Monday, September 30, 2019
Prescribing in practice Essay
Introduction The following assignment will discuss and analyse a prescribing episode, within practice, furthermore will outline safe prescribing from the Nurse Prescribing Formulary (NPF, 2013-2015).To be able to analyse and reflect on my new role as Community Practitioner Nurse Prescriber (CPNP) I will use Gibbs (1988) reflective model and a structure that will allow the use of a consultation model (Appendix1,Fig1). The focus on prescribing within nursing profession was first brought into discussion by Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in 1980 but has proven to be cornerstone after was part of the government agenda as a result of Cumberlege report in 1996.This report outlined the need for nurse to become a prescriber especially in community settings to provide clients with better care, safe and practical access to medication (Nuttal, 2008). Furthermore â€Å"The Medicinal Product Prescribing Act â€Å"1992 outlined changes in circumstances including nurses as prescribers, followed by recommendati ons made by Crown Reports1999 that suggest that health visitors (HV)) should be authorised to prescribe from a limited list, identified as the nurse prescriber’s formulary (NPF). (DH,2004). Scenario For the purpose of this assignment all names has been changed to maintain confidentiality according to NMC (2008).The following scenario it is in relation to a situation experienced while on the morning baby clinic working alongside my mentor .A mother Lisa come for a regular weight check for her 4 month old infant called James .While discussing with Lisa her son weight progress ,she mentioned about her son having very dry scaly skin on scalp since birth moreover Lisa explained that sometimes skin on the scalp become like a patchy crusty rash and James feel uncomfortable , at times not settling. Edwards (2010) suggest that using a holistic assessment it is very important when coming in contact with the client as the problem presented can have a drastic impact on the quality of life for child and the family. As a student under the supervision of my mentor we started a holistic assessment of James and finalise with a prescription decision. I start by using open questions related to Jam es general health and I asked Lisa if she had any concerns but she confirmed back to me that there was no issues with his health since birth .To make sure that information provided by Lisa was correct and I have accuracy in details exposed I repeated back and she confirmed. As a student practitioner prescriber it is very important to maintain good practice and use assessment frameworks and consultation models as possibility to improve and gain better skills(Nuttall,2008). The Consultation The purpose of the consultation model in prescribing practice is to assist nurses in identifying strategies to deliver a diagnoses and ultimately the appropriate prescription .There are various consultation models used in practice with normative or descriptive character , however for the purpose of this case scenario I will concentrate on Roger Neighbour 1987 consultation model. Moreover Neighbour (2005) outline through his model consultation as a journey divided by check points , connecting which is the first point where client establish the relation with the practitioner is essential followed by summarising, handing over, safety netting and housekeeping. To progress further it is relevant to mention influence of communication skills in consultation process furthermore considering that nurse practitioners don’t need different communication skills in comparison with other professionals prescribers (While,2002) .However(While,2002)found that the need for appropriate environment that can maintain privacy and confidentiality could be a potential barrier during consultation rather than communication especial for those working in client homes. I choose Neighbour 1987 model for consistency and easy to apply in any circumstances moreover stand as a journey establishing relations with the client through empathy and in the same time identify the need for balance between practitioner prescriber and client (Tate,2010).Another positive aspect that I took in consideration when choosing the model was also housekeeping as practitioner have the opportunity through this section to become reflective to avoid any unresolved issues before consultation is complete ( Neighbour,2005) .Despite the decision made to use Neighbour 1987 model I will move further and explain the process and prescribing decision using the principles of good prescribing pyramid ,( Appendix 1, Fig 2)(NPC,1999). Step 1 Assessment; Consider the patient The beginning of consultation according to Neighbour,(1987) is connecting with Lisa and building a relationship ,however in a noisy environment like the clinic I found this difficult .Despite this barrier I manage to find a sitting area that appear to be more private and had the opportunity to manage a discussion with Lisa to establish that I needed to do a physical examination on James .As James was under 16 years of age ,consent from parent or guardian was needed ,therefore Lisa give a verbal consent as she was the biological parent (NMC,2013).To proceed further I use mnemonic OLDCARD to asses James with Lisa’s assistance trying to interact with her and find out if any physical or affective changes occurred. Bryans (2000) suggest that during assessment the practitioner should use knowledge, experience, recognition and prioritisation ,so to proceed further with a holistic assessment and identify symptoms that will help me to rule a diagnosis I felt I needed to ask Lisa more questions .Following the identified symptoms and physical examination I conclude that this was cradle cap a form of seborrheic dermatitis mainly affecting skin on the scalp with patches and thick scaling and sometimes yellow crusty (Sheffield et al,2007).It is important to rule out other conditions when taking assessments as sometimes cradle cap can turn into atopic dermatitis or fungal infection such as tinea capitis or easily misdiagnosed with crusted scabies (Yoshizumi and Harada,2008).Further continuing my assessment I was able to conclude that none of this conditions were present in James situation . It was important to discuss with Lisa during consultation family history that could provide additional support for my final diagnostic conclusion .Going thru such topic area Lisa explain that her husband James dad was suffering with atopic eczema since childhood .This was quite an important piece of information as such conditions like atopic eczema ( dermatitis ) are hereditary conditions often (National Eczema Society ,2011).Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a chronic skin disorder inflammatory with pruritic skin that appears mostly on the face ,neck ,bends of the arms or legs caused by the malfunction in the skin barrier( NICE,2013). Step 2 Which Strategy? In order to progress further following discussion with Lisa under my mentor supervision as a CPNP V100 I made a prescribing decision based on the physical examination and the information provided I concluded that James was suffering from cradle cup (seborrheic dermatitis)(NICE,2013).Furthermore Lisa confirmed that James did not have any allergies and was not on any medication .It was important to relieve the discomfort and unsettling times for James and I decided to prescribe an emollient and a bath additive. Pendleton et al (1984) suggest that practitioner should discover client expectation furthermore should take in consideration other treatment options before prescribing .According to NICE (2013) greasy emollients and soap substitutes or bath additive helps to remove effectively the scales, further more regular washing of the scalp and gentle brushing can help to loosen scales. Another stage followed in the Neighbour (1987) is handing over period but after Justin skin on his scalp was carefully examined no evidence of infection was identified so no referral to the General Practitioner (GP) was necessary. Consider the choice of Product According to NPC (1999) practitioners should use mnemonic ‘EASE’ as can be seen in the chart below to choose appropriate cost effective product for clients. E How effective is the product? A It is appropriate for the client? S How safe is it? E Is the prescription cost effective? To make the appropriate decision for Lisa’s infant, under the supervision of my mentor I used the Nurse Prescribers Formulary (NPF) and decided to prescribe Oilatum Junior bath additive and cream as I considered this combination more effective in Justin’s treatment .Moreover the packaging was also appropriate as comes in a pump action and this could reduce the infection risks associated with emollients and types of recipients manufactured (NPF,2013-2015). When deciding the prescription products and quantities I also took in consideration Lisa requirements furthermore according to NICE guidelines emollients should be prescribe in large quantities approximately 250-500 grams per week and in the same time cost effective (NICE,2007).It is important when prescribing emollients to discuss with clients /parents /carers possible side effects even this products are considered to be quite safe ,however bath additives should be taken in consideration because tend to leave the s kin slippery after bathing the infant( BNFC,2014) .When prescribing a product especially for infants it is important to educate the parent/carer how to use the product and make sure they are aware of any risks and side effects . Negotiate a contract According to (Courtenay and Griffiths,2005) when prescribing we should view the process as a shared decision-making between client and prescriber .The prescribing decision stands as a contract so it was important to remind myself that I should take in consideration Lisa satisfaction with my decisions .To achieve all my actions it was paramount to have effective communication skills and ability to identify the appropriate therapeutic treatment .Throughout entire process I think that Lisa felt empowered as I hand it over to her the responsibility to apply the emollients on Justin skin ( Braid,2001).As I am not yet non-medical prescriber the prescription for Lisa’s son was written by my mentor and information leaflets regarding seborreic dermatitis were given to Lisa for further guidance. Review According to Neighbour (1987) consultation model this step relates to safety netting and refers to follow up of the consultation and possible outcomes. Furthermore together with my mentor we arranged to follow up in ten days to see if Lisa’s infant was making any progress and treatment was effective .Through this review in ten day time practitioner can identify any more concerns of the parents and possible side effects of the treatment used( DH,2010b). Record Keeping Following guidance of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC,2006) it is practitioner accountability to ensure records are maintain accurately and prescription details it is recorded in the infant health record (NPC,1999).Moreover I ensured the details of the prescription and the consultation were entered into general computer system within the next 4 hours following consultation and the GP also was aware of the consultation and products prescribed .According to (NMC,2006) details of the consultation and prescription should be entered into the computer system within forty eight hours with exception for special circumstances. Reflection Using Gibbs reflective cycle during consultation process with Lisa’s infant I had the opportunity to identify positive and negative aspects and reflect on the scenario. In the same time final part of Neighbours consultation model refers to Housekeeping and this stands as another stage that give me the opportunity to reflect on my prescribing decision and consultation .I felt that throughout the whole process I used safe and effective decisions even at times I felt a bit nervous however my mentor feedback was positive in regards to my performance .One aspect that I found difficult was the environment ,at the time the baby clinic was busy and noisy and it was difficult to find a private area to conduct the consultation ,but such issues I could reflect on it for my future prescribing practice . Conclusion Through this experience I able to develop on my new role as V100 prescriber using specific tools like the consultation model and good prescribing steps .Furthermore I had the opportunity to apply appropriate communication skills and medical knowledge along with the legislation to conclude with a safe and effective prescribing practice . A new CPNP I can utilize different assessment tools based on a consultation model along with a decision making framework to support my practice and at the same time reflect on my ability to undertake a partnership approach that responds to client needs and concerns. Definitely this experience has been with great importance for my educational journey as V100 nurse prescriber. Reference: Baird, A., (2001) Diagnoses and prescribing .Primary Healthcare 11(5):24-26. Bryans, A., 2000. ‘Providing new insight into community nursing know-how through Qualitative analysis of multiple data sets of simulation data’. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 1: 79-89. Courtenay, M., Griffiths, M., (2005) Independent and Supplementary Prescribing-An Essential Guide, Cambridge University Press. Department of Health (2004) Extending Independent Nurse Prescribing within the NHS in England. London: The Stationery Office. Department of Health (2010b) Nurse Prescribing FAQ, [Accessed on 20 April 2014]. Neighbour, R., (1987).The Inner Consultation: How to Develop an Effective and Intuitive Consulting Style, Lancaster: MPT Press. Neighbour, R., (2005) The Inner Consultation: How to Develop an Effective and Intuitive Consulting Style, Second Edition: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd National Institute for Clinical Excellence,(2013) Seborrhoeic dermatitis. Available on line [ Accessed on 20 April 2014] National Prescribing Centre (1999) Signposts for prescribing nurses-general principles of good prescribing .Prescribing Nurse Buletin1.National Prescribing Centre, Liverpool Nursing and Midwifery Council (2006)Standards of proficiency for nurse and midwife prescribers. Nursing and Midwifery Council. London Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Guidance for continuing professional development for nurse and midwife prescribers. NMC Circular 10/2008. Nuttall, D.,(2008).Introducing Public Health to Prescribing Practice .Nurse Prescribing 6(7):299-305. Pendleton, D., Schofield, T., Tate, P., (1984). The Consultation: An Approach to Learning and Teaching .Oxford: Oxford University Press. While, A.,(2002).Practical skills: prescribing consultation in practice. British Journal of Community Nursing 7(9):469-473. Yoshizumi, J., Harada, T.,(2008) ‘Wake sign’: an important clue for the diagnosis of scabies. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (34)6 p 711-714.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
4 Special Techniques of Technical Writing Essay
The four special techniques are DEFINITION, DESCRIPTION OF MECHANISM, DESCRIPTION OF A PROCESS, and CLASSIFICATION. These techniques are not types of reports and it is important to remember that these techniques usually appear in a single report. It would be exceptional to find an entire report, even a short one, only one of these techniques. For example, two containing or more techniques might be closely interwoven as a writer described the design, construction, and operation of a mechanism. The intermingling of these techniques, however, does not alter the basic principles of their use. These techniques can be studied most effectively by taking one technique at a time. 1. Definition In technology, words have precise, specific meanings; therefore there is a need for defining a technical term clearly. The extent to which a term should be defined or the length of a definition depends on the writer’s purpose and the knowledge level of the reader. Before going to the problem of â€Å"how to define†, it is better to â€Å"think about what should be defined first.†It is not possible of course, to set up an absolute list of terms and ideas that would require definition, not even for a specific body of readers, but it is possible and desirable to clarify the point of view from which the problem of definition should be attacked. 2. Description of a Mechanism A mechanism is generally defined as any object or system that has a working part or parts. Most often the term suggests tools, instruments, and machines. But other examples of mechanisms could be the human body and systems like the universe or a city, which is composed of parts that work together like parts of a machine. A technical man constantly works with mechanisms and always needs to understand them; what they do, what they look like, what parts they have, and how these parts work together. There are three fundamental divisions of the description and these are the introduction, the part-by-part description, and the conclusion. 3. Description of a Process A process is a series of actions, and fundamentally the description of a process is the description of action. The action may be either one of two types. One type is that in which attention is focused on the performance of a human being, or possibly a group of human beings. A simple example is filing a work piece by hand; in a description of this process, emphasis would fall naturally upon the human skills required. The other type involves action in which a human operator either is not directly concerned at all, or inconspicuous. An instance is the functioning of a contactor. 4. Classification Classification is the orderly, systematic arrangement of related things in accordance with a governing principle or basis. The classifier notes the structural and functional relationships among things that constitute a class. In recording this relationships, the classifier employs certain conventional terms. Acquaintance with these convenient terms will make the rest easy to follow. Differentiate Mechanism is generally defined as any object or system that has a working part or parts while the Process is a series of actions and fundamentally is the description of action. Mechanism also has three fundamental divisions of description namely the introduction, the part-by-part description, and the conclusion. Process in the other hand has two types of action. The first type is focused on the performance of the human being or possibly a group of human beings. The second type involves action in which a human operator either is not directly concerned at all, or inconspicuous. Example of Each Technique: Definition -An Electrician is a Technician -A technique is a systematic procedure used to accomplish a complex or scientific task. Description of Mechanism -The pendulum of the clock swings to the left. The pallet moves in the opposite direction to the right. The right leg of the pallet engage a tooth of the escape wheel. Description of a Process -A dropped of blood traced through the entire body takes the following course: the blood with oxygen from the lungs goes through the pulmonary veins to the left auricle, to the left ventricle, and then to the aorta or great artery. This artery and its branches carry the blood to all parts of the body. Classifications -According to fuel consumption, cars can be categorized into two types, hybrid cars and regular cars.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Euthanasia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Euthanasia - Term Paper Example But the wider implications of euthanasia are important considerations for near and dear ones of the sick person. I believe that every person should be empowered to make his or her own decisions about his or her welfare and therefore, euthanasia needs to be accepted as legally and medically correct practice under certain conditions. The traditional approach like medical, behavioral and socio-economic approach to health are popular. The knowledge gained through religious ideologies and guidelines is complemented and supplemented by our inherent tendency to explore and widen its area of influence through all available means. Brandt (1975) states that ‘killing a person is not something that is just prima facie wrong in itself; it is wrong roughly only if and because it is an injury of someone, or if and because it is contrary to the known preferences of someone’. Whatever we do, it is based on reasoning or motivating forces that influence our thinking process and the way we think. The principles of patient’s autonomy and the right of the patient to decide about his welfare are vital considerations that should be respected. Hence, patient’s request for dignified death or euthanasia becomes highly relevant. Euthanasia is highly relevant for people who are in constant pain and may not even be in a conscious state to acknowledge the people around them. Terminally ill patients who are capable of living a full life or even assisted life and are not continuously suffering unbearable physical pain have the option and right to the natural death. Philippa Foot (1977) says that ‘encourage patients to make their own contracts with a doctor by making it known whether they wish him to prolong their life in case of painful terminal illness or of incapacity’. Indeed, it is inhuman to make people live through artificial means like medication when they are undergoing huge mental and physical agony when they know that they will
Friday, September 27, 2019
IFRS ( international financial reporting standards) Essay
IFRS ( international financial reporting standards) - Essay Example Resulting from this difference, IFRS gives the management flexibility and discretion in preparing the financial statements of a company. In the recent past, most nations have moved towards adopting a common globalized accounting standard. As such, use of IFRS in many parts of the world has gained widespread prominence and popularity. Regions such as the European Union, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Russia, and other countries have adopted the use of IFRS. In January 2011, Canada adopted the use of IFRS officially; consequently, many countries switched from their accounting standards and adopted the IFRS standard of Canada. The widespread acceptance of International Financial Reporting Standards portrays a fundamental change in the accounting profession. This stems from the fact that the use of IFRS has become a common phenomenon in the accounting profession (Nandakumar et al 2011, p. 3). About 100 countries either allow or require publicly held companies to use IFRS while preparing their financial statements. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in America has considered setting a date in order to allow U.S. public companies to adopt the use of IFRS. The process of setting international standards started several decades back. Industrialized nations saw the need to devise standards, which could be adopted by small and developing nations unable to come up with their own standards for accounting. With the globalization of business, investors, regulators, auditing firms and large companies realized the vitality of adopting common standards that could apply in all aspects of financial reporting (Kirk 2008, p. 2). The adoption of IFRS has some considerable benefits to the company and the investors who adopt these standards. The adoption of international standards allows the governments, and investors and organizations to have a comparison of the financial statements
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Crime 200 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Crime 200 - Essay Example In fact statistics reveal widespread use of marijuana in the US and across the world. Given that the government has made little success in its efforts to eliminate its use for over 40 years now, pundits predict that the future might compel governments to legalize it. With this prospect in mind, it is prudent to understand the impact such a move would have to the society so as to lay sufficient ground beforehand. In this respect, this paper examines the impact of marijuana with focus on Colorado – which together with Washington have been viewed as experimental labs. Marijuana is a soft drug made from dried leaves, flowers, stem and seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. Its key component is a psychoactive chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is used for recreational, medical, religious and spiritual purposes (National Institute on Drug Abuse). This drug is known to have both positive and negative effects to its users and the society at large. To a user, weed, as marijuana is christened, causes memory impairment, distortion of sight, loss of motor coordination and with long term use individuals may develop, testicular cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory complications. On the positive effects, it has been found to be therapeutic helping reduce pain and anxiety ( However, this article does not pursue the health and psychological effects of marijuana use, rather it focuses broadly on the implications that legalization of marijuana has on the society. The fight towards legalization of marijuana in the US began with the 1970 presidential commission that â€Å"called for federal decriminalization and eventual legalization, regulation, and control of marijuana†and recommended that marijuana be decriminalized (McVay, 1991). This move came about consequent of the relaxed attitudes toward marijuana, the apprehension of a significant
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
WHAT ASSUMPTIONS DOES THE CONCEPT OF TRANSFER MAKE ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF AND THE APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN AND BETWEEN EDUCATION AND WORKPLACE - Essay Example llenge for vocational educational programmes is therefore to provide effective support to students so that they are able to effectively make the transition from school to the workplace. This assignment deals with the concept of transfer of knowledge and skills from school to the workplace and how effectively an understanding of the transfer process helps to evaluate the degree to which this is being achieved. Existing vocational education curricula are unable to effectively bring about the transfer of students from the context of the school to the workplace. What are the reasons for this and what is the role of knowledge and skills acquisition in the transfer process? These are the questions I will attempt to answer in this essay. This first section discusses the concept of knowledge itself, in order to provide a basis for assessing how far the transfer of such knowledge is supported by vocational education. It will examine the different kinds of knowledge as well as skills and the importance of possessing them in the workplace. Knowledge may be tacit, explicit or situated. While situated knowledge is relevant within a particular work context and may be taught through workplace training and the use of handbooks and manuals tacit knowledge is group knowledge that develops within a specific cultural context and may be more difficult to replicate (Guile and Young 2003). Guile ([2002] citing Drucker [1993]) mentions that some authors view knowledge as an embrained phenomenon, for example, it exists either as a product of someone’s mental abilities or as data that may be found on websites, therefore innovation in such an instance will involve transfer of skill and expertise from one section of an organization to another. Other authors such as Noneka and Takeuchi ([1995] as cited by Guile [2002]) have suggested that the development of innovation in business is dependent upon the extent to which the tacit knowledge possessed by the firm is successfully exploited,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Executive summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Executive summary - Essay Example The projects partners will be picked on the basis of their innovative idea with regards to telecommunication services, technological competencies and the projects credibility. The partners will be trained on the use of T-Mobile platform and will also get the support on the integration and testing of the services and applications designed. At the project closure, the chosen partners will be certified by T-Mobile which will engage them further in a closer collaboration. The collaboration might entail the designing products for the service operators and communication networks. The designed systems might also be exported to other communication firms and even government agencies. In all the incidences, the partners will be the sole proprietors of their applications and ideas developed. The project will be set within T-Mobile’s regional offices from Middle East and Africa. It will be open for the ideas submitted by the partners across the region. The main projects objective is to see the development and enrichment of applications and services that can be delivered through T-Mobile‘s telecommunication networks and the internet within Middle East and Africa regions. The objective is justified by its technological knowhow that makes it possible and that the designed applications and services will increase the revenue collected besides justifying the extensions of the internet access and telecom infrastructure towards the areas they serve. There is unexplored talent in the area with a myriad of these countries currently regarding the development of applications and services leveraging on the internet and telecom networks as a way of seeing rapid economic growth. The project seeks to support the local partners to achieve their dream and use them to transform the lives of the locals. The result of the initiative will be a win-win situation for the partners, T-Mobile, and locals. (Liu, 2009) As stated
Monday, September 23, 2019
Government Rules and Public Opinion about Hunting Research Paper
Government Rules and Public Opinion about Hunting - Research Paper Example The Chinese authorities put strong control over hunting activities because of political reasons. The general public interest in China is not in favor of hunting activities. "China Wildlife Management Authority started to plan an auction of hunting quota and permits for the fall season of 2006, in order to replace the original way of issuing the hunting permits based on case application and case approval†(â€Å"Hunting In China is Suspended - Again!†). On the other hand, Canadian laws with respect to hunting are more liberal in nature. Moreover, Canadians like hunting very much. The influence of religion and politics can be observed in the public opinion of hunting in Canada and China. This paper compares the laws and public attitude in China and Canada with respect to hunting. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife Chapter II, Article 8, â€Å"The state shall protect wildlife and the environment for its survival, and shall prohibit the illegal hunting, catching or destruction of wildlife by any unit or individual†(â€Å"Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife†). ... Chinese authorities have divided the entire wildlife into two categories: special protection category and non-protection category. Hunting of wildlife in the special protection category is unlawful in all circumstances whereas licensed hunting is allowed in other categories. Article 18 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife, Chapter III, states that â€Å"Anyone who intends to hunt or catch wildlife that is not under special state protection must obtain a hunting license and observe the hunting quota assigned. Anyone who intends to hunt with a gun must obtain a gun license from the public security organ of the county or municipality concerned†(â€Å"Hunting in China Is Suspended - Again!†). In short, hunting without permission is prohibited legally in China. Chinese authorities are respecting animal rights more than any other countries in the world. Public opinion continues to be strongly opposed to issuing new hunting permits in Chi na. "So you are saying that you can protect the animals by killing them?" said a netizen called Dazuiyu. "If we reopen the hunting ground in Dulan to foreigners, it is hard to say how many more will come. The number of animals they want is small this time, what about next time and the time after next? It will increase fast"(Yuan). Public opinion in China seems to be against hunting. It is difficult for the Chinese people to come out strongly against the governmental policies. They often respond through Internet in order to keep their anonymity. â€Å"Foreigners were previously allowed to hunt in China only after completing a complicated application process. By the end of last year, China had earned US$36.39 million by allowing
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Assessment Three Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assessment Three - Case Study Example On Mar 19, Del was also able to enter a large contract to install tracking for a building society. On March 29, Del found out through phone inquiry that Boyse was not able to finish the van modification. Boyse promised to deliver by March 30, although reluctant. After the van was delivered and Boyse have left, Del found out that the front seat would not tip forward to allow access to the passenger seat. Likewise, the name printed on the side of the band read "Trickers" and not "Trackers." In the process of delivering the van without the modifications specified, Boyse already committed a grave mistake towards his customer. And the fact that Del, the customer was compromised to loss or acquire damages due to the negligence of Boyse all the more added weight to Boyse's failure to deliver as promised or agreed upon. In common law jurisdictions under contract law, misrepresentation are the false statement of fact made by one party that effect to induce another party into the contract. This is with the premise that three elements are necessarily established under the contract. Contract in this context is a legally binding exchange or agreement between parties that the law will enforce based on the Latin phrase pacta sunt servanda1. These elements are: offer and acceptance, consideration and intention to create legal relations. In the Offer and Acceptance In the case of Boyse and Del, Boyse made an offer to modify the van he was selling and the offer was accepted that is why there was a sale. The offer of modification include adjustment or removal of the passenger seat in its original location, adjustment of the passenger seat behind the driver's seat, and modification of the driver's seat which is to make it tip forward to allow access to the passenger seat. Another offer was to print the sides of the van with a specified name which was "Tracker". The last offer of course, was the delivery of the van on March 30. Nevertheless, basing on the case of Gordon v Selico (1986) 18 HLR 219 it is possible to make a misrepresentation either by words or by conduct, yet not everything said or done constitute a misrepresentation. In many cases, statements of opinion or intention are not statements of fact in the context of misrepresentation2. In the case of Boyse and Del, Boyse seem to have committed negligent misrepresentation, the following applies from the Misrepresentation Act 1967 under damages for misrepresentation: "(1) Where a person has entered into a contract after a misrepresentation has been made to him by another party thereto and as a result thereof he has suffered loss, then, if the person making the misrepresentation would be liable to damages in respect thereof had the misrepresentation been made fraudulently, that person shall be so liable notwithstanding that the misrepresentation was not made fraudulently, unless he proves that he had reasonable ground to believe and did believe up to the time the contract was made that the facts represented were true. (2) Where a person has entered into a contract after a misrepresentation has been made to him otherwise than fraudulently, and he would be entitled, by reason of the misrepresentation, to rescind the contract, then, if it is claimed, in any proceedings arising out of the contract, that the contract ought to be or has
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Telecommuting Case Study Essay Example for Free
Telecommuting Case Study Essay Telecommuting has been referred to as being the next big information technology (IT) trend. This trend aside from having financial benefits also reaps environmental benefits. The majority of people wanting or deciding to telecommute, wish to do so in order to avoid lengthy commutes by road, rail or otherwise. Telecommuting has the potential to provide significant transportation-related public benefits. ( â€Å"Telecommuting is now practiced by approximately 2 million workers and could reach 7.5 to 15 million within a decade.†( These 2 million workers, now being removed form the highways, can substantially improve the congestion and air quality. Potential beneficial transportation impacts of telecommuting include reduction in highway congestion and associated lost time, reduced emission of pollutants, savings in energy and petroleum consumption, and fewer highway accidents. Computer and telecommunications advances in recent years, including computer networks and data systems, FAX machines, and electronic mail, have dramatically widened the choice of workplace for information workers and others so they can work wherever these tools are available, including at home. These technological enhancements have provided greater worker flexibility, empowerment of employees, and a reduction I of frustration from the irritation and time loss associated with commuting. â€Å"One result is that a substantial portion of the U.S. labor force, perhaps as much as 30 percent, now works at home at least part of the time.†( Telecommuting does not necessarily mean that employees work at home. Satellite telework centers near or in residential areas, fully equipped with appropriate telecommunications equipment and services, can serve employees of single or multiple firms. These telework centers are usually developed based on geographical data rather than business functions. In many cases a shared facility provides a more practical and satisfactory location for telecommuting than the home, and a setting less threatening to traditional business management styles. Telecommuting is often practiced as little as one or two days each week, although it can be full-time. Telecommuters are primarily managers or professionals. However, telecommuting is highly popular to most information workers. Traffic congestion can have direct and indirect cost impacts on business activities. The direct costs of congestion that affect production costs include additional labor costs associated with longer trips made by employees during business hours, higher vehicle operating costs, and suboptimal vehicle use. â€Å"The trucking industry is both a contributor to and victim of traffic congestion. According to FHWA officials, the annual cost of truck delays on freeways is between $4.2 and $7.6 billion, based on vehicle operating costs and driver time charges. Time losses on urban streets, docking areas, etc. could range between $19.4 and $22.9 billion (excluding costs to industry such as lost sales opportunities in not having products available on time).†(U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO). 2001. Traffic Congestion: Trends, Measures, and Effects.) Indirect costs of traffic congestion include increases in accidents and insurance premiums, reduced or loss of employee productivity, and increases in delivery costs. The removal of telecommuters vehicles from the highways will reduce overall congestion. All vehicles on those now less-congested roads will operate more efficiently, cleanly and safely, and the occupants will suffer less delay.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Homosexuality In Modern Day Society | Religious and Societal Views
Homosexuality In Modern Day Society | Religious and Societal Views Homosexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex. It refers to an enduring patterns of or disposition to experience sexual, affection, or romantic attractions primarily to people of the same sex. It is an individuals sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of those who share them. Homosexuality nowadays, leads to Same-Sex Marriage, according to Oxford English Dictionary; it is a legally or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender. It is in which other country like Netherlands is in favor of Same-Sex Marriage; while other country, particularly the Philippines does not agree or even implement the Same-Sex Marriage. Since that the Philippines is the only Catholic country and Christian dominan country in Asia and it is 3rd in the world, we Filipinos live in a family-oriendted family. Hence, we are raised up with different values which include the Moral Values we obtain from the teachings of the Bible; the sacred book of Christianity. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (Leviticus 20:13) There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abominations unto the LORD thy God. (Deuteronomy 23:17-18) As years pass by, there are a lot of incidents which pertains to the Same-Sex Marriage. And as a growing community, authority speaks out and commented on the issue. Pope Benedict XVI gave his comment regarding the issue. He merely opposed to gay/lesbian marriage concerning about the environment, suggesting the law determining the differences between the sexes were threats to creation. Comments were made by the Pope addressing it to the Diplomats with the main theme of The Environment and the protection of Creation, whereas; To carry our reflection further, we must remember that the problem of the environment is complex; one might compare it to a multifaceted prism. Creature differs from one another and can be protected, endangered, in different ways, as we know from daily experience. One such attacks comes from laws or proposals which, in the name of fighting discrimination, strike at the biological basis of the differences between the sexes, Yet, freedom cannot be absolute, since man is not GOD, GODS CREATION. For man, the path to be taken cannot be determined by caprice or willfulness, but must rather correspond to the structure willed by the creator. (qtd in. Gay Marriage threat to Creation) In lieu with this, Pope Benedict XVI, disagree in Same-Sex Marriage. Our body is sacred and its sacredness leads to the respect of each and every one of us. It is indeed that each and every one of us has our own side on the issue Same-Sex Marriage. Each religious group that is existing right now has their own stand regarding the issue. Islamic law explicitly denounces homosexuality and the practice of homosexuality is a crime in many Islamic countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia. Although the Presbyterian Churchs governing body has not explicitly addressed the issue of gay marriage, the church issued a ruling in 1997 prohibiting the ordination of homosexuals. Regional bodies and clergy, however, have challenged this ruling, causing a major rift among Presbyterians. Although the Episcopal Church has not explicitly established a position in favor of gay marriage, in 2006 the church stated its support of gay and lesbian persons and [opposition to] any state or federal constitutional amendment prohibiting gay marriages or civil unions. Furthermore, in 2009, the churchs national convention voted to give bishops the option to bless same-sex unions. While the Reform and Reconstructionist Jewish movements are ardent supporters of gay and lesbian rights, including the right of same-sex couples to wed, they do not require rabbis to officiate at the weddings of gay couples. The Conservative movement, which does not sanctify gay marriage, grants autonomy to individual rabbis to choose whether or not to recognize same-sex unions. The leadership of Orthodox Judaism has defined marriage as an institution between a man and a woman and therefore does not accept same-sex marriage. The essence of having a happy and healthy life is having a family. Family, in a sense that love and caring is within its family members. Sexual interactions between same sexes are not capable of having a family. Indeed, it is a very factual line that each of us agree. Same-Sex Marriage as a matter of fact is not socially accepted here in the Philippines. These may lead to the discrimination of the homosexuals, bisexuals, transgender and others who belong to the third sex. According to House Bill 1245, authored by Rep. Rozzano Rufino Ruffy Biazon, it is the amendment of the countrys Family Code to limit the marriage to natural born males and females only. Regards to this House Bill is the Total Ban of Same-Sex Marriage here in our country. On the other hand, Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago filed Senate Bill No. 1276 which aims to bar the Same-Sex Marriages celebrated abroad from getting legal recognition here in the Philippines. This Bill seeks to correct the Family Code, which does not explicitly void Same-Sex Marriage which was solemnized abroad. Marriage is a Union founded on the distinction of sex. (qtd. in Bill 1276) As a Senate counterpart of House Bill 1245, Sen. Rodolfo Biazon filed Senate Bill No. 1575. A reaction to a number of rulings made by local courts which allow every citizen who are transsexuals to change their status from male to female. with recent developments in the field of medicine, it is now possible to allow or to change a persons sex organ to make it appear as that of the opposite sex. In this Bill, it prohibits marriage between two men or two women, whom one of it had a sex organ exchange in which the Vatican disagree. (House 1245) These Bills are all pending cases in the House Committee on Youth, Women and Family Relations. In which these Bills were merely discussed, evaluated and argued by the respectable Representatives and Senators of the Republic of the Philippines. Issues are made due to Same-Sex Marriage which leads to the societal problems and misunderstandings. We respect every human being in this world. Due to issues which damage the image of third sexes, many organizations and governing bodies were born, in order to protect the Civil Rights of each Third Sex. Each organization has its goal to end the discrimination and the criminalization towards the Third sexes. Laws protecting the Homosexuals were made and implemented. But there are only states who are merely implementing these laws. Gay Rights Movement, an organization organized in America, which efforts were made in order for the Homosexuals to be treated equally among others. It aims that each Homosexuals must be respected and must not experience Discrimination from others. (Gay 95) Many non profits, non partisan networks of the third sexes boomed here in the Philippines. These are Organizations and Individuals who are working towards achieving a society free from all forms of Discrimination, particularly those who are based on gender or sexual orientation. Lesbian and Gay Legislative Advocacy Network-Philippines was formally launched in 1999. Its purpose is to advance and protect the Human Rights and fundamental freedoms of each Filipino who belongs to the Third Sex, especially in the area of Politics and Legislations. Its advocacy is to push for laws that will promote the Third Sex Rights and Welfare. Indeed, campaigns were made to influence publics discourse on Sexuality and to raise the influence awareness of every Filipino regarding the situation of Lesbians and Gays. Another organization here in the Philippines is the LADLAd, a network of Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, and transgender Filipinos. An organization formed last September 1, 2003. Magladlad means to unfurl the cape that used to cover ones body as a shield. It simply means that each and every one of us who are experiencing something different relating to gender, must come out of the closet and reveals whats inside and to standout with dignity. And as a result, you will find yourself to be free and respectable. Ladlad run for a Party-list for Congress last elections and they bound to make History as the first ever political party which composed of different Filipinos from the Third Sex that will claim and reclaim the rights that the Third Sexes lost from years of homophobia and Discrimination. They aims to be the organization which will provide comfort to the Third Sex. And a sandigan of the needy homosexuals who are abused, simply because of belonging to the third Sex. Ladlad also aims the following platforms, whereas; Support for the Anti-Discrimination Bill that gives LGBT Filipinos equal opportunities in employment and equal treatment in schools, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, entertainment centers, and government offices. Re-filing of the bill to repeal the Anti-Vagrancy Law that some unscrupulous policemen use to extort bribes from gay men without ID cards; Setting up of micro-finance and livelihood projects for poor and handicapped LGBT Filipinos; Setting up of centers for Golden Gays, or old and abandoned LGBTs, as well as young ones driven out of their homes. The centers will also offer legal aid and counseling, as well as information about LGBT issues, HIV-AIDS, and reproductive health. These centers will be set up initially in the key cities/metropolitan areas of the Philippines Baguio, National Capital Region, Cebu and Davao. (Ladlad 101) They differ in names, but they have their same goals and achievements. Campaigning in prohibiting the Discrimination of the Third Sexes. Due to the issues and governing bodies which support Third Sex, effect cannot be vanished from this kind of scenarios. Each event that took place have effects. It may be Positive or Negative effects that can change or affects us, in a manner that we are concern in whats the real score between the issue- Same-Sex Marriage. According to Dr. Ambert, Same-Sex Marriage has possible positive and negative effect to children. She also stressed that through the vivid image that children saw in their Environment, really affects them in a good and bad manner. It is not whether children should be raised by same-sex parents, it is whether same-sex parents should be allowed to marry , or they ,must simply lived together-perhaps-with children under a status less than marriage, with reduced recognition and support by the state. (Same 97) Children would benefit led by a family composing of Same-Sex Marriage. Without question, civil marriage enhances the welfare of the community. It is a social institution of the highest importance. French v. McAnarney, supra. Civil marriage anchors an ordered society by encouraging stable relationships over transient ones. It is central to the way the Commonwealth identifies individuals, provides for the orderly distribution of property, ensures that children and adults are cared for and supported whenever possible from private rather than public funds, and tracks important epidemiological and demographic data..Where a married couple has children, their children are also directly or indirectly, but no less auspiciously, the recipients of the special legal and economic protections obtained by civil marriage..marital children reap a measure of family stability and economic security based on their parents legally privileged status that is largely inaccessible, or not as readily accessible, to non-marital children. Some of these benefits are social, such as the enhanced approval that still attends the status of being a marital child. Others are material, such as the greater ease of access to family-based State and Federal benefits that attend the presumptions of ones parentage. (qtd. In More on the Hawaii Same-Sex Civil Marriage Case.) Some would argue that when a state allows SSM, the public will gradually become more accepting of homosexual orientation and behavior. They will agree with professional mental health associations and recognize it as a normal, natural, unchosen and unchangeable sexual orientation for a minority of adults. This will reduce levels of discrimination, hatred, and oppression against gays and lesbians, and reduce the levels of ridicule that their children receive from fellow students. Dr. Ambert comments that: Lesbigays who have children often create a network of fictive kin or chosen family (friends, former partners, and willing relatives) for social and emotional support as well as to offer their children suitable adult role models of the other sex. This support network may be entirely gay but generally represents a mixture. This arrangement gives children many additional role models in their life, that children in families led by opposite-sex couples may not have. (Same 97) Many religious and social conservatives disagree completely with professional mental health organizations and believe that homosexuality is abnormal, unnatural, chosen and changeable. Most disapprove of equal rights for gays and lesbians, including the right to marry the individual that they love. Many believe that homosexual behavior is hated by God. If these beliefs are true, then one might argue: 1. Children raised in families led by same-sex parents would be continually exposed to homosexuality. They may choose to become gay or lesbian at a higher rate than those raised by a father and mother. 2. Men and women have very different personalities, brain structure, talents, etc. They are designed to fit into very different roles within the family. In order for children to be properly socialized, they need to be brought up by both a father and a mother. The long range effects on children who are brought up by two women or two men are unknown and can only be speculated upon. 3. God may punish same-sex parents. This might adversely affect the children in their family. 4. God may also punish the nation as a whole if SSM is legalized. That would harm all children in the nation. 5. Children of same-sex couples will be exposed to a great deal of ridicule and hatred by their fellow students. This could negatively affect their development. (Same 99) Issues concerning health has an effect on Same-Sex Marriage. Sexually transmitted diseases (also known as STDs or STIs for sexually transmitted infections) are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact. STDs can affect guys and girls of all ages and backgrounds who are having sex it doesnt matter if theyre rich or poor. () Unfortunately, STDs have become common among teens and also sex by the same-sex. Because same gender which is having sex is more at risk for getting some STDs, its important to learn what you can do to protect yourself. STDs are more than just an embarrassment. Theyre a serious health problem. If untreated, some STDs can cause permanent damage, such as infertility (the inability to have a baby) and even death (in the case of HIV/AIDS). Some of the things that increase a persons chances of getting an STD are: Sexual activity at a young age. The younger a person starts having sex, the greater his or her chances of becoming infected with an STD. Lots of sex partners. People who have sexual contact not just I I ntercourse, but any form of intimate activity with many different partners are more at risk than those who stay with the same partner. Unprotected sex. Latex condoms are the only form of birth control that reduce your risk of getting an STD. Spermicides, diaphragms, and other birth control methods may help prevent pregnancy, but they dont protect a person against STDs AIDS is one of the most serious, deadly diseases in Human history. More than 20 years ago, doctors in the United States identified the first cases of AIDS in San Francisco and New York. Now there are an estimated 42 million people living with HIV or AIDS worldwide, and more than 3 million die every year from AIDS-related illnesses. According to Oxford dictionary, AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV destroys a type of defense cell in the body called a CD4 helper lymphocyte (pronounced: lim-fuh-site). These lymphocytes are part of the bodys immune system, the defense system that fights infectious diseases. But as HIV destroys these lymphocytes, people with the virus begin to get serious infections that they normally wouldnt that is, they become immune deficient. The name for this condition is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). As the medical community learns more about how HIV works, theyve been able to develop drugs to inhibit it (meaning they interfere with its growth). These drugs have been successful in slowing the progress of the disease, and people with the disease now live much longer. But there is still no cure for HIV and AIDS. Hundreds of same-sex who are engaged in sex become infected with HIV each year. HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to another person through blood, semen (also known as cum, the fluid released from the penis when a male ejaculates), vaginal fluids, and breast milk. The virus is spread through high-risk behaviors including: unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sexual intercourse (unprotected means not using a condom) sharing needles, such as needles used to inject drugs (including needles used for injecting steroids) and those used for tattooing. (AIDS 25) We have a great part on this issue, as well as it has a big impact to us, not only to us, but also, to the society. As a student, I am disagreeing at Same-Sex Marriage. Its just simply because that my principle for this situation is that god created only men and women nevertheless, third sex is written in the bible. And having sex with the same gender is a big sin. And as for my contribution, I am one of the few people who respect their lifestyle, because we are all created equally in the image and likeness of God. And I do believe that we are all part of a big and happy family.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
In the United States alone, there are approximately 18.8 million people, who are diagnosed with a form of diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. There are three forms of diabetes; Type 1 (Juvenile), Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes is a serious health condition that can go long undiagnosed and lead to severe symptoms such as amputation of limbs and possible death if left untreated. On record for the year 2007, there were 71,382 deaths from which diabetes was the primary underlying cause of death, with an additional 160,022 deaths, where diabetes was a significant contributing factor ("American Diabetes Association," 2014). Factors that contribute to having diabetes depend on which form you have, can result from lifestyle choices (diet) or genetics. Early detection and treatment can significantly reduce the complications of diabetes. The most common sympto ms include frequent urination, extreme thirst, extreme hunger, extreme fatigue, blurred vision, slow healing of cuts/bruises, weight loss (specifically Type 1), and tingling/pain/numbness in hands/feet. When someone has extremely high blood glucose the body does on have enough insulin or it is not using it properly and this called hyperglycemia. If this is untreated this will cause a condition called ketoacidosis (a diabetic coma). If someone has extremely low blood glucose levels this is called hypoglycemia. â€Å"Hypoglycemia can happen suddenly. It is usually mild and can be treated quickly and easily by eating or drinking a small amount of glucose-rich food. If left untreated, hypoglycemia can get worse and cause confusion, clumsiness, or fainting. Severe hypo... ...uropathy (nerve damage), kidney disease, high blood pressure, foot complications and many more complications. Organizations such as the American Diabetes Association have been providing critical funding for diabetes research since its inception in 1994 which goes towards Association-funded research projects for diabetes to better understand this condition and attempt to find a cure. I chose this topic for my research paper because I had an interest in diabetes because I was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes approximately one year ago. I am required to inject insulin every day and before every meal. This is most definitely a big change in my life considering I had an excellent diet and I exercise on a regular basis. I have suffered from some of the more severe symptoms of diabetes such as severe neuropathy in my hands, feet and legs as well as vision problems.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - Pain of Growing Up :: Free Essay Writer
To Kill A Mocking Bird  Growing Up Growing up is one of the most important stages of human life. It is the part when humans reach maturity, become adults, and attain full growth. Also, it means one more thing. It means understanding more about the society. Harper Lee's, To Kill A Mocking Bird, shows the different ways of growing up. There are three characters who go through the process of growing up, Scout mentally grows up, Jem goes through a mental growing up that every adolescent will go through and aunt Alexandra also goes through a mental growing up. Scout is the narrator of the whole book. She is the young daughter of a lawyer, Atticus. They live in Maycomb County with Scout's brother and Aunt in the 1930's. At the beginning of the book, she doesn’t know much about the prejudice of Southern America. She basically knows nothing about prejudice. She thinks every person is the same as her. But she finds that out at last. She also finally finds out that most people are nice. She just has to put herself in those people's situations. "As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grown but there wasn't much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra" (Lee pg. #). This statement shows that she understands the prejudice and people's thinking, at last. That makes her life a lot different. Jem is Scout's brother. He is a little older than Scout. He also becomes familiar with the prejudice of Maycomb County through the story. In addition, he grows up like most teenagers â€Å"He was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody†â€Å"said Scout†(pg. #). That statement is made when Jem starts to grow up. He doesn’t want to play with Scout like a little kid anymore. He wants to be a man. Aunt Alexandra is Atticus' sister. She moves to live with Scout and Jem because she wants to teach them the right way of growing up since their mom is dead. As she watches them grow up, she grows up mentally also. â€Å"People up there set them free, but you don't see them setting at the table with them. At least we don't have the deceit to say to them ‘yes, you are as good as we are but stay away from us’ said Mrs.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Hellen Nellie Mcclung: A Canadian Feminist :: essays research papers fc
Hellen Nellie McClung: A Canadian Feminist Helen "Nellie" Laetitia Mooney was born October 20, 1873 in a log cabin on Garafraxa Road, two kilometers from Chatsworth, Ontario. She and her family moved to Manitoba when she was six years old. One of Nellie's best influences was her mother. Her family's influence was no doubt the reason she became an activist. Her mother thought that every child had the right to an education, and her whole family encouraged her to learn all she could. (9, Wright) Nellie at age ten, went to school at Northfield School. This is where her education started. Nellie's dream was to be a teacher like her sister Hannah. Teaching was one of the few jobs open to women. She started her 'voyage' at age fifteen by passing the Second Class Teachers' Examination. She went on to earn a higher teaching certificate at Winnipeg Collegiate in 1893. She went on to teach at Hazel Public School near Manitou, Manitoba. We study Nellie McClung because she was an internationally celebrated feminist and social activist. Her success as a platform speaker was legendary. Her earliest success was achieved as a writer, and during her lengthy career she authored four novels, two novellas, three collections of short stories, a two- volume autobiography and various collections of speeches, articles and wartime writing, to a total of sixteen volumes. Two of her most famous books are: Clearing In The West and The Stream Runs Fast. All this served as a "pulpit" from which McClung could preach her gospel of feminist activism and social transformation. She was convinced that God's intention for creation was a "Fair Deal" for everyone; and that Canada, particularly the prairie West, was a perfect place to begin to bring that about. Women's suffrage, temperance and the ordination of women were keystones in the battle - engaged. In contrast to contemporary stereotypes, with a wit and compelling humor that won over enemies as it delighted her allies. Nellie was a curious girl, she was always asking questions. This was not commonly seen among girls in her time. As a small child she would want to participate in sports with the boys, although she was always told she wasn't allowed. "I was hoping there would be a race for girls under ten, or that girls might enter with the boys. But the whole question of girls competing in races was frowned on. Skirts would fly upward and legs would show! And it was not nice for little girls, or big ones either, to show their legs."(2, Wright) As many great philosophers do, Nellie would always ask: Why?
Monday, September 16, 2019
Discrimination towards Asians Essay
The expansion of America was a realization within the political and financial elite that there is a need for America to create markets in foreign countries for the American goods. By the turn of the 1890s there was a lot of surplus in goods that we need to penetrate overseas markets to address under consumption and economic crisis. The United States was under the premise that the countries with the largest navies and military force would eventually inherit the earth (Zinn, 1942). Before the election of President William McKinley he said that the American people needs overseas market for the surplus products since the American soil and factories are producing more than what the American people needed. This surplus should be of the advantage of the country since it will bring commercial supremacy. This supremacy led to the expansionist view in politics and even in the naval forces. President Roosevelt created propaganda for expansion in the 1890s together with other political elites who share his expansionist standpoint. Roosevelt was perhaps the greatest expansionist of his time. He was up to penetrate Hawaii, Philippines and China. In 1898, 10% of American goods were sold in the foreign markets which amounted to billions of dollars. By the year 1895, the foreign investment of American Capitalists has reached billions of dollars especially in the steel industry. This further fanned the need for the American capitalists to create overseas markets and this made engaging in war an option. As in the case of Philippines, the conflict between the Spanish conquerors and the Filipino rebels paved way for the intervention of America in the guise of â€Å"generosity†. In 1899, the American government under the presidency of William McKinley sent troops to the Philippines to aide the Filipinos in fighting their war against the Spaniards. Mckinley states four reasons on why he decided to colonize the Philippines. The first was he can’t give the Philippines back to the Spaniards. Second is that he can’t give the Philippines to the French. Third is that he thinks that the Philippines is â€Å"unfit†to govern for themselves and the forth is that he has no choice but to â€Å"adopt†the Filipinos and â€Å"civilize†them (Zinn, 1942). By the term â€Å"civilized†and â€Å"unfit†he was under the notion that Filipinos are savages, uneducated, and unscrupulous. This only shows that even the president of a democratic country thinks lowly of a race that has endured 300 years of oppression and was courageous enough to ouster a government as strong as Spain. The country was under the Spanish rule for more than 300 hundred years and the Filipinos were craving for freedom. The Filipinos under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo were gaining much power at that time and some historians say that the Filipino people could have won the war without the American intervention. Since the Americans came on cue, just as the war was supposed to end, America took all the credit and branded themselves as heroes and liberator of the country. This scenario is similar to what the United States did to Cuba. When the Cuban rebels sought help from the United States, they sent American troops instead of financial resources (Zinn, 1942). When the Spanish colonizers where defeated, the US did not recognize the efforts of the rebels and took over Cuba. Before the US freed Cuba, they made sure that Platt amendment will be added to the constitution giving the US rights to intervene with the Cuban government. Some US bases where also retained and the Cuban market was remained opened to American exports. In the case of the Philippines, US intervention came in together with education, clothing, healthcare and other basic necessities that were deprived by the Spaniards. Since the Spaniards aimed to suppress education among Filipinos and keep them dependent to their regime, the â€Å"Education for everyone scheme†of the United States was a hit for most of the Filipinos. However the struggle continued for those who seek real independence (Grey, 2003). The expansionist point of view of Americans towards the Philippines was regarded as acts of robbery and oppression by a black soldier designated in the Philippines. It was a bloody war as news articles and journals of soldiers revealed that they shot Filipinos like â€Å"rabbits†including the women and children who were helpless (Zinn, 1942). Discrimination in the political system was also evident since only the Americans hold office and Filipinos where kept at the lower offices of the political structure. Similar to the faith of those non-whites, the Filipino people where discriminated even in today’s society. Due to economic reasons a great percentage of Filipinos are now working abroad as domestic workers. Blue collar jobs such as domestic helpers, construction workers, waiters and etc are the most common employment for Filipinos residing in the United States (Manalansan, 2003). Because of this, stereotypes where based upon the assumption that Filipinos are uneducated and are capable of doing only menial jobs. In fact, in a British dictionary the meaning of the word Filipina is â€Å"domestic helper†. This may be attributed to the fact that 90% of Filipinos working abroad are females. However, we fail to see is that a large percentage of these Filipino workers have a college degree and are in fact educated. Sociology dictates that since Filipinos have been subjected to three colonizers (Spanish, Americans and Japanese) they are by nature patient, enduring and industrious. Thus, doing menial jobs are sacrifices they are willing to make just to alleviate their families current economic status (Manalansan, 2003). Today, the Philippines is the worlds major exporter of manpower especially in health care. Filipino nurses and care givers pride themselves as pioneers in their craft and the country even hails them as the present day heroes. However, when they set foot on the foreign soil, that pride turns to discrimination. Though they are well capable and well trained in nursing, skin color often hinders them from being treated the same way as that of the white nurses. A quote from the TV show Desperate Housewives uttered by Teri Hatcher says: â€Å"Okay, before we go any further, can I check those diplomas because I just wanna make sure that they’re not from some med school in the Philippines. This only supports the fact that Filipinos are still caught under the stereotype that they are incapable and are discriminated upon (Salanga, 2007). In comparison to the African-Americans, Filipinos experience greater amount of discrimination due to the fact that they are smaller, second is the portrayal of the Philippines as a country of terrorists, third is that they are uneducated and forth is that most of them don’t speak good English. But unknown to most Americans is that there is a thriving business of call centers in the Philippines which started in 2000. When we dial customer service and ask for help for a certain product, we might be seeking advice from Filipinos that we discriminate against. The thing is we don’t even notice that they are Filipinos by the way they speak. They are proficient in English and are able to address of plights properly, hence, the notion that Filipinos are dumb serves as an irony. In call centers, we ask for help from Filipinos and not the other way around. At present the Call center industry in the Philippines captures 20% of the world market share in call centers and the Philippine government aims to get 50% of share by the year 2008 (Ortigas Online, 2007). Filipinos today face what sociologists call double jeopardy. Because Filipinos are discriminated, they have difficulty of finding good jobs. It is estimated that a majority of Filipinos in the United States today are still holding blue collar jobs though some of them have white collar jobs. Some have even made it big time in the United States just like the lead singer of the Pussy Cat Dolls who is a Filipino-American (Ezugwu, 2007). Though some have made it up in the economic ladder, Filipinos still comprise the majority in service sectors jobs in the United States. Their poverty reinforces their minority status. Thus, the so-called â€Å"ladder of discrimination†as what sociologists call is also reinforced. Filipinos have the difficulty of upgrading their status by economic means because of these stereotypes. Thus, white Americans always associate Filipinos with poverty, terrorism, violence and ignorance. This then hinders them from alleviating their status and making their chances at getting high paying jobs a lot slimmer as compared to the whites. However, when I check the web and type â€Å"Philippines†in the search box it is amazing how it differs from what the media is projecting. As a country the Philippines has wonderful places and beautiful culture. They are deeply rooted to their religion and values which make them generally warm and happy individuals (Tope, L. & Nonan-Mercado, 2007). Their history with the Spaniards taught Filipinos how to be industrious and enduring as they were colonized by Spain for 300 years. These characteristics of Filipinos show in their approach to their work here in the United States. I think the fact that they are willing to occupy menial jobs that most Americans would shun is a manifestation that they are hardworking people. Perhaps it is this realization that led to further acceptance to the Filipino culture and the Filipino people. In the United States there are Filipino communities in every state (The Filipino, 2007) and a lot of Americans prefer to have Filipino wives saying that Filipinos make a loving wife and mother. The country also has a strong president as of pres time and aims to renew the image of the Philippines as a country filled with communists. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo wasfeatured in the Times Magazine for the second time and was hailed as one of the most powerful women in Asia (Spaeth, 2001). Since she is very stern in her fight against terrorism the Philippines and the Filipinos are beginning to portray a wonderful picture in our minds. In addition to that, society has become more lenient as to the case of racism. Many citizens are now aware that skin color or race does not limit a person’s ability to do his job properly. Filipinos, much like the other minority groups should be given the chance to grow and show their abilities. The growing popularity of snit racism and equality has made some impact on the way Filipinos are treated, however it is not yet evident in most cases. Reference
Iceland Crisis and Causes Led to the Crisis
Iceland and the rest of the world reeling. In retrospect Iceland was essentially operatinglike a firm with a highly unviable growth model. However, the political relationship between Iceland and Britain also greatly added to the economic downturn and financialcrisis. Britain’s use of anti-terrorism laws, in an attempt to protect their economicinvestments in Iceland, essentially labeled Iceland as a terrorist state which onlycontinued to stagnate the inflow of foreign capital.Although without a doubt the primarycause of the Icelandic financial crisis was economic, political factors such as therelationship and interdependence between Iceland and Britain exacerbated the alreadydire situation. Iceland began as an isolated, fairly impoverished country whose survival was based largely on its fishing trade. 1 However, in recent years Iceland had been successfulat establishing itself as a premier offshore banking hub. At one point Icelanders wereecstatic and celebrated the fact that t heir tiny country of about 300,000 people had 3 banks in the worlds largest 300 banks. 2The Icelandic government was able to enticeforeign investors by setting interest rates very high, which encouraged foreigners toinvest largely in financial assets. The large inflow of foreign capital associated with suchmass foreign investment caused the krona to greatly appreciate. Since the krona wasgreatly overvalued it made all imports in both goods and services very inexpensive for Icelanders; the overvalued krona also made it a lot easier for Icelanders to borrow moneyfrom abroad. 3 The high interest rates, gargantuan capital inflow, and an appreciatedcurrency all aided in creating the economic boom that Iceland enjoyed for many years ?This economic boom encouraged Icelanders to borrow from abroad and many failed toforesee that such economic prosperity was limited and that a bust is inevitably going tofollow a boom. The lack of government oversight on the banking system also was an economic factor that led to the financial crisis. One large problem with the Icelandic banking sector is that the banks became so large that the Icelandic government was unable to operate asa lender-of-last-resort simply because Iceland with its mere 300,000 people has a verysmall tax base. 4 At the end of 2006 the total assets of its banks grew to be nine times aslarge as the countries GDP. It would have been less of a problem for the banks to be solarge if they had not remained domiciled in Iceland. It was perhaps too large and ideal of a goal for such a small country like Iceland to become an international financial center. Iceland was essentially acting like a firm when indeed they should have been lookingafter the economic stability of their whole country. The Icelandic government simplylacked the ability to financially sustain their banks in times of economic crisis. If some of the banks in Iceland had foreign lenders-of-last-resort they might have been able toweather out the economic storm.Iceland’s economic growth model was mainly built upon foreigninvestors being able and willing to keep on giving. However, due to the global economiccrisis foreign capital ceased coming in and when it did the myriad of public and privatedebt became quite evident. ? 6 Some analysts argue that problems with the krona have prevented Iceland from being able to control the financial crisis. Since Iceland does not have an effectual currency to manipulate they are largely unable to support the banks andhave no practical ways to bring down the inflation and interest rates, which have beenstaying in the double digits. This is just one of the many economic situations currentlyaffecting Iceland. Without a doubt the prime cause for Iceland’s financial crisis is largely theeconomic circumstances previously discussed. However, political factors such asIceland’s relationship with Britain also played a role in exacerbating the crisis and preventing Iceland from any chance it might have had of financial viability. Iceland andBritain once had a very mutually beneficial friendship, which could be seen in that theywere NATO allies and frequent trading partners.However, as the global economic crisis began to take hold this friendship became tenuous at best. The problems between Icelandand Britain began in late 2008 when Britain, in an attempt to protect its financial assets inIceland, invoke its 2008 anti-terrorism laws to freeze the British assets of a failingIcelandic bank. 8 Specifically Britain froze the assets of Landsbanki and seized the assetsof Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander. 9 The British seizure of Kaupthing Singer &Friedlander was followed shortly by the collapse of its parent bank, Kaupthing, which theIcelandic government had desperately been trying to keep viable.In many Icelanderseyes and certainly in the eyes of the Icelandic government Kaupthing was the last of theMohicans and its demise signaled the end of the Icelandic banking system ? T he political decision to invoke anti-terrorism legislation against Iceland essentially branded it as a terrorist state, which in the eyes of every Icelander was athorough abuse of a small neighbor. Due to this one political action Iceland was listed onthe British Treasury Department’s page with terrorist groups and states such as Al Qaeda,Sudan, and North Korea. 11At this point in the crisis the foreign capital inflows intoIceland were already dismal but this British action triggered an immediate freeze on anyremaining banking transactions between Iceland and abroad. Essentially no one wants todo business with a terrorist state. President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson stated that, â€Å"It(Britain) was absolutely being a bully against a small country because I am absolutelycertain that if it was the case of France and Germany, the British government would nothave acted in the same way- absolutely not†. The Icelandic Prime Minister at the time,Geir H.Haarde, believed that Gord on Brown had â€Å"sacrificed Iceland for his own short-term political gain thereby turning a grave situation into a national disaster†. 12 From the perspective of the Icelandic government their once cordial, neighborly relationship withBritain had been thoroughly abused to the point that a British foreign policy decision played an integral factor in the meltdown of the Icelandic financial sector Undoubtedly Britain’s political decisions affected the financial crisis in Iceland,yet, the Crisis in Iceland also greatly impacted Britain’s economic conditions.Like therest of the world, thanks to the downturn of the global economy Britain has beensuffering its own financial woes. When foreign capital inflows ceased in Iceland thiscaused the krona’s value to fall, which led Icelandic banks to be unable to finance their debts most of which are in foreign currency. This realization by all of the foreigninvestors who were once so eager to invest created a mad rush to get their money out of the failing Icelandic banks.Unfortunately, Icelandic banks did not have proper reservesto cover the massive withdrawals leading all three of Iceland’s banks to be nationalized. 13 Regrettably many British universities, municipal governments, charities and hospitals had been lured in by the high interest rates to invest in Icelandic accounts. CambridgeUniversity had $20 million invested in Icelandic accounts while 15 British police forceshave approximately $170 million frozen in Iceland. 14Many groups that had invested inthe Icelandic banking sector had done so in the convenience of their own home statesthrough the use of online investing sites such as Icesave. co. uk. On their website Icesavenow displays the message that â€Å"We are not currently processing any deposits or withdrawal requests through out Icesave Internet accounts. We apologize for anyinconvenience this may cause our customers†. 15 Certainly for large investors such asCambrid ge University this is much more than a small inconvenienceAt the center of Iceland’s financial troubles is that their banking sector was highlydependent upon a continued inflow of foreign capital. In turn, Iceland’s foreign investorswere also very dependent upon Iceland’s banks to maintain their viability. However,when the inflow of capital stopped the interdependence of Iceland and its investors became very clear. This is exemplified by the Icelandic-British relationship. Britishcitizens and companies alike had been ensorcelled by the call the of high interest rates inIceland.The viability of the banks was based largely on the ability to keep foreign capitalcoming into the country, which allowed the krona to appreciate. When the foreign creditmarket froze and investment decreased drastically the financial interdependence of Iceland and Britain manifested itself Iceland’s main pitfall and cause of its financial crisis is that they essentiallytreated their country as a firm and allowed the banking sector to get far too hugeconsidering, as we have seen, that it had no financial stronghold to back it up.Althoughthe blown-up banking sector and other economic factors created the financial crisis it wascertainly exacerbated by the failed diplomatic relationship between Iceland and Britain. Britain’s use of its antiterrorism legislation only made the economic woes of Icelandworse by essentially making it a pariah that should be avoided by the rest of theinternational community. In the end, Iceland’s financial practices had sown the seeds of their own destruction but the political actions of Britain ensured that it would be a longtime before Iceland’s financial sector will germinate once more.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Buyer behavior Essay
Blackwell, Miniard and Engel have proposed a very generic model of consumer problem solving in their text. The authors have related consumer decision making process as a goal directed problem solving process for consumers. By this we mean that when going for a decision or selecting between choices, a consumer is first exposed to a problem that creates confusion in his mind that what to think. This confusion and problem arises because there is a gap between his goals and the available services and products. In order to bridge this gap the consumer then takes help from the consumer decision making model and thus solves this problem by following a defined process. First of all the consumer recognizes a process and identifies for the differences between his ideal expectations and the situation and state of the product market. By using this problem solving process, Lamborghini can look into what are the main problems faced by consumers and potential customers in the market. Then it can come up with solutions in order to relate with the product, for example those customers who want speed with safety because they use this car for both family and status thus, Lamborghini can market this car as may be ‘safety with speed and status’ (Woodside 1992). After recognizing the problem the consumer then searches for a solution and thus he tends to seek information about substitutes. This is the time when the organization is expected to provide the customers with the information they need and thus leaving an image for them as the perfect solution to think upon. Lamborghini can also target these customers by providing its promotional material and text to corporate heads, business executives and people with heavy bank accounts in order to be the first to be in their mind. As the product is quite expensive, thus there is very less chance that any consumer would avoid considering the alternatives that are available in the market. This is the fourth stage of the consumer problem solving process where Lamborghini can provide the consumers with text and promotional material giving them a detailed overview of their product, its competitiveness and its edge over the other products. Then in the fifth stage the consumer buys the product and then makes further evaluation of the company and the product after the use of the product. By getting consumer feedback and providing after sales services, Lamborghini can come up with new strategies and ways in order to please its customers. As the product is designed for a very narrow based market, thus identifying different tastes, wants and preferences of consumers is very because they can subdivide under different categories. Each potential customer can be provided with information according to the subdivision he belongs to and thus more customers can be satisfied (Bettman 1975). There are a lot of levels in which problems are solved by the consumers depending on the effort they put in while deciding for a product that range from low involvement / low knowledge to high involvement/ high knowledge. There are 2 more levels in between these extremes. However in case of Lamborghini, as this product is a luxury item with a heavy price tag thus the consumers are highly involved. However as far as knowledge is concerned, there can be two cases, high or low, due to the two different target markets that we have already discussed. This is because corporate and status conscious customers want the best without having much knowledge about the performance about the running and speed of the car. The price tag and the brand does it all for them where as sports car lovers do take information into account to a great extent. Here below is a table that shows the difference in problem solving effectiveness of both the target markets. End Goal Considerations Decision Process Using a decision sequence model, such as SOSTAC, develop an appropriate communications strategy (including media and message) for this target market. A decision making model is a model that manufacturers use in order to devise a marketing plan that is strategically designed for ensuring maximum communication with the consumers which will in the end help in attracting more customers for the company. The decision making model that has been discussed in the research paper is known as the Sostac business model which stands for Current situation, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions and lastly the control of the firm over its operations in order to market its product in the most efficient way(Moner 1973). This model is closely related with the consumer buying and purchasing behavior because the methods of information collection and generating of information are designed in such a way they can be used to promote and market for the consumers, according to their tastes and preferences. This model also helps an organization to realize its own position in the market and identifies the weaknesses and strengths of the firm. Basically the main function of this model is communication. The company first acquires information from the consumers that includes their intentions, attitudes, objectives and behavior towards a certain product, and then the company communicates comes up with a market strategy and plan in order to highlight these demands of consumers in their product. The company has to gather information regarding itself as well in order to see what actually is the current position of the company in the market so that the strategies it comes up with can be designed in the similar manner? A small developing business cannot claim and adopt strategies of a well established running business. In the case of Lamborghini, we will conduct a SOSTAC analysis in order to analyze its true position in the market as well the strategies it can use to market its products. Situation: In this subhead, the company first analyses where it is now. Lamborghini has to analyze itself in the automobile in order to see how the industry, competitors and the consumers look up to it. For this the company should take into account three further concepts that include the Swot analysis, the pet analysis and its competitive position in order to construct the negative and positive side of the companies’ actual position. In the Swot analysis Lamborghini analyzes its strengths weaknesses threats and opportunities in the automobile industry and the consumer market. The strengths of the company are that it has been providing quality sports cars from a number of years and is known in the sports car industry in the world. Lamborghini is a brand name and it has many loyal rich customers who came back again and again for newer models. As the SUV that the company is producing is a very luxurious car and also very happy on products, thus it is easy for the company to target its potential market with few other sports car manufacturers. Competition in the sports car industry between these few players is quite intense because every company tries to focus on the small potential market for sports cars (Dhar 1997). This can be looked upon as weakness of the company from the external side because companies like Ferrari BMW and AUDI are also producing and marketing quality sports cars like Lamborghini. Also as the company is marketing a branded and a luxurious expensive car, it cannot flood the market by mass production and reduced prices. The reason behind this is that along with marketing for the SUV, the company also has to maintain its luxury brand image and the status of producing ‘A’ class cars. Thus they cannot fall below a certain standard to attract more customers. Opportunities for the company in this case are that more and more credit facilitation programs are being launched by banks and financial institutions as known as auto loans and thus the company can target even those customers who have recently been promoted to high salary jobs and thus have the ability to pay for the installments. Lamborghini is also providing such auto loans to customers as well in order to make availability of funds to them. Private franchise owners are also coming into the scene even from the developing countries and thus the company also sees great opportunities and potential in the markets of these countries, again targeting the top notch people of their society. TV shows like Top Gear and Red Line have also aired entire episodes on the performance and the characteristics of the car and has helped in educating them well about the car. Lastly, in the SWOT analysis, Lamborghini also faces threats from the external side as the industry is coming up with new technology in racing and there has been a race going in this regard. Also there is a huge cost of business also involved in research and development because the research and development going on in this field are one of the most advanced levels of researches ever.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Yum cha between my culture and our culture Essay
Yum cha, which is a Chinese style morning and afternoon tea, involves drinking Chinese tea and eating dim sum, which are small dishes. In expert restaurants, staff will commonly wheel around heated trolleys serving small yum cha dishes. Hong Kong also has some western food and local food, like mango pudding, egg tarts that are desserts. Before Hong Kong was occupied by British, which already had â€Å"Yum cha†. Then, this traditional is important for people. Yum cha is a habit for most of local Hong Kong people. Some of them will go to yum cha once times per week. Or they will spend a whole morning to enjoy the meal with friends. In my family, we have a traditional, dad and mum bring me to yum cha in every Sunday, on that day, and they will spend 1 to 2 hours to yum cha, to have a little gathering for us. When I was young, my parents always ordered my favourite dim sum to me, and we have lots of interesting conversation. After that, my dad would give me the pocket money; it was a great time for me. Now, I was grow up, we may not go to yum cha in every Sunday now, if we feel free, we must go to yum cha. If we decide to yum cha, I will go to the Chinese restaurant wait for my parents and ordered their favourite dim sum. But technology influence, we would not talk a lot, I only focus on my telephone, and my parents only read the newspaper. It seems a bad effect for us, not only my family. Yum cha’s original meaning is a little gathering with relative or friends, and enjoys the dim sum. Nowadays, the meaning changed. Most of teenager just hold a smartphone, and keep going touch it, just focus on it, no conversation with family. Although, our traditional was altered, we will not have yum cha in every Sunday, I believe this traditional must go on, spend some time with family, is a most important thing in my life. Chinese like goes to yum cha with family, and care about family. When we feel free, we should not only focus on friends, technology but family.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Aerospace engineering Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Aerospace engineering - Personal Statement Example Go fight the slash of rain and face the force of wind, your cheeks will tan and the palm of your hands shall thicken. This is a motto that has constantly driven me and given me the zeal to work even harder, whether on the hundred occasions when I contacted people and hosted events at the ‘I can fly’ program both in high school and college, or whenever I face a challenge in my program at the university. My deep interest in aerospace engineering has provided me with a focus in my life and noteworthy opportunities. I am currently a bioengineering student, but intent to fulfill my long cherished dream by studying aerospace engineering. Further, I want to apply for other internships offered by other airlines, but they are limited to aerospace engineering major, and I may never get a chance if I am a bioengineering. In the past few years I have been in the university, I have had experiences that have assisted me become more familiar with aerospace, while at the same time boosting my interest. I joined the ‘I can fly’ program at the Cathy Pacific Airways, which explores several careers in aviation. Through the several lecturers, field trips, and hands-on exercises within the program, I gained valuable experiences in the aviation field. I was later elected the vice-president of the advanced ‘I can fly’ program, an opportunity that equipped me with the knowledge of a real employee within aviation. In program, I had an opportunity to help the people repair jets and planes an d hear stories from the retired veterans, which would help me in future. I have gained more than my expectations from this program and books, and I intent to further my knowledge by enrolling as a student in your esteemed university. Despite being a woman, I have a passion in aviation, believing nothing is impossible. I have some personal attributes that I believe have been a source of motivation and success in my academic and social life. I intent to use these attributes
Thursday, September 12, 2019
God is Just Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
God is Just - Essay Example The adverts of the latter view tend to believe in fun and joy as the main essence of life (â€Å"Teleological Arguments for God's Existence†). Thus, conventionally, four chief arguments related to the existence of God emerged: 1) the cosmological argument; 2) the teleological argument; 3) the ontological argument; and 4) the moral law argument. The present article deals with teleological argument. It is popularly known as "the argument from design" (Greek meaning of telos is design). According to this argument, the universe confirms the presence of complex life forms, from tiniest creatures to the biggest animals and plants; everything is in a perfect order being inter-linked; moreover, no one modulates these living beings but they are self-modulated in a perfectly controlled manner. The designer or creator has created life forms in a simplistic manner and, therefore, He must be a perfect and well co-ordinated planner to make this world run so smoothly maintaining the harmoniz ation, dexterity and a perfect balance of complex life forms. Thus, there must be a premeditated and decree brainpower behind these synchronizations, here emerges a belief that a force is certain beyond the nature and it is something supernatural! (â€Å"Teleological Arguments for God's Existence†). ... According to William Paley, heavenly bodies wander with perfect accuracy in their fixed paths and orbits. Every living organism possesses a complex life form structure meeting various metabolic processes and their requirements every fraction of second. These intricacies just happen and it is solely the creation of God (â€Å"Teleological Arguments for God's Existence†). Besides, there are individuals called Agnostic who raise the next question: "If God is all-powerful and all-forgiving, why must he send his son to die for his sins. Couldn't God just forgive the sins without sending his son down in human form to die? So what, so God dies for a few hours, how does that in any way forgive a sin...?†God has made us follow the path of truth. There’s a fear of punishment that is deep seated in minds of those who practice truth in every aspect of life, who are honest and do what is right, do justice and stay away from committing sinful acts, such as robbery, theft, murd er or abuse of any kind (â€Å"Good Question...Why Can't God Just Forgive Sin, Instead of Demanding Justice?†) . Although these arguments could convince millions, in the present scenario of rapid science development (with the conception of the evolution of life and various life forms, evolution of planets and the universe, forces behind each movement, theories, interpretations and explanations about the happenings taking place in the universe) teleological arguments are taken to some different path. According to the present arguments, spotlight lies on the fact of "fine-tuning" of the universe to support life. This is an objection to the Paley’s view as the present opposition is based on the theory of evolution and, hence, the aforementioned arguments are less
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