. The former is about youth and experiencing life and the latter is about old age, or more probably, an old spirit wearied by life. In both poems the speaker is in a critical situation where he has to choose between two paths in life. In â€Å"The Road Not taken†the speaker chooses the unconventional approach to the decision making process, thus showing his uniqueness and challengingRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1297 Words  | 6 Pagesthe poet at the time. The poem I’ll be unveiling is â€Å"The Road Not Taken†by Robert Frost, one of the most well-known poets of the modern literature movement. He lived most of his life in America but moved to the UK a few years before World War 1. (Schmoop, 2008). Frost is known for pioneering the idea that poetry deserves to be spoken out loud, using rhythm and meter, giving his work a traditional ambiance. The title ‘The Road Not Taken’ suggests there is no â€Å"right†path, only the chosen path andRead More The Other Road in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Essay1653 Words  | 7 Pages The Other Road in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken         In his celebrated poem The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost describes the decision one makes when reaching a fork in the road. Some interpret Frost as suggesting regret on the part of the traveler as to not choosing the path he forgoes, for in doing so he has lost something significant. Others believe he is grateful for the selection, as it has made him the man he is. The diverging roads are symbolic of the choices society is facedRead MoreEssay on Robert Frost1443 Words  | 6 Pages Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874 and died in Boston on January 29, 1963. Frost was considered to be one of America’s leading 20th century poets and a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. He was an essentially pastoral poet who was often associated with rural New England. Frost wrote poems of a philosophical region. His poems were traditional but he often said as a dig at his archrival Carl Sandburg, that â€Å"he would soon play tennis without a net as write free verseRead MoreAn Analysis of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken1800 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Introduction Robert Frost is one of the best known poets in American history, and his poem, The Road Not Taken is among the most well-known of all his poems. Frost places a great deal of emphasis on nature in his writing, as he was a lover of the countryside. He based many of his poems on the New England scenery, which was his home for most of his life. I chose this particular poem because I have enjoyed the readings we have done so far of his work and The RoadRead MoreLifes Decisions Explored in The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost985 Words  | 4 Pages Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, when first read on a very simple level appears to be a poem about a man’s decision on whether to take one road or the other. The poem obviously has a much deeper meaning to it. The most apparent metaphor in the poem is one of the two roads representing decisions in one’s life. Everyone goes through decisions in their life, so this metaphor connects the reader t o the poem more personally. In Robert Frost’s poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, Frost successfullyRead MoreRobert Frost and E.E. Cumings Essay1533 Words  | 7 PagesRobert Frost and E.E. Cummings Poetry is considered to be a representational text in which one explores ideas by using symbols. Poetry can be interpreted many different ways and is even harder to interpret when the original author has come and gone. Poetry is an incredible form of literature because the way it has the ability to use the reader as part of its own power. In other words, poetry uses the feelings and past experiences of the reader to interpret things differently from one to another
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Business plan for Sports Tourism Service Website for Ticket Booking
Question: Discuss about the Business plan for Sports Tourism Service: Website for Ticket Booking and Merchandized Accessories. Answer: Market research The market of soccer in Singapore is quite big. The International Champions Cup attracts not only the local visitors, but also the international visitors, especially from the South East Asian countries. In 2014, the sports industry of Singapore had generated about $80 billion, which grew around 7% annually (, 2018). In 2017, it became around $90 billion, which was driven mainly by the football industry. In Singapore, the revenue from nonevent sports market is much greater apart from that in Europe and the USA. The licensed sporting goods and accounts for almost 57% of the revenue while others generate almost 28% (, 2015). Singapore has become a sports hub and football and Grand Prix have contributed majorly in this. The lining up of international sports events, including International Champions Cup, aimed to generate about $145 billion in 2016 which helped to boost the tourism market too (, 2018). International Champions Cup draws millions of visitors to Singapore every year. Fans of the football clubs start buying their tickets quite early to avoid the rush and high price at the last moment. However, there is only one website till date that offered the option for online ticket booking, that is, StubHub Singapore. TicketPool will provide another platform for online ticket booking as well as accessories with a logo of International Champions Cup for the local as well as global soccer fans. In the first year, the website will provide the opportunity of availing additional discounts for the early purchases of tickets. Research shows that, the football fans in Singapore are quite attracted to the merchandized products of the football clubs (Heng Meng, 2018). Production and supply of these products contribute a substantial amount of revenue in the economy. The supply chain and distribution network also gets benefitted from that. Hence, it is expected that, TicketPool will benefit from selling the merchandized products. There is very less competition for TicketPool in Singapore. Previously, only Stubhub used to sell the tickets for International Champions Cup. Whenever, there is rush and huge demand for tickets, the website crashed. TicketPool will share the pressure of the market demand for the tickets of the tournament. Similar to Stubhub, it will also provide the option of selling extra tickets if the customers want. Apart from that, Stubhub do not sell merchandized products of the clubs online. Hence, TicketPool is providing the opportunity of availing the merchandized products and accessories at a fair price, with local and global delivery option, which is expected to gain popularity among the football fans. The company will focus on earning reputation through high and efficient quality service and product. To launch the business, TicketPool has done market research and applied the segmentation and targeting to enter the market. Segmentation refers to the process of dividing the potential consumer market into different segments, based on certain characteristics (Liu et al., 2018). In case of the potential market for TicketPool, the customers are segmented on the basis of age, income status and their preferences. The age has three categories, 18-30 years, 31-45 years and 46 years and up. The groups are chosen such because, people within these age groups can travel along and can go to watch a football match and also be interested in buying the souvenir products. Secondly, people under income status groups are categorized into the groups of income less than $35000, $35000-$50000, $51000-$75000 and $75000-$1000000. This indicates that, students as well as salaried people are capable of buying the tickets and the products for International Champions Cup. Apart from these, the segmentation wi ll also include location, spending behavior and preferences for the merchandized products. As a part of the targeting strategy, TicketPool will put different pricing of the tickets for different groups. The students will get additional discounts upon providing their student id number and name of the colleges or universities. The payment options are made easier and convenient with all types of card payments, third party payment and net banking payments options. The merchandised products will be priced at a reasonable rate to increase the sales and profit. There will be shipping charge for the products ordered if the price is below a certain amount. Themarketing strategy will be implemented through various advertising channels in the print and digital media and through the search engines. Since, people will be buying the tickets and the accessories from the website and through mobile apps, floating the advertisements through the search engine will be more noticeable and bring more impact. The software team will be responsible for creating an attractive website with user friendly navigation. The quality assurance team will ensure that the products delivered have the best quality attainable at a reasonable price. Customer service team will work on handling the customer calls regarding tickets and diverting the calls and complaints regarding the returns, exchange and refund status to the suppliers. The overall finance will be handled by the finance department. Business canvas model for TicketPool Key Partners International Champions Cup, Singapore authority Technology partners for creating websites Suppliers of tickets and the products Courier services for delivery of the products Meta search engines, like Google Third party payment partners, like, Visa, Master and Maestro. Key Activities Arranging tickets for the matches of International Champions Cup in Singapore Supplying merchandised products Shipping the products to the customers address Value Proposition For customers: Easy availability of tickets Easy ship merchandized accessories Convenient options for buying Customer service For suppliers: Global reach for the products Incremental sales and profits Increase in market size Customer Relationships Commission for the suppliers Customer service for the buyers Convenient payment and return service Customer Segments Customers: Age group Income status Location Spending behavior Preferences for products Suppliers: Quality of products Price Shipping conditions Returns and exchange Refund policy Key Resources Tech savvy and efficient employees Attractive website Great quality accessory products Global network Channels Website Mobile app Partner channels Ad channels in the search engine ost Structure Operational: Advertising: $75,000 Sales and marketing: $30,000 Product procurement cost: $70,000 Property and equipment: $15,000 Intangible assets: $10,000 Revenue Streams Ticket sales Accessory sales Sponsorships Commissions from payment agents Proposed management and production structure The proposed management and production structure of TicketPool are presented below. The management structure includes all the managerial positions of the company, to be existing in TicketPool. In the production structure, the teams addressing the production planning and control operations are presented. Since, the website will offer services to the customers, the production planning and control teams will look after the production and delivery of services. Projected income and expenditure section (for three years from set up) The following table exhibits the values of particulars in the income and expenditure sections that determine the profitability of the company in next three years from set up. Particulars (Values in Singapore Dollar) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Inflation Rate 2.50% 2.50% Sales Growth Rate 10% 10% Sales Volume 40000 44000 48400 Selling Price Per Unit $3,500 $3,588 $3,677 Total Sales Revenue $140,000,000 $157,850,000 $177,975,875 Cost of Good Sold per unit: Raw Material Consumed ($500) ($513) ($525) Direct Labor Cost ($100) ($103) ($105) Total Cost of Goods Sold per unit ($600) ($615) ($630) Total Cost of Goods Sold ($24,000,000) ($27,060,000) ($30,510,150) GROSS PROFIT $116,000,000 $130,790,000 $147,465,725 Variable Manufacturing Overhead per unit ($15) ($15) ($16) Total Variable Manufacturing Overhead ($600,000) ($676,500) ($762,754) Depreciation on Property, Plant Equipment ($2,100) ($2,100) ($2,100) Total Manufacturing Overhead ($602,100) ($678,600) ($764,854) General Administrative Expenses: Depreciation on Furniture Fixtures ($1,000) ($900) ($810) Depreciation on Computer Equipment $0 $0 $0 Amortization of Patent $0 $0 $0 Amortization of Trademark ($150,000) ($150,000) ($150,000) Insurance ($12,000) ($12,300) ($12,608) Rates Taxes ($6,500) ($6,663) ($6,829) Salary of Office Staffs ($100,000) ($102,500) ($105,063) Cleaning Charges ($5,000) ($5,125) ($5,253) Electricity for Office ($15,000) ($15,375) ($15,759) Telephone Internet ($8,000) ($8,200) ($8,405) Total General Administrative Expenses ($297,500) ($301,063) ($304,727) Selling Marketing Expenses: Depreciation on Motor Vehicle $0 $0 $0 Salary of Marketing Staffs ($150,000) ($153,750) ($157,594) Sales Commissions @0.5% on Sales ($700,000) ($789,250) ($889,879) Travelling charges @0.25% on Sales ($350,000) ($394,625) ($444,940) Total Selling Marketing Expenses ($1,200,000) ($1,337,625) ($1,492,413) Net Operating Profit/(Loss) $113,900,400 $128,472,713 $144,903,732 Interest Expenses: Interest on Bond ($27,154) ($27,154) ($27,154) Interest on Loan From Bank ($24,568) ($24,568) ($24,568) Total Interest Expenses ($51,722) ($51,722) ($51,722) Net Profit before Tax $113,848,678 $128,420,991 $144,852,010 Income Tax Expenses ($34,154,603) ($38,526,297) ($43,455,603) Net Profit after Tax $79,694,075 $89,894,693 $101,396,407 Table 1: Income and expenditure statement and forecast of TicketPool (Source: Author) Sales forecast section for the respective period Particulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Inflation Rate 2.50% 2.50% Sales Growth Rate 10% 10% Sales Volume 40000 44000 48400 Selling Price Per Unit $3,500 $3,588 $3,677 Total Sales Revenue $140,000,000 $157,850,000 $177,975,875 Table 2: Sales forecast for TicketPool (Source: Author) The company aims for a 10% growth in the consecutive three years. Profitability will increase from lack of competition, reinvestment of profit and quality of products and services delivered. Conclusion The business plan aims to highlight the profitability of a new website in Singapore, TicketPool. The website will be launched to provide the ticket booking service for the International Champions Cup and also to offer various merchandized accessories of the international football clubs. The company has evaluated the market opportunity of less competition in this particular section of the sports tourism industry. Millions of tourists come to Singapore every year to experience the international football tournament. The visitor arrival contributes a significant amount in the revenue of the economy. It is seen that, there is not only high demand for tickets but also for the merchandized products among the local and international visitors. However, there was only one website, StubHub Singapore that delivers the service of ticket booking and selling for the matches. Hence, TicketPool will explore this opportunity of lack of competition in the market and will try to capture the market with discount offers on the tickets and merchandized products at a reasonable price. The customers can buy all the things online and TicketPool will deliver those at their addresses. The football market is huge in Singapore and TicketPool will take that advantage for establishing and growing their business. Income expenditure statements and sales forecast for the next three years are shown in the plan that exhibits that the company has a projected growth of 10%. Over the years, after the company achieves substantial growth, it plans to include other national and international sports events to be held in Singapore also into their portfolio. References Heng, L., Meng, W. (2018).Singapore sport: A growing market for sports agents.The Straits Times. Retrieved 4 April 2018, from (2018).International Champions Cup | Retrieved 4 April 2018, from Liu, J., Liao, X., Huang, W., Liao, X. (2018). Market segmentation: A multiple criteria approach combining preference analysis and segmentation decision.Omega. (2015).What is the future of the sports business in Singapore?.Singapore Business Review. Retrieved 4 April 2018, from (2018).Sports Outdoor - Singapore | Statista Market Forecast.Statista. Retrieved 4 April 2018, from (2018).Sporting events showcase Singapore as a well-rounded, active, and exciting tourism destination..Singapore Tourism Board. Retrieved 4 April 2018, from (2018).Statistics Market Insights Retrieved 4 April 2018, from (2018).StubHub Singapore. Retrieved 4 April 2018, from
Monday, December 2, 2019
Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative Essay Example
Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative Paper The Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative is considered to be the independent body which has been contributing towards perfect patient care and safety in the region of Southwestern Pennsylvania. This paper seeks to investigate and analyze Pittsburgh Regional Health Care Initiative in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative and Perfect Patient Healthcare: Overview PRHI is considered to be the community leader which has systematized the private and federal sector. According to research conducted by Carl A. Siro and colleagues, PRHI has successfully made collaborative effort to expand and develop healthcare quality and patient safety throughout its region (Siro et al, 2003). We will write a custom essay sample on Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer PRHI is a pioneering and original model for health system which is established on regionwide shared learning. Through connecting patient outcomes data with methods of care and distributing that information extensively, PRHI has supported considerable developments in region wide clinical practice and patient welfare (Feinstein, Grunden Harrison, 2002). According to Muto and colleagues, PRHI aims to establish the international benchmark for patient outcomes by recognizing and resolving problems. Pittsburg Regional Healthcare Initiative has achieved perfect patient healthcare by addressing quality, safety and efficiency. It depends on institutional support and the communication between the worker and patient (Muto et al, 2006). Pittsburg Regional Healthcares Programs for CQI CQI is considered to be quality management which develops from established quality assurance methods by stressing upon the organization and its structure. PRHI has changed Southwestern Pennsylvania’s healthcare system by concentrating on three primary goals which are patient safety, clinical initiatives and perfecting patient care. Patient safety concentrates on the reduction of hospital acquired infections and medical errors to zero (Schoenbaum et al, 2004). Clinical initiatives aim at achieving breakthrough performance in cardiac, depression, diabetes, orthopedics, etc. Perfecting patient care revolves around restructuring of the organization to allow everyone to learn from mistakes and errors. PRHI has transformed the region’s healthcare system by backing excellence at the point of care; where top and finest practices determine quality. PRHI’s programs for CQI include perfecting patient care university, physician champions, nurse navigators and pharmacy agents for change. Perfecting Patient Care University aims at offering wide range of educational opportunities which concentrates on elimination of errors, inefficiencies and waste with the help of constant, uninterrupted modifications and standardization of work practices (Shannon et al, 2006). PRHI recruits, supports and works with small cadre of physicians through Physician Champion program. This program focuses to improve infection control, lessen pathology errors, expand outcomes in cardiac surgery, etc. Nurse Navigators is a complete one year quality improvement teaching and mentoring program which concentrates on training ten chosen nurses to distribute the training principles throughout their hospitals. The program offers CQI which allows the healthcare organizations to enhance their work environment. Pharmacy Agents for Change is another CQI program which offers quality improvement tools to pharmacists (Simmons, 2003). Tomorrow’s Health Care is an upcoming program of CQI which is a online training program aimed to teach perfect patient care principles and quality improvement methods by connecting networks of doctors, nurses and other stakeholders. Success of PRHI There are several behaviors and attitude which have contributed to the success of PRHI. Strong leadership, wide ranging community commitment, accessibility to financial resources, Distribution of trustworthy and reliable data, adaptability, etc are the behaviors which led to the success of PRHI. When comparing PRHI outcomes and the outcomes which are discusses in Stewarts articles, there is a difference. The findings in Stewart’s article conclude that patient centered practice enhanced health and efficiency of the care by decreasing diagnostic tests (Stewart et al, 2000). Another study conducted in Allegheny General Hospital which is partner of PHRI demonstrates that the disease was nearly eliminated with the help of hospital intervention (Corrigan, Greiner Erickson, 2002). It has developed perfect patient health care approach which helps the employees to formulate work procedures which reveal problems. The Important Factor behind PRHI’s Success Collaborative coalitions between PRHI and its partner clinics is the most important factor which has led to its success. PRHI and its partners work collaboratively to enhance patient outcomes, quality of care, patient and workforce satisfaction. It led to the creation of regional infrastructure for reporting and shared learning (Corrigan, Greiner Erickson, 2002). PRHI reports that thousands of healthcare workers have learned to use perfecting patient care principles through collaborative coalitions between PRHI, its partners and the entire community. The communitywide coalition is on of the most essential factors which recognize PRHI for its long term efforts for improving quality of healthcare. Conclusion The Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative is considered to be an original model which has changed the health system. Patient outcomes, processes of care and sharing them have made considerable improvements in healthcare organizations. There are several factors which have led to the success of PRHI but the most essential one is collaborative coalition. References Stewart, M., Brown, J. B., Donner, A., McWhinney,Ian R., Oates,J., Weston, W. W., Jordan, J. (2000). The Impact of Patient-Centered Care on Outcomes, Journal of Family Practice, 2000; 49:796-804 Siro CA, Segel KT, Keyser DJ, Harrison EI, Lloyd JC, Weber RJ, Muto CA, Webster DG, Pisowicz V, Feinstein KW. Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative: A Systems Approach for Achieving Perfect Patient Care. Health Affairs. 2003;22(5):157–165 Muto C, Herbert C, Harrison E, Edwards JR, Horan T, Jernigan JA and Kutty PK. Reduction in Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections Among Patients in Intensive Care Units  Pennsylvania, April 2001–March 2005. JAMA, 295(3): 269–270, 2006. .
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